Wednesday, May 31, 2017

25412 20:20 Traction 66/6

20:20 Traction

Brutality 23

Brianna’s sudden appearance unsettled me. I was haunted by the image of her tearing Cedric’s genitals away with her teeth. I was haunted by what I had done to her. I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist. Brianna stood there staring at me. I focused on her and thought, “What?” I heard her voice in my mind, “Lavinia wants you downstairs.”

“If she wanted me, she would tell me herself.”

“She’s telling you now.”

Selene walked in the bathroom naked and covered in blood. She carried Antonija’s severed head by the hair. I took long, slow breaths trying to stay calm. Selene dropped Antonija’s head in the toilet, closed the lid and sat down.

I went to my room, put on my black robe and ran downstairs to the basement. The torture table and floor were covered in blood, but no Lavinia. I heard her voice, “The door behind the stairs.”

The door led to a small room. The only furniture in the room was a mattress on the floor. That’s where Lavinia had been placed. All her clothing had been removed, bandages covered her face, chest and what remained of her legs; they had been cut off just above the knee. I couldn’t help glancing at her pussy. I felt ashamed, scared and excited knowing that she knew everything I was thinking. I heard her voice in my mind, “Get me a blanket.”

After rummaging around the basement, I found a blanket and a pillow. I covered her up, gently lifted her head and eased the pillow under it. The only thing I could see was her long black hair and mouth. Her lips were battered and swollen, all of her front teeth had been broken off or knocked out completely. I sat down on the floor beside her.

Lavinia’s voice said, “Turn off the light and lay down beside me.”

After I turned off the light and laid down, her voice said, “Stare into the darkness.” After a few minutes, a red light came on in the room. I looked up and was frozen in terror. A black spider the size of large dog hung from the ceiling right above me. The whole room was covered with webs. The light went off. I felt something land on top of me. My voice failed me when I tried to scream, my body refused to move.

A blue light came on. Lavinia’s black and red mask was inches in front of my face. She sat straight up, straddling my stomach. Her eight arms fanned out like an angel’s wings. In her hands she held three human heads, four daggers and a key. The light went off. My robe was pulled open, I felt hands wandering, massaging, tickling, pinching, stroking and probing everywhere and all at once. Then, they were gone.

I felt Lavinia’s hand grab onto mine. She squeezed it tight. I heard her voice in my mind, “Antonija’s body has just been discovered. In a couple minutes, Sally will find Selene and the head. Sally will execute Selene on the spot. You will stay here with me until breakfast. When you get to breakfast, Damijana and Sally will be seated as equals at the heads of the table. All remaining seats will be occupied by my slaves. The Matriarch will no longer sit at the table.”

I wondered why she wanted me down there. She answered my idle thought, “You’re the only one I trust and I want you here.”


“You’re in love with me.”

I refused to believe what I already knew. “Not the way you think.”

I heard her laughter in my head, “I don’t need to make assumptions. You can’t hide anything from me.”

“You have to be able to feel love to recognize…”

A white light came on. A young Lavinia sat on top of me. She leaned over and brought her face close to mine. Scalding hot tears poured from her eyes burning my face and neck. I kicked my legs, flailed around and screamed. The light went off. The burning went away.

She squeezed my hand tighter, “You are familiar with the pain that created me, both me and that pain are a part of you. I am your answer to that pain, the answer you’ve spent your whole life seeking.”

“What is your plan for me?”

“Feel where you are right now. This will be your role.”

“You’ve made me your slave against my will and now you want my love?”

“Your will has been aligned with mine for very long time, since long before you were consciously aware of my existence. I already have your love. Do you want me to prove it? Leave. Go ahead. Go. I‘ll help you. I‘ll divert everyone‘s attention away from you. There is a fortune hidden in this house. I‘ll make sure you leave with all the money you‘ll ever need. You can take one of the cars parked outside. Go. I‘m serious. This isn‘t a trick. If you don‘t love me get up and go.”

I didn’t move.

Her voice said, “Tell me I’m beautiful. Say it out loud.”

“You’re beautiful.”

“Tell me you love me.”

“I love you Lavinia.” She let go of my hand and covered me with her blanket. I fell asleep lying next to her.

I was awoken by her voice. “Get up and go to my office. Find some clothes, get dressed and go to the table.”

When I got to the dining room. The Gothic Girl and Sally were seated at the heads of the table. Brianna was the only other person seated. I sat down to the Gothic Girl’s right. The Gothic Girl picked up the sugar bowl and placed it in the center of the table. She said, “We need to fill the table out, quickly. I will bring the woman out of confinement after breakfast. Lavinia requires that each of us bring one new member to table every 30 days. Each of us must also bring in meat every 30 days and she wants us to start taking slaves.”

Black Sally said, “That’s going to get crowded.”

“When the table grows to sixteen, eight will start a new table. Lavinia will rule over all new tables spawned by this one.” She looked at me, “You and Brianna are to make the new woman suffer when I bring her out. We will have a lot of new blood coming in and we need you all to develop as quickly as possible, especially you two. Lavinia wants a dramatic increase in the amount of realization and strengthening exercises. For those of you that are new, that means that she wants a lot more torture to take place in this house.”

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