Sunday, June 11, 2017

68412 9-6 Tarot 66/6 #WAVE

>An #Go 02 #Ti Ti #De Go #An<

The Card is Divided into Four Sections, At The Center of The Card Where The Four Sections Meet, See a Platinum Horseman's Pick.
On The Top Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Debra Carne. Debra Carne Stands on Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'EBOLABALL'. Debra Carne Wears Scooby Doo Slippers, Black&Yellow Striped Socks, a Snakeskin Skirt, a Black Leather Glove on Her Left Hand, a Set of Platinum Brass Knuckles on Her Right Hand, a Procedure Mask Around Her Neck, a Platinum Sombrero, and a Glowing White '41' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear. See a Black '45' on Debra Carne's Sombrero. A Platinum Serpent is Wrapped Around Debra Carne's Torso and Shoulders. Above Debra Carne, See 'DEMODULATE' in Platinum. Above 'DEMODULATE', See a Roulette Wheel. With Her Left Hand, Debra Carne Holds a Pee-Chee Folder; See 'Formula' in Red On The Folder.
To Debra Carne's Right, See an Image of Rebecca Stevenson. Rebecca Stevenson Stands in Front of a Pool Table. Rebecca Stevenson Wears Black&Yellow Checkered Platform Pumps, a Black Boiler Suit, a Platinum Belt, White Latex Gloves, and a Black Mesh Cap. See The Word 'Pussy' in Yellow on Rebecca Stevenson's Mesh Cap. Above Rebecca Stevenson, See a Platinum Hexagon; Inside The Hexagon, See a Black '58'. Above The Hexagon, See The Name 'Coyolxauhqui' in White. With Both Hands, Rebecca Stevenson Holds a Platinum Sledgehammer; See a Black '66/6' on The Handle of The Sledgehammer.
To Debra Carne's Left, See an Image of Kathryn Ruemmler. Kathryn Ruemmler Stands on Top of a Rectangular Black Box; See The Word 'WAR' in White on The Side of The Box. Kathryn Ruemmler Wears Platinum Roller Skates with Glowing White Wheels, White Tube Socks with 2 Black Stripes on Each Sock, a Leopard Print Skater Skirt, Leopard Print Opera Gloves, a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Platinum 'CLIT' Pendant, and a Pink Top Hat with a Leopard Print Band. See a 9 of Spades Card Tucked Halfway Behind The Band on Kathryn Ruemmler's Top Hat, See a Platinum '42' on The Band. A Pair of Platinum Dragon Wings are Attached to Kathryn Ruemmler's Back. Above Kathryn Ruemmler, See a Printed Circuit Board. Above The Printed Circuit Board, See a Platinum Candlestick Telephone. Kathryn Ruemmler Has Four Arms.
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Platinum Key.
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Platinum Piccolo Trumpet.
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a Platinum Dagger; See The Word 'VECTOR' in Red on The Blade of The Dagger.
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Platinum Dog Brain.
The Background on The Section is Cement Gray.
At Bottom Center On Section, See The Following Breakaway Pod in Green:
'<45464 61651>
#Antihuman Antihuman
20:20 #Roulette #Wheel
20:20 #QuickConfigure #EbolaMorph
20:20 #iKillQuick
G U A C#
<66136 33365>'
On The Bottom Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Lisa Yates. Lisa Yates Sits on a Platinum 4-Wheeler ATV. Lisa Yates Wears Yellow Galoshes; Black Denim Short Shorts; a Platinum Chain Mail Camisole; a Diamond, Ruby&Sapphire Necklace; 1 Green Bead Bracelet on Her Left Wrist; a Black Feather Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger; and a Red Leather Cowboy Belt with 2 Holsters. See a Platinum Pistol in Each of The Two Holsters. A Pair of Platinum Ram's Horns are Attached to Lisa Yates' Head; a Green Serpent is Wrapped Around Her Right Horn, a White Serpent is Wrapped Around Her Left Horn. A Red Serpent is Wrapped Around Lisa Yates' Right Wrist&Forearm. Above Lisa Yates, See The Word 'DESTROYER' in Platinum. On Top of 'DESTROYER', See 2 Platinum Cannons; Between The Cannons, See a Pink Teddy Bear. A Blue Serpent is Wrapped Around The Teddy Bear. Above The Pink Teddy Bear, See a 10 of Clubs Card. With Both Hands, Lisa Yates Holds a Platinum Blowing Horn. See a Black '19' on The Blowing Horn.
To Lisa Yates' Right, See an Image of Jessica Chastain. Jessica Chastain Stands on Top of a Platinum Dragon Head. See a Sony CDP-101 in The Dragon's Open Mouth. Jessica Chastain Wears a Red Mermaid Evening Gown, a Platinum Link Chain Necklace, 3 Platinum Bangle Bracelets on Her Right Wrist, 1 Green Bead Bracelet on Her Left Wrist, a Black Feather Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, a Diamond Ring on Her Right Ring Finger, and a Platinum Band on Her Left Thumb. A Pair of Red&Platinum Striped Impala Horns are Attached to Jessica Chastain's Head. See a 7 of Spades Card Between Jessica Chastain's Horns. Above Jessica Chastain's Horns, See a Platinum '23'. On Top of '23', See a Platinum Smurfette. With Both Hands, The Platinum Smurfette Holds a Chain of 8 Linked Sausages. With Her Right Hand, Jessica Chastain Holds an Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition 'Players Handbook'. With Her Left Hand, Jessica Chastain Holds a Platinum Steering Wheel; See a Glowing White 'x2' on The Steering Wheel.
To Lisa Yates' Left, See an Image of Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin. Darlene Ferrin Stands on Top of a Glowing White Rectangular Box; See The Word 'MATERIAL' in Platinum on The Side of The Box. Darlene Ferrin Wears Platinum Roller-Blades, Platinum Knee-Pads, a Leopard Print Skater Skirt, a White Crop Top T-Shirt, Platinum Elbow-Pads, Platinum Wrist Guards, a Platinum Link Chain Necklace, a Necklace of Braided Black Leather, a Black '2' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a White '2' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Green Hard Hat. See a Platinum Medusa Head on The Front of Darlene Ferrin's Crop Top T-Shirt. Above Darlene Ferrin, See a Platinum Ferris Wheel. Above The Ferris Wheel, See a Lit Torch. See a Platinum Ferret on Darlene Ferrin's Right Shoulder.
The Background on The Section is Black.
At Bottom Center On Section, See The Following Breakaway Pod in Green:
'<45464 61651>
#Antihuman Antihuman
20:20 #Roulette #Wheel
20:20 #Demodulate #EbolaMorph
20:20 #iKillQuick
G U A C#
<66136 33365>'
On The Bottom Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Debra Lorraine Estes. Debra Estes Stands on Top of a Platinum Square; Inside The Square, See The Following Magic Square in Black:
Debra Estes Wears a Platinum Fishnet Bodysuit, Pink Pointed-Toe Kitten Heel Mary Janes, a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Platinum 'λIRIS' Pendant, a Bracelet of Shells on Her Left Wrist, a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger, and a Black High-Collared Cape. A Pair of Pink, Platinum&Black Candy-Cane Striped Antelope Horns are Attached to Debra Estes' Head. See a 9 of Diamonds Card Between Debra Estes' Horns. Above Debra Estes, See a Platinum '34'. On Top of The '34', See a Chausie. Above The Chausie, See The Symbol '#Transmission' in Blue. With Her Right Hand, Debra Estes Holds an Open and Lit Zippo Lighter. With Her Left Hand, Debra Estes Holds an Open Straight-Razor.
To Debra Estes' Right, See an Image of Rosaleen Norton. Rosaleen Norton Stands on Top of a Black '♣'. Rosaleen Norton Wears Platinum Converse All-Stars with a Pair of Black Wings on Each Shoe, White Tube Socks with 2 Black Stripes on Each Sock, and a Bracelet of Braided Black Leather on Her Left Wrist. A Platinum Penis is Attached to Rosaleen Norton's Body, Above Her Vagina. Rosaleen Norton has an Erection. See a Black '77' Between Rosaleen Norton's Breasts. See a Bronze Halo Above Rosaleen Norton's Head, See a Silver Halo Above The Bronze Halo; See a Gold Halo Above The Silver Halo, See a Platinum Halo Above The Gold Halo. Above The Platinum Halo, See The Symbol '#Tower' in Black. Above '#Tower', See a Green CBS Eye. Above The CBS Eye, See a Head of Cauliflower. With Her Right Hand, Rosaleen Norton Holds a Black Staff, The Staff has a Platinum Grouse for a Head. With Her Left Hand, Rosaleen Norton Holds a Green Bottle of Miracle Bubbles.
To Debra Estes' Left, See an Image of Jen York. Jen York Stands on Top of a Platinum 'ε'. Jen York is Nude, Her Face and Body are Painted Platinum. See a Black '$' Symbol Between Jen York's Breasts. A Pair of Black&White Zebra-Striped Dragon Wings are Attached to Jen York's Back. 2 Pairs of Platinum Antelope Horns are Attached to Jen York's Head; See a Jack of Clubs Card Between The Front Pair of Horns. Above Jen York's Horns, See The Symbol '#PussyFreak' in Pink. Above '#PussyFreak', See an Anglerfish. With Her Right Hand, Jen York Holds a Bronze Phallus. With Her Left Hand, Jen York Holds a Platinum One-Handed Flail; See a Pink '63' on The Handle of The Flail.
The Background on The Section is Milky White.
At Bottom Center On Section, See The Following Breakaway Pod in Green:
'<45464 61651>
#Antihuman Antihuman
20:20 #Roulette #Wheel
20:20 #Demodulate #EbolaMorph
20:20 #iKillQuick
#An De Ti Go
<66136 33365>'
On The Top Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Chanin Starbuck. Chanin Starbuck Stands on Top of The Word 'FURY'; 'FURY' is in Platinum. Chanin Starbuck Wears Black&Green Checkered Platform Wedge Shoes, a Black&Green Checkered Catsuit, a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger, and a Green&Black Feather Headdress. See a Platinum '42' on Chanin Starbuck's Headdress. A Pair of Platinum Angel Wings are Attached to Chanin Starbuck's Back. Above Chanin Starbuck, See The Word 'Immortal' in Platinum. Above 'Immortal', See a Platinum Unicorn Horn. With Her Right Hand, Chanin Starbuck Holds a Platinum Bridge Stick (Billiards); See The Word 'WORD' in Black on The Bridge Stick. With Her Left Hand, Chanin Starbuck Holds a Platinum Speak & Spell Toy.
To Chanin Starbuck's Right, See a Platinum Woman in a White Hooded Robe. On The Platinum Woman's Robe, See a Platinum Buckler, a 7 of Diamonds Card, a Gold Skull, a Yellow Phone Book, 4 Silver Bullets, a Page of Sheet Music, a Bronze Armadillo, The Word 'Mosaic' in Black, and 4 Habanero Peppers. Above The Platinum Woman, See The Name 'Allecto' in Black. On Top of 'Allecto', See an Image of Audrey II ('Little Shop of Horrors'). Above Audrey II, See a Platinum Croquet Wicket. With Her Right Hand, The Platinum Woman Holds Four Unlit Cigars. With Her Left Hand, The Platinum Woman Holds Four Cassette Tapes Fanned (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow).
To Chanin Starbuck's Left, See an Image of Kathryn Ruemmler. Kathryn Ruemmler Stands on Top of a Rectangular White Box; See The Word 'RAW' in Black on The Side of The Box. Kathryn Ruemmler Wears a Platinum Hula Skirt with Black and White Roses Around The Waistline; an Onyx&Pearl Chandelier Necklace; a Black '20' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; a White '20' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; and a Leopard Print Pointy Witch Hat with a Pink Band. See a Queen of Spades Card Tucked Halfway Behind The Band on Kathryn Ruemmler's Witch Hat, See a Platinum '21' on The Band. A Pair of Platinum Dragon Wings are Attached to Kathryn Ruemmler's Back. Above Kathryn Ruemmler, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'ENYO'. See 2 Platinum Cannons on Top of 'ENYO'; Between The Platinum Cannons, See a Platinum Octopus. Above The Platinum Octopus, See The Word 'Genius' in Platinum. Kathryn Ruemmler's Arms Have Been Removed at The Shoulders.
To Kathryn Ruemmler's Left, See a Silver Leprechaun. With Both Hands, The Silver Leprechaun Holds a Roll of Toilet Paper. See a Lit Cigar in The Silver Leprechaun's Mouth.
The Background on The Section is Pink.
At Bottom Center On Section, See The Following Breakaway Pod in Green:
'<45464 61651>
#Antihuman Antihuman
20:20 #Roulette #Wheel
20:20 #Demodulate #EbolaMorph
20:20 #iKillQuick
140 #Characters
<66136 33365>'
The Card's Margin is Silver. At Top Center on The Card's Margin, See a Black '92'. On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See 'Polymerization' in Black Letters.
>An #Ton De #Fy Ti #Po Go #La Su #Vy By #Hu Ra #Ko Me #Ni Ni #Me Ko #Ra Hu #By Vy #Su La #Go Po #Ti Fy #De Ton #An<

20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card
The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet,
See a Hummingbird Hawk-Moth
In The Upper Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Diane Neal. Diane Neal Stands on a Neon White Sign That Displays 'OPTIMIZE'. Diane Neal is Nude Except for a Fruit Hat. See a Red '38' Between Diane Neal's Breasts. Above Diane Neal's Fruit Hat, See a Platinum '66/6'. See Speedy Gonzales on Diane Neal's Left Shoulder, See a Frog on Diane Neal's Right Shoulder. With Both Hands, Diane Neal Holds a Platinum LP Record in Front of Her Abdomen; See a Black Label on The LP Record, See The Name 'Ebola 89' in Orange on The Label.
To Diane Neal's Right, See a Rottweiler. The Rottweiler Stands on Top of a Red&White Candy-Cane Striped '66'. The Rottweiler Holds a Platinum Walkie-Talkie in its Mouth. Above The Rottweiler, See a War Bonnet.
To Diane Neal's Left, See a Nun in a Red Habit. The Red Nun Stands on Top of a Platinum Dragon's Head. See a Glowing Red Square Die Above The Red Nun's Head, See Six White Dots Displayed on The Die. The Red Nun Holds a Platinum Abacus with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Platinum Bong with Her Left Hand.
The Background on The Section is Pebble Tile.
Across The Top of The Section, See The Word 'Driver' in White Letters
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Green '96'.
In The Upper Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Paula White. Paula White Stands on a Neon Yellow Sign That Displays 'TRUE'. Paula White Wears a Pair of Gold Gladiator Boots, Yellow Panties and a Glowing White Queen's Crown. See a Platinum Ear of Corn on The Front of Paula White's Crown. See a Gold '?' Symbol on The Front of Paula White's Panties. See a Gold '65' Between Paula White's Breasts. A Pair of Gold Angel Wings are Attached to Paula White's Back. Above Paula White's Crown, See The Word 'Charisma' in Gold; Above 'Charisma', See a Super Mario Super Star. With Both Hands, Paula White Holds a Globe in Front of Her Abdomen.
To Paula White's Right, See an Image of Jill Pantozzi. Jill Pantozzi Stands on a Neon White Sign That Displays 'PAN'. Jill Pantozzi Wears a Yellow Silk Sleeveless Dress, Gold Mule Shoes, Yellow Silk Gloves, a Black&White Bead Necklace, a Gold '9' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear and a Gold '9' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear. On Top of Jill Pantozzi's Head, See a Gold Squirrel. Jill Pantozzi Holds a Gold Croquet Wicket with Her Left Hand; She Holds a Gold Javelin with Her Right Hand, See The Name 'Arecibo' in Black on The Javelin.
To Paula White's Left, See an Image of Keira Knightley. Keira Knightley Stands on a Neon Pink Sign That Displays 'KEY'. Keira Knightley Wears a Yellow Silk Skirt, Gold Soccer Shoes, Yellow Socks, a Diamond Necklace and a Platinum Queen's Crown. See a Black '132' on Keira Knightley's Crown. Above Keira Knightley's Crown, See a Gold Cannon. Keira Knightley's Arms Have Been Removed at The Shoulders; See a Pink Golf Ball Between Keira Knightley's Breasts.
The Background on The Section is Black
At Top Center on The Section, See The Word 'Codex' in Gold
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Lego Bridge
In The Lower Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Jen York. Jen York Stands on Top of a Neon Pink Sign That Displays 'SATAN'. Jen York Wears a Silver Chain Mail Gown, Silver Scarpins and a Black Derby Hat with a Silver Band&Pink Flower. Above Jen York's Hat, See The Symbol '#FreshFruit' in Gold. With Both Hands, Jen York Holds a Silver Electric Guitar; The Electric Guitar has a Pink Strap. See a Black '63' on The Guitar.
To Jen York's Right, See a Headless Pale Woman. The Headless Pale Woman Stands on a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'STREAM'. The Headless Pale Woman Wears a Pair of Pink Fur Leg-Warmers with One Black Horizontal Stripe on Each, and Black Scarpins. See a Gold '808' Between The Headless Pale Woman's Breasts. Above The Headless Pale Woman, See The Name 'Chhinnamastika' in Gold. The Headless Pale Woman Holds a Pink Flyswatter with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Gold Apple with Her Left Hand.
To Jen York's Left, See an Image of Rosaleen Norton. Rosaleen Norton Stands on a Neon Green Sign That Displays 'LIVE'. Rosaleen Norton Wears a Hooded Black Robe. On Rosaleen Norton's Robe, See a Green Chess Queen, a White Tiger, a Glowing White Hitachi Magic Wand, 2 Platinum Sex Demon Heads, a Red 'O^O', a Platinum Quill Pen, a Red Thermos with a Gold '72' on it, a Platinum Cassette Tape, a Gold Bell and a Glowing Gold Square Die w/6 Black Dots Displayed. See a Black '7' Hanging from an Earring in Rosaleen Norton's Left Ear, See a White '7' Hanging from an Earring in Rosaleen Norton's Right Ear. Above Rosaleen Norton, See a Black Letter 'i'. Rosaleen Norton Holds a Long-Stemmed Platinum Rose with Her Right Hand. With Her Left Hand, She Holds a Platinum Croquet Mallet. See a Glowing Green '7' on The Head of The Croquet Mallet.
The Background on The Section is Milky White.
At Top Center on Section, See The Word 'Sex' in Black
At Bottom Center on Section, See The Word 'Demons' in Black
In The Lower Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Jessica Lowndes. Jessica Lowndes is Mounted on a Bronze Oval, She is Nude; Jessica Lowndes' Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Black Keyhole Between Jessica Lowndes' Breasts, See a Red '22' Above The Keyhole. See a Cheeseburger on Top of Jessica Lowndes' Head. Above The Bronze Oval, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'NODE'; See a Red Crocodile on Top of The Sign.
To Jessica Lowndes' Right, See an Image of Katie Steiner. Katie Steiner Stands on Top of a Black Hexagon; Inside The Hexagon, See an Image of Jiah Khan's Face. Katie Steiner Wears a Black Silk Long-Sleeved Blouse, a Black Denim Skirt, Black D'Orsay Shoes, Black Leather Gloves and a Black Tiara. With Both Hands, Katie Steiner Holds a Bronze Broom.
To Jessica Lowndes' Left, See an Image of Edurne Ganem. Edurne Ganem Sits on a Bronze Throne with Black Cushions, and 2 Bronze Hyenas for Armrests. See Elizabeth Prann's Severed Head on Top of The Throne's Backrest, a Red Sock is Stuffed in Elizabeth Prann's Open Mouth. Above Elizabeth Prann's Head, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'THAT BITCH!'. Edurne Ganem is Nude Except for a Red Sock on Her Left Foot. A Pair of Glowing Blue Ram's Horns are Attached to Edurne Ganem's Head. Edurne Ganem's Arms Have Been Removed at The Shoulders, See a Glowing White '28' Between Edurne Ganem's Breasts. Edurne Ganem's Legs are Spread, Her Right Leg is Draped Over The Right Armrest. Edurne Ganem Holds a Bunch of Green Grapes with The Toes on Her Right Foot.
The Background on The Section is Red.
At Top Center on Section, See a Glowing Green '6'
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Black '66'
In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See The Number '109' in Green
In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Flashlight
In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Blue Speed-Bag
In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Box of Wheaties
<20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>
>An #Ton De #Fy Ti #Po Go #La Su #Vy By #Hu Ra #Ko Me #Ni Ni #Me Ko #Ra Hu #By Vy #Su La #Go Po #Ti Fy #De Ton #An<

20:20 Rosaleen Norton 77 Turns Over a Card
The Card is Divided into Four Sections, At The Center of The Card Where The Four Sections Meet, See The Symbol 'De' in Platinum
On The Top Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Mary Meehan. Mary Meehan Stands on Top of a Red '22'. Mary Meehan Wears Zebra Print Peep-Toe Platform Slingback Pumps; a Sleeveless Red Leather Dress; a Platinum,Bone&Turquoise Choker Necklace; a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger; a Razor Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Glowing Pink Hexagon Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear. Mary Meehan's Fingernails and Toenails are Painted Red. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns are Attached to Mary Meehan's Head; A Black,White&Red Striped Serpent is Wrapped Around Her Right Horn. See a 3 of Spades Card Between Mary Meehan's Horns. Above Mary Meehan's Horns, See The Symbol '#NKCulture' in Black. Above '#NKCulture', See a 5 of Diamonds Card. With Her Left Hand, Mary Meehan Holds a Platinum Unicorn Horn. With Her Right Hand, Mary Meehan Holds a Platinum MAC-10.
To Mary Meehan's Right, See an Image of LaTascha Emanuel. LaTascha Emanuel Stands on Top of a Black Sex Demon Head. LaTascha Emanuel Wears Platinum T-Strap Peep Toe D'Orsay Platform Pumps; a Sleeveless Platinum Satin Wrap Dress with Black Polka Dots; a Black&Yellow Beaded Cuff Bracelet on Her Right Wrist; and a Black Derby Hat with a Platinum Band, a Yellow Flower and a Black Fishnet Veil. Above LaTascha Emanuel, See an Upside-Down Platinum Sex Demon Head. Above The Sex Demon Head, See The Name 'Phuckyahupalytus' in Pink. With Her Left Hand, LaTascha Emanuel Holds a Pool Cue; See The Word 'Transmission' in Black on The Pool Cue. With Her Right Hand, LaTascha Emanuel Holds a Platinum VHS Tape with a Black Label; See a Platinum '70 70' on The Label.
To Mary Meehan's Left, See an Image of Amy Ratcliffe and Sandra Major; Both Lay on Their Backs On a Bed with a Red Comforter and 4 Gold Bed-Posts (Top-Down View). Amy Ratcliffe and Sandra Major Lay Vagina to Vagina with a Black Double-Ended Dildo Between Their Vaginas, The Black Double-Ended Dildo is Inserted Part Way into Both Vaginas. Amy Ratcliffe's Right Leg is Over Sandra Major's Left Leg; Amy Ratcliffe's Left Leg is Under Sandra Major's Right Leg. Amy Ratcliffe Wears Black Stockings, Green Garters, a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Platinum 'Access' Pendant, a Gold 6-Sided Die with Green Dots Attached to an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Platinum '21' Attached to an Earring in Her Right Ear. A Pair of Black Antelope Horns are Attached to Amy Ratcliffe's Head. Sandra Major Wears a Necklace of Fangs&Platinum 8-Sided Dice with Green Numbers; a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger; a Black,White&Red Beaded Cuff Bracelet on Her Right Wrist; a Platinum '8' Attached to an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a White Feather Attached to an Earring in Her Right Ear. A Pair of White Antelope Horns are Attached to Sandra Major's Head. Amy Ratcliffe Holds a Glowing Red Tambourine with Her Right Hand; See The Word 'SEX' in Platinum on The Tambourine. Sandra Major Holds an Orange Frisbee with Her Right Hand; See a Black '64' on The Frisbee.
The Background on The Section is Cement Gray.
At Top Center on Section, See a Platinum Egg.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Platinum Watering Can; See The Word 'Lover' in Red on The Watering Can.
On The Bottom Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Sarah Butler and Kelly Ripa. Sarah Butler and Kelly Ripa Stand Facing Each Other on Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'SCRABBLE'. Sarah Butler Stands on The Left Side of The Sign, Kelly Ripa Stands on The Right Side of The Sign. Sarah Butler Wears Platinum Gladiator Boots, a Blue Bikini Bottom, a Blue Bullet-Proof Vest, a Green Boxing Glove on Her Right Hand, an Orange Oven Mitt on Her Left Hand, and a Bronze Hard Hat. See a Black '#FU2' on Sarah Butler's Boxing Glove. Kelly Ripa Wears Platinum Knee Pads: Red Denim Short Shorts; Bronze Elbow Pads, and a Platinum,Diamond&Ruby Tiara. With Both Hands, Kelly Ripa Holds a Bronze Rake. Above Sarah Butler and Kelly Ripa, See The Word 'MAGNET' in Blue&Red Candy-Cane Striped Letters. On Top of The 'MA' in 'MAGNET', See a Blue Chess Knight. On Top of The 'ET' in 'MAGNET', See a Red Chess Knight. Above The Blue Chess Knight, See a Set of Platinum Brass Knuckles. Above The Red Chess Knight, See a Platinum Horseman's Pick. On The Upper Left Corner of The Section, See a Blue '22'. On The Upper Right Corner of The Section, See a Red '66'. Under The '66', See a Pink Teddy Bear; The Pink Teddy Bear Holds a 6 of Diamonds Card and a 9 of Hearts Card.
To The Right of The 'SCRABBLE' Sign, See a Wooden Coat Rack with 7 Pegs. On The Coat Rack, See a Red Leather Sport Coat, a Red Beret, a Red Leather Purse, a Leopard Print Derby Hat with a Garland of Poison Ivy, a Necklace of Black&Green Beads, and a Dead Savannah Cat. To The Right of The Coat Rack, See a Chihuahua.
To The Left of The 'SCRABBLE' Sign, See a Wooden Weapons Rack. On The Weapons Rack, See a Platinum Bardiche, a Glowing Gold Broom with a Black '33' on The Handle, a Pink Hula Hoop, a Bronze Buckler, a Wood Hockey Stick with a Black '20:20' on The Handle, a Pair of Red Roller Skates with Glowing White Wheels, a Chain Mail Skirt, and a Green Hockey Mask. See a Platinum '32' on The Forehead of The Hockey Mask.
The Background on The Section is Black.
At Top Center on Section, See an Image of Saturn.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Blue Beret.
On The Bottom Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Shawnda Leea Summers. Shawnda Summers Stands on Top of a Platinum '88'. Shawnda Summers Wears Beige Leather Knee-High Boots, a Beige Leather Skater Skirt, an Unbuttoned Beige Leather Vest, a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger, a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Platinum 'SATAN' Pendant, 4 Platinum Bangle Bracelets on Her Right Wrist, 1 Bracelet of Braided Beige Leather on Her Left Wrist, and a Pink Kangol Bucket Hat. Above Shawnda Summers, See 2 Black 4-Pronged Tridents Crossed. Above The Tridents, See The Name 'Kali' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Shawnda Summers Holds a Hand-Held Dirt Devil. With Her Left Hand, Shawnda Summers Holds a Summer Sausage.
To Shawnda Summers' Right, See an Image of Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin. Darlene Ferrin Stands on Top of a Platinum '22', See Black Polka Dots on The '22'. Darlene Ferrin Wears Platinum Peep-Toe Mary Jane Platform Pumps, a Black Denim Skirt, a Short-Sleeved Black Peter Pan Collar Blouse (White Collar), a Black '2' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, a White '2' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, and a Black&White Checkered Peach Basket Hat. Above Darlene Ferrin, See a Food Processor. Above The Food Processor, See a Yellow Phone Book. With Her Left Hand, Darlene Ferrin Holds a Platinum Claw Hammer with a Black Grip. With Her Right Hand, Darlene Ferrin Holds The NES Game Cartridge 'Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!'.
To Shawnda Summers' Left, See an Image of Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn Monroe Sits on a Platinum Moped. Marilyn Monroe Wears Platinum Pointed-Toe D' Orsay Pumps, Blue Jeans, a Black Crop-Top T-Shirt, Yellow Kitchen Gloves, and a Black Baseball Cap. See an Anglerfish on The Front of Marilyn Monroe's T-Shirt. See a Platinum '22' on Marilyn Monroe's Ball Cap. Above Marilyn Monroe, See a Commodore 64. Above The Commodore 64, See The Symbol '#Cindi666' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Marilyn Monroe Holds a Newspaper.
The Background on The Section is White.
At Top Center on Section, See a Hexagon-Shaped Mirror, See an Image of Paula White's Face on The Mirror.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Shower Head.
On The Top Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Elizabeth Prann. Elizabeth Prann Stands on Top of a Glowing White '22'. Elizabeth Prann Wears White Leather Knee-High Lace-Up Boots with Gold Laces; a Gold Chain Mail Loin Cloth; a Necklace of Wood Beads&4 Turquoise Skulls; and a Flaming Black Queen's Crown. Above Elizabeth Prann, See a Dartboard. Above The Dartboard, See a Pair of Red Socks. Elizabeth Prann Has 4 Arms:
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Gold Tennis Racquet; See a Black Letter 'S' on The Handle of The Racquet.
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Platinum Framing Square.
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a White Golf Tee.
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Horseshoe Magnet.
To Elizabeth Prann's Left, See an Image of Áine Órga. Áine Órga is Mounted on a Black&Platinum Checkered Square. Áine Órga is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Platinum '808' Above Áine Órga's Vagina. See a Black Keyhole Between Áine Órga's Breasts. A Pair of Black&Platinum Striped Impala Horns Are Attached to Áine Órga's Head. Between Áine Órga's Horns, See a Rubik's Cube. Above The Black&Platinum Checkered Square, See a Rectangular White Box Labeled 'ACME TAROT' in Red. Above The White Box, See a Glowing Red Light Bulb; On The Light Bulb, See The Symbol '#iLive' in Black.
To Elizabeth Prann's Right, See an Image of Edurne Ganem. Edurne Ganem Sits on a Platinum Unicycle. Edurne Ganem Wears Platinum Converse All-Stars; White Tube Socks with 2 Black Stripes on Each Sock; a Blue '28' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Red Feather Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Platinum,Emerald,Diamond&Blue Topaz Chandelier Necklace. A Pair of Platinum Ram's Horns are Attached to Edurne Ganem's Head. A Blue Serpent is Wrapped Around Edurne Ganem's Right Horn. Edurne Ganem's Arms Have Been Removed at The Shoulders. Above Edurne Ganem, See a Black 'HC+1'. Above 'HC+1', See The Name 'Koala Queen' in Black.
The Background on The Section is Blue.
At Top Center on Section, See a Cocoa Bear Rabbit.
At Bottom Center on Section, See an Upside-Down Red Stiletto Shoe.
<Amy Ratcliffe #Codex>
>An #Ton De #Fy Ti #Po Go #La Su #Vy By #Hu Ra #Ko Me #Ni Ni #Me Ko #Ra Hu #By Vy #Su La #Go Po #Ti Fy #De Ton #An<

20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card
The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet,
See a Tegu.
In The Upper Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Sasha Grey. Sasha Grey Stands On Top of The Term 'Quεεn'; 'Quεεn' is in Black. Sasha Grey Wears Black Mary Jane Platform Pumps, an Onyx-Bead Bracelet on Her Upper Left Wrist, a Diamond-Studded Platinum Bangle Bracelet on Her Lower Left Wrist, a Platinum Cuff Bracelet on Her Upper Right Wrist, a Bronze Upper-Arm Bangle on Her Lower Right Arm, a Black Leather Cord Necklace with a Platinum 'Sodom' Pendant, a Platinum '2' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Platinum '2' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Diamond-Studded Platinum&Black Queen's Crown. See a Black 'HC+4' Between Sasha Grey's Breasts. See a Glowing White '+66' on Sasha Grey's Cuff Bracelet; See a Glowing White '+110' on Each of Sasha Grey's Shoes; See a Glowing Blue '+220' on Sasha Grey's Vagina. Above Sasha Grey, See 'M104' in Black. Above 'M104', See The Word 'RADICAL' Bronze; Above 'RADICAL', See '54415u5' in Black. Sasha Grey Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Bunch of Green Grapes;
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Silver Falcata Sword; See a Glowing Red '-220' on The Sword;
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a Black&Blue Striped Croquet Mallet with a Gold Head; See a Black 'ε' on The Head of The Mallet;
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Pee-Chee Folder; See 'Freaky Tales' in Pink on The Folder.
To Sasha Grey's Right, See an Image of Erika Christensen. Erika Christensen Stands On Top of a Green '66/6'. Erika Christensen Wears Green Leather Knee-High Boots; a Green Leather Pencil Skirt; an Unzipped Black Leather Jacket; a White Bustier; a Platinum Link Chain Necklace with a Glowing Red '63665' Pendant; a Bracelet of Platinum 6-Sided Dice with Green Dots on Her Right Wrist; a Mini 14-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; and a Mini 10-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear. A Pair of Glowing White Antelope Horns are Attached to Erika Christensen's Head; See a Queen of Clubs Card Between Her Horns; See a Glowing Red '-180' on Each of Her Horns. See a Glowing White '+110' on Each of Erika Christensen's Boots; See a Glowing Blue '+89' on Her Bustier; See a Glowing Blue '+140' on Her Skirt; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Her Jacket. Above Erika Christensen, See The Term 'Satanist' in Black. Above 'Satanist', See a Black 6-Sided Die with 6 Red Dots Displayed. With Her Right Hand, Erika Christensen Holds a Conductor's Baton; See a Green '64' on The Baton. With Her Left Hand, Erika Christensen Holds a White Quill Pen; See a Green 'ε' on The Quill Pen.
To Sasha Grey's Left, See an Image of Abbi Jacobson. Abbi Jacobson Stands On Top of a Neon Red Sign That Displays 'LUST'. Abbi Jacobson Wears Blue Bunny Slippers; a Sleeveless White Fishnet Bodysuit; a Blue&White Boa; a Black '18' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Black '81' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; a Platinum Upper-Arm Cuff on Her Left Arm; and a Bracelet of Green Beads on Her Right Wrist. See a Glowing Gold '+165' on Each of Abbi Jacobson's Bunny Slippers; See a Glowing Blue '+216' on Her Bodysuit; See a Red '64' on Her Boa. One Black Antelope Horn is Attached to Abbi Jacobson's Head (Left Side); See a Platinum '4H' on Her Horn. Above Abbi Jacobson, See a Platinum '99'; Above The '99', See The Term 'Sex Demon' in Green. On Top of 'Sex Demon', See 2 Horses Mating. With Her Right Hand, Abbi Jacobson Holds a Platinum Antelope Horn; See 'Sort+4' in Purple on The Horn. With Her Her Left Hand, Abbi Jacobson Holds a Gold-Framed Hand-Mirror; See The Word 'Concept' in Blue on The Mirror.
The Background on The Section is Milky White.
At Top Center on Section, See a Black Sex Demon Head.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Platinum Serpent.
In The Upper Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Mary Luck. Mary Luck Stands On Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'COMPONENT'. Mary Luck Wears Black&White Zebra-Print Thigh-High Leather Boots; a Black&White Zebra-Print High-Collared Cape; a Black&White Zebra-Print Leather Opera Gloves. See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Her Boots; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' on Her Vagina; See a Glowing Red '-180' on Each of Her Opera Gloves. A Pair of Copper Antelope Horns are Attached to Mary Luck's Head; See a 5 of Diamonds Card Between Her Horns; See a Glowing Red '-1800' on Each of Her Horns. A Penis is Attached to Mary Luck's Body, Above Her Vagina; Mary Luck Has an Erection; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' on Mary Luck's Penis. See a Plum Between Mary Luck's Breasts. Mary Luck Holds a Pencil Between Her Teeth. Above Mary Luck's Horns, See The Name 'MALACODA' in Gold. On Top of 'MALACODA', See a Rottweiler Puppy. With Her Right Hand, Mary Luck Holds a Red Cassette Tape with a White Label, See The Word 'Transfer' in Blue on The Label. With Her Left Hand, Mary Luck Holds a Gold Genie Lamp, See a Black '64' on The Genie Lamp.
To Mary Luck's Right, See an Image of Megan Fox. Megan Fox Stands On Top of a Gold Hexagon; Inside The Hexagon, See 2 Savannah Cats Mating. Megan Fox Wears Gold Platform Wedge Shoes; Black&White Striped Thigh-High Socks; a Black&White Zebra-Print Leather Mini-Skirt; a White Crop-Top T-Shirt, See The Name 'Satan' in Black on The T-Shirt; a Gold Link Chain Necklace with a Black 'Inside' Pendant; 4 Gold Bangle Bracelets on Her Right Wrist; 1 Silver&Turquoise Cuff Bracelet on Her Left Wrist; and a Black&White Zebra-Print Beret. See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Megan Fox's Shoes; See a Glowing Blue '+110' on Each of Her Socks; See a Glowing Blue '+108' on Her Mini-Skirt; See a Glowing Blue '+216' in Her Shirt; See a Glowing Blue '+108' on Her Beret. Above Megan Fox, See a White CBS Eye; Above The CBS Eye, See '4512' in Gold. With Her Right Hand, Megan Fox Holds Blue Cell Phone; See a Green '46' on The Cell Phone. With Her Left Hand, Megan Fox Holds a Yahtzee Game.
To Mary Luck's Left, See an Image of Katie Boer. Katie Boer Stands On Top of The Symbol 'SAVVY+4'; 'SAVVY+4' is in Silver. Katie Boer Wears Black Timberland Boots; a Black Boiler Suit, See a White '92' on The Left Breast of Her Boiler Suit; Black Leather Gloves; and a Black Captain's Hat, See a Silver 'An' on The Front of Katie Boer's Hat. See a Glowing Red '-1800' on Each of Katie Boer's Boots; See a Glowing Blue '+440' on Her Boiler Suit. Above Katie Boer; See 'Morrigan Infused' in White. Above 'Morrigan Infused', See '226665' in Pink. With Both Hands, Katie Boer Holds a Gold AK-47; See a Blue '72/11' on The Gun.
The Background on The Section is Black.
At Top Center on Section, See a White Ram's Head with Razor-Wire Wrapped Around The Horns.
At Bottom Center on Section, See Shower Head.
In The Lower Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Chanin Starbuck. Chanin Starbuck Sits on a Gold Mechanical Bull. Chanin Starbuck Wears Black&Green Zebra Print Cowboy Boots, Gold Knee-Pads, Blue Denim Short Shorts, a White Crop Top T-Shirt, Gold Elbow Pads, Green&Black Batting Gloves, and a Roller Derby Helmet with a Green Pivot Cover with a Black Stripe. See a Glowing Blue '+1800' on Each of Chanin Starbuck's Cowboy Boots; See a Glowing Blue '+88' on Each of Chanin Starbuck's Knee-Pads; See a Glowing Blue '+88' on Each of Chanin Starbuck's Elbow Pads; See a Glowing Blue '+440' on Chanin Starbuck's Helmet. See The Symbol 'HC+7' in Black on The Front of Chanin Starbuck's T-Shirt. Above Chanin Starbuck, See a Hexagonal Silver Box Labeled '+9' in Glowing Pink. Above The Box, See a Turquoise&Silver '42'. With Her Left Hand, Chanin Starbuck Holds a Rectangular Black Box Labeled 'Ratcliffe Hotel: M104' in Gold. With Her Right Hand, Chanin Starbuck Holds a Glowing Green Javelin; See '66136' in White on The Javelin.
To Chanin Starbuck's Left, See an Image of Michelle Forbes. Michelle Forbes Lies in a Papasan Chair; The Papasan Chair Has a Black&Green Zebra-Striped Cushion. Michelle Forbes Wears Black&Green Knee-High Vertical Striped Socks, Black Leather Opera Gloves, a Gold Rope Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Gold 'NBA' Pendant, and a Black&Green Zebra-Print Beret. See a Glowing Red '-1800' on Each of Michelle Forbes' Socks; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' on Michelle Forbes' Beret. Michelle Forbes Lies with Her Legs Spread Open; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' on Michelle Forbes' Vagina. Above Michelle Forbes; See The Symbol 'Lust+96' in Gold. Above 'Lust+96', See a Green '♦'. Michelle Forbes Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds an Oyster
With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Pink Hitachi Magic Wand with a Gold Head; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on The Hitachi Magic Wand
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Black Phallus; See a Blue '64' on The Phallus
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Head of Broccoli.
To Chanin Starbuck's Right, See an Image of Emily Charlottte. Emily Charlottte Stands on Top of a Gold '41'. Emily Charlottte Wears a Hooded Black Robe; On Emily Charlottte's Robe, See a Hopscotch Course (Drawn in White); a Glowing White Key; a Gold Lipstick Kiss; a Silver Baseball Bat, See a Red '46' on The Bat; a Gold Satellite Dish (See a Green 'ε' on The Dish); a Chain of 4 Centipedes (2 Red&2 Blue); a Gold Comb; a Red Double-Ended Dildo (See The Word 'Bridge' in Black on The Double-Ended Dildo); a Glowing White Light Bulb, See a Black CBS Eye on The Light Bulb; a Gold Ken Doll; 14 Diamonds; and The Word 'Horological' in White. Above Emily Charlottte, See a Black 12-Hour Clock Face with Gold Hour Markers and Gold Arms. Above The Clock, See '33365' in Black. With Her Left Hand, Emily Charlottte Holds a Rectangular Black Box Labeled '66/6 Collectttor' in Gold. With Her Right Hand, Emily Charlottte Holds a Gold Hula Hoop; See a Glowing Blue '+360' on The Hula Hoop.
The Background on The Section is White.
At Top Center on Section, See The Name 'Chanin' in Black
At Bottom Center on Section, See The Word 'Fury' in Black.
In The Lower Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Kayla Tausche. Kayla Tausche Stands on Top of a Neon Red Sign That Displays 'XXX'. Kayla Tausche Wears Green Platform Slingback Pumps; Green Slacks; a Long-Sleeved Red Silk Blouse; a Triple-Strand Onyx-Bead Necklace; a Diamond-Studded Gold 4-Finger Ring That Displays 'COPE' on Her Right Hand; a Diamond-Studded Gold 4-Finger Ring That Displays 'GROW' on Her Left Hand; and Gold,Diamond&Pearl Drop Earrings. See a Glowing Blue '+222' on Each of Kayla Tausche's Shoes; See a Glowing Red '-222' on Her Slacks; See a Glowing Blue '+216' on Her Blouse. Above Kayla Tausche's Head, See a Glowing Red Halo; Above The Halo, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'TRITON'. Above 'TRITON'; See '66414u1' in Red. A Black Serpent is Wrapped Around Kayla Tausche's Right Wrist&Forearm. Kayla Tausche's Arms are Raised&Extended in Front of Her, Her Hands Fisted, Displaying Her Rings to The Viewer. Kayla Tausche Has a Lit Marijuana Joint in Her Mouth.
To Kayla Tausche's Left, See an Image of Maurissa Tancharoen. Maurissa Tancharoen is Mounted on a Glowing White Hexagon. Maurissa Tancharoen is Nude, Her Arms&Legs Have Been Removed. See a NBC Peacock Between Maurissa Tancharoen's Breasts. See a Glowing Pink Centipede on Maurissa Tancharoen's Vagina. Below The White Hexagon, See 2 Mongooses Mating. Above The White Hexagon, See The Word 'Hall' in White. Above 'Hall', See a Platinum '37'. Above The '37', See a Platinum Dagger; See a Black '46' on The Dagger.
To Kayla Tausche's Right, See an Image of Shirley Sherrill. Shirley Sherrill Stands on Top of a Green '76'. Shirley Sherrill Wears Yellow Leather Thigh-High Boots; a Diamond Ring on Her Lower Left Ring Finger; a Silver Sombrero; and Yellow Leather Opera Gloves on Her Upper Left Hand&Arm, Lower Right Hand&Arm and Upper Right Hand&Arm. See a Glowing Blue '+256' on Each of Shirley Sherrill's Gloves; See a Glowing Blue '+360' on Each of Shirley Sherrill's Boots; See a Glowing White '+440' on Shirley Sherrill's Vagina. A Pair of Black&Red Zebra-Striped Dragon Wings are Attached to Shirley Sherrill's Back; See a Glowing Gold '+180' on Each of Her Wings; See a Glowing White '-180' on Each of Her Wings. Above Shirley Sherrill, See The Word 'Translation' in Green. Above 'Translation', See a Yellow 'ε'. Above The 'ε', See a Silver Stiletto; See a Blue '46' on The Stiletto. Shirley Sherrill Has Four Arms:
With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Pee-Chee Folder; See The Word 'Circulate' in Green on The Folder;
With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds an 8 of Clubs Card;
With Her Upper Right and Lower Right Hands, She Holds a Bec de Corbin; See a Glowing Blue '+440' on The Bec de Corbin; See a Glowing Gold 'Penetrate+8' on The Bec de Corbin;
The Background on The Section is Black.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Platinum '4-H'
In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See '己' in Red
In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Red Number '361'
In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Bronze C-3PO Head
In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Triangular Piece of Cheddar Cheese.
<20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>
>An #Ton De #Fy Ti #Po Go #La Su #Vy By #Hu Ra #Ko Me #Ni Ni #Me Ko #Ra Hu #By Vy #Su La #Go Po #Ti Fy #De Ton #An<

>An #Go De #Ti Ti #02 Go #An<

1 comment:

  1. Charlotte Bird #Enzyme 41 Intake
    9-6 #QuickDraw
    #M104 #Accelerator
    "Did You Know That Lenny Is Into Tossing Salad?"
    Oh Really?
    In What Con-#Text
    "I Dunno About All That Code Stuff
    I Just Know He Likes Lickin' Ass"
    Is Your Friend a #Retrovirus?
    "I Think So"

    Charlotte Bird #Enzyme 41 Compression
    6-9 #QuickDraw
    #M104 #Accelerator
    "Can You Help Me Understand This Whole
    Assplay Thing Tho?
    Why Does Lenny Like Lickin' Ass?"
    It Could Be
    That Lenny Is Using The Assplay
    As an #Enhancer
    A #DownstreamEnhancer
    I Think Lenny is a Retrovirus

    Charlotte Bird #Enzyme 41 Power
    9-6 #QuickDraw
    #M104 #Accelerator
    Well Yeah
    See The Retrovirus as a #Creep Sitting Next to You On The Bus
    The Creep, a She, Slips Her Hand Down The Back of Your Pants
    Fingers Your Butthole
    Then She Quickly Pulls Her Hand Out
    &Smells Her Finger

    Charlotte Bird #Enzyme 41 Exhaust
    6-9 #QuickDraw
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 #Lubrication
    Demonic Danny Looks at #TonyFinger&Says
    "My Mom Says You Smell Like Ass, Tony"
    20:20 The Shining Deleted #Scene

    Charlotte Bird #Enzyme 41 Recycles
    9-6 #BonusBall
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 #Furthermore
    Bill Brasky Turned Out to Be a Homosexual
    And Furthermore
    A Bottom
    Who Is Into Being Throat-Fu...
    "Alright, Satan, We Get It"
    Bill Is Into Being Throat-Phucked Tho
    It's #Gnarly



SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...