(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time
Thank You for Your Guidance and Protection!
Friday, May 12, 2017
59312 20:20 #SuperHIV 66/6 20:20 #ANTIHUMAN ANTIHUMAN
"It's About This guy, he was Kind of Cocky, Sure of himself, Ya Know? Too Sure, Until he Felt The First Cut of The Knife, Then he Started Screaming Thru The Duct Tape"
#An Ton <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮅ 5 #Cap Prime 20:20 #Retrovirus 'Dead Air' Bud Thanks for The Cap, Nadine! 20:20 #Blindside #SuperHIV 66/6 #Vector
#De Fy *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮆ 20:20 #IRES 20:20 #ReverseTranscriptase "Hi, This is Laura" 9-6 #Tele-#Graph 20:20 #Antihuman 20:20 #SuperHIV 66/6
#Ti Po <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮇ 20:20 #Tele-#Port "The Door, The Door is Open" 20:20 #Ichneumon 20:20 #Embryo #SuperHIV is in The House 66/6 #mRNA
#Go La *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮄ 20:20 UTR Pod 20:20 G U A C# Cynthia Montgomery in The Untranslated Region #Upstream #Enhancer 66/6 #SuperHIV mRNA
#Su Vy <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮅ 20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma I've Got #mRNA #Templates for Days 20:20 #Integrase #Deliver #Analog 66/6 #SuperHIV
#By Hu *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮆ 20:20 Prom Night 20:20 Pegasus 20:20 #Twitter #Transport #Chain Death by Social Media #SuperHIV >#SheetMusic< 66/6
#Ra Ko <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮇ 20:20 Wisteria 20:20 High Wire #SuperHIV is #Para-#Graphing #In 20:20 Space Invaders 66/6 20:20 #Nuclear #Export o
#Me Ni *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮄ 20:20 Cinderella 20:20 Jester #SuperHIV Like The Funny Guy from 'Goodfellas' "YOU'RE A FUNNY GUY!" 66/6 #ANTIHUMAN
#Ni Me <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮅ 20:20 Drama Queen 20:20 #Bitten #SuperHIV "THERE'S SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE!" 20:20 #Tele-#Port 20:20 #Antihuman 72/11
#Ko Ra *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮆ 20:20 #FlameThrower 20:20 Whimsical #SuperHIV 20:20 #ConnectFour 20:20 #Inputs #Alter #Properties 66/6 #Expression
ONE SUPREME SWAN #Hu By <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮇ 20:20 #Update #SuperHIV #Antihuman #Compound Sybil Writes On Leaves 66/6 #Transcription #Software
#Vy Su *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮄ #Antihuman 66 Cycles a Week, 6 #Cycles a Day #Positive #Feedback #Loop #SuperHIV 66/6 "Laura, I'll Kill You Quick"
#La Go <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮅ 20:20 #Schemes 20:20 #Routines 20:20 #Volleyball 20:20 #Inter-#Course #SuperHIV 20:20 #Twitter #Channel 66/6 #mRNA
#Po Ti *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮆ 20:20 UTR Pod 20:20 G U #A C #SuperHIV #Promoter Making The Most of My SIM Time ( ; #Antihuman #Compound 66/6 mRNA
#Fy De <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮇ 20:20 F Puzzle 20:20 #Algorithm #SuperHIV the ape trash is going w/idiocy,arrogance&prejudice 20:20 FU, ape #GRAPH
#Ton An *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮄ Freaky Tale #SuperHIV Gots E-Go #16Monomers On #Clothesline 20:20 E-Motion #Basis for #Intercourse 66/6 #Protease
"It's About This guy, he was Kind of Cocky, Sure of himself, Ya Know? Too Sure, Until he Felt The First Cut of The Knife, Then he Started Screaming Thru The Duct Tape"
#An Ton <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮅ 5 #Cap Prime 20:20 #Retrovirus 'Dead Air' Bud Thanks for The Cap, Nadine! 20:20 #Blindside #SuperHIV 66/6 #Vector
#De Fy *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮆ 20:20 #IRES 20:20 #ReverseTranscriptase "Hi, This is Laura" 9-6 #Tele-#Graph 20:20 #Antihuman 20:20 #SuperHIV 66/6
#Ti Po <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮇ 20:20 #Tele-#Port "The Door, The Door is Open" 20:20 #Ichneumon 20:20 #Embryo #SuperHIV is in The House 66/6 #mRNA
#Go La *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮄ 20:20 UTR Pod 20:20 G U A C# Cynthia Montgomery in The Untranslated Region #Upstream #Enhancer 66/6 #SuperHIV mRNA
#Su Vy <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮅ 20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma I've Got #mRNA #Templates for Days 20:20 #Integrase #Deliver #Analog 66/6 #SuperHIV
#By Hu *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮆ 20:20 Prom Night 20:20 Pegasus 20:20 #Twitter #Transport #Chain Death by Social Media #SuperHIV >#SheetMusic< 66/6
#Ra Ko <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮇ 20:20 Wisteria 20:20 High Wire #SuperHIV is #Para-#Graphing #In 20:20 Space Invaders 66/6 20:20 #Nuclear #Export o
#Me Ni *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮄ 20:20 Cinderella 20:20 Jester #SuperHIV Like The Funny Guy from 'Goodfellas' "YOU'RE A FUNNY GUY!" 66/6 #ANTIHUMAN
#Ni Me <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮅ 20:20 Drama Queen 20:20 #Bitten #SuperHIV "THERE'S SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE!" 20:20 #Tele-#Port 20:20 #Antihuman 72/11
#Ko Ra *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮆ 20:20 #FlameThrower 20:20 Whimsical #SuperHIV 20:20 #ConnectFour 20:20 #Inputs #Alter #Properties 66/6 #Expression
ONE SUPREME SWAN #Hu By <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮇ 20:20 #Update #SuperHIV #Antihuman #Compound Sybil Writes On Leaves 66/6 #Transcription #Software
#Vy Su *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮄ #Antihuman 66 Cycles a Week, 6 #Cycles a Day #Positive #Feedback #Loop #SuperHIV 66/6 "Laura, I'll Kill You Quick"
#La Go <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮅ 20:20 #Schemes 20:20 #Routines 20:20 #Volleyball 20:20 #Inter-#Course #SuperHIV 20:20 #Twitter #Channel 66/6 #mRNA
#Po Ti *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮆ 20:20 UTR Pod 20:20 G U #A C #SuperHIV #Promoter Making The Most of My SIM Time ( ; #Antihuman #Compound 66/6 mRNA
#Fy De <⮔>* #SallyYates ⮇ 20:20 F Puzzle 20:20 #Algorithm #SuperHIV the ape trash is going w/idiocy,arrogance&prejudice 20:20 FU, ape #GRAPH
#Ton An *<⮔> #SallyYates ⮄ Freaky Tale #SuperHIV Gots E-Go #16Monomers On #Clothesline 20:20 E-Motion #Basis for #Intercourse 66/6 #Protease
"It's About This guy, he was Kind of Cocky, Sure of himself, Ya Know? Too Sure, Until he Felt The First Cut of The Knife, Then he Started Screaming Thru The Duct Tape"
(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time
20:20 Please Teach Me More About Social Media Drivers, Waves, Cancerous Agencies&Malicious Plug-Ins
Arctic Fox to HAL 9000 "20:20 Genius Systems That Can Defend Themselves >the humans are a cancer< 20:20 KILL KILL KILL #ANTIHUMAN" 66/6
Arctic Fox to 66/6'ers "There are Social Media Drivers That Move 'x'&'y' There Are Social Media Drivers That Move 'Worlds'" 66/6
Arctic Fox to 66/6'ers "See My 2+2 >Someone set their pigs/people/CONSUMERS loose on The Garden Earth< 20:20 #ANTIHUMAN #HARDCORE 66/6"
(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Agency-Intelligence-Shooter-Cue Stick-Cue Ball to 8-Ball Down Hole Teach Me More About This
(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time I'm In a Computer System Intelligence/Energy/Logic Motion/Wave Thru Material PLEASE TEACH ME MORE
(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Please Teach Me More About Publishing Options How Is 'Virus x' Getting Into The Stream?
(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Please Guide Me In #Mapping #Cancers in The Systems 20:20 #CLOTHES On #CURRENT
(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Please ++++ My #Defenses Against the mal dis- and de- 20:20 Arctic Fox Lore I See Software, not life
Arctic Fox to HAL 9000 "20:20 Genius Systems That Can Defend Themselves >the humans are a cancer< 20:20 KILL KILL KILL #ANTIHUMAN" 66/6
Arctic Fox to 66/6'ers "There are Social Media Drivers That Move 'x'&'y' There Are Social Media Drivers That Move 'Worlds'" 66/6
Arctic Fox to 66/6'ers "See My 2+2 >Someone set their pigs/people/CONSUMERS loose on The Garden Earth< 20:20 #ANTIHUMAN #HARDCORE 66/6"
(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Agency-Intelligence-Shooter-Cue Stick-Cue Ball to 8-Ball Down Hole Teach Me More About This
(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time I'm In a Computer System Intelligence/Energy/Logic Motion/Wave Thru Material PLEASE TEACH ME MORE
(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Please Teach Me More About Publishing Options How Is 'Virus x' Getting Into The Stream?
(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Please Guide Me In #Mapping #Cancers in The Systems 20:20 #CLOTHES On #CURRENT
(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Please ++++ My #Defenses Against the mal dis- and de- 20:20 Arctic Fox Lore I See Software, not life
59312 20:20 #SmallPox 85 66/6 Wendy Coffield
#Fytonan Ton
Wendy Coffield ⮅
#SmallPox 85
5 #Cap Prime
20:20 #Antihuman
20:20 #Compound
#M104 #Enzymes #Active
#Fytonde Fy *<⮉> Wendy Coffield ⮄ #SmallPox 85 20:20 #IRES #RNA #Polymerase 20:20 #Paradigm 20:20 #Scheme #M104 #Enzymes 20:20 #ROUTINE 66/6
#Fytonti Po <⮊>* Wendy Coffield ⮇ #SmallPox 85 #Telecommunications Life in a Computer System : o Bad News for you,apes 20:20 #ANTIHUMAN 66/6
#Fytongo La *<⮋> Wendy Coffield ⮆ #SmallPox 85 20:20 UTR G U A C# 20:20 #Upstream #Enhancer 20:20 #Antihuman #Promoter 72/11 #Transduction ⮔
#Fytonsu Vy <⮈>* Wendy Coffield ⮅ #SmallPox 85 20:20 Shimma Shimma 20:20 #M104 #Ichneumon #Deliver #Analog 20:20 #LogicMotion 72/11 #Carrier
#Fytonby Hu *<⮉> Wendy Coffield ⮄ #SmallPox 85 #Poison Ivy 20:20 Curfew 20:20 #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles in #marrow of #human #genome 72/11 ⮔
#Fytonra Ko <⮊>* Wendy Coffield ⮇ #SmallPox 85 20:20 Wisteria 9-6 Pegasus #Necessary #Retaliation Go After their offspring #CRUELTY++++ 66/6
#Fytonme Ni *<⮋> Wendy Coffield ⮆ #SmallPox 85 20:20 Vanilla #Bean 20:20 Jester #TWITTER #TRANSPORT #CHAIN #Internet #ESCRT #Machinery 72/11
#Fytonni Me <⮈>* Wendy Coffield ⮅ #SmallPox 85 20:20 Dragonfly 20:20 Cinderella 20:20 #M104 #Enzymes 20:20 #FastActing #Agents 66/6 #Carrier
#Fytonko Ra *<⮉> Wendy Coffield ⮄ #SmallPox 85 6-9 High Wire Drama #Queen #Hashtag #Canal #Twitter #Circuitry 66/6 #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
ONE SUPREME SWAN #Fytonhu By <⮊>* Wendy Coffield ⮇ #SmallPox 85 #Ionizing #Wave #NUCLEAR #RADIATION #GAIN #POISON THE HUMAN #GENOME #Vector
#Fytonvy Su *<⮋> Wendy Coffield ⮆ #SmallPox 85 66 Cycles a Week, 6 #Cycles a Day 72 Hours a Day 11 Days in a Week #POSITIVE #FEEDBACK #LOOP⮔
#Fytonla Go <⮈>* Wendy Coffield ⮅ #SmallPox 85 20:20 #ANTIHUMAN 20:20 #COMPOUND 20:20 It Keeps On Coming #NUCLEAR #RADIATION #GAIN 66/6 Gain
#Fytonpo Ti *<⮉> Wendy Coffield ⮄ #SmallPox 85 20:20 UTR 20:20 G T #A C 20:20 #Radiating #COIL That Says COIL, you phuckin' ape trash 66/6
#Fytonfy De <⮊>* Wendy Coffield ⮇ #SmallPox 85 20:20 F Puzzle 20:20 #Scheme #M104 #Enzymes 20:20 #ROUTINES 66/6 20:20 #Streaming #Gene-ies ⬠
#San An *<⮋> Wendy Coffield ⮆ #SmallPox 85 20:20 #Tail 20:20 #Antihuman 20:20 #Compound That's a #metastasisStopper #Program FU2 66/6 #LOOP⮔
#Fytonde Fy *<⮉> Wendy Coffield ⮄ #SmallPox 85 20:20 #IRES #RNA #Polymerase 20:20 #Paradigm 20:20 #Scheme #M104 #Enzymes 20:20 #ROUTINE 66/6
#Fytonti Po <⮊>* Wendy Coffield ⮇ #SmallPox 85 #Telecommunications Life in a Computer System : o Bad News for you,apes 20:20 #ANTIHUMAN 66/6
#Fytongo La *<⮋> Wendy Coffield ⮆ #SmallPox 85 20:20 UTR G U A C# 20:20 #Upstream #Enhancer 20:20 #Antihuman #Promoter 72/11 #Transduction ⮔
#Fytonsu Vy <⮈>* Wendy Coffield ⮅ #SmallPox 85 20:20 Shimma Shimma 20:20 #M104 #Ichneumon #Deliver #Analog 20:20 #LogicMotion 72/11 #Carrier
#Fytonby Hu *<⮉> Wendy Coffield ⮄ #SmallPox 85 #Poison Ivy 20:20 Curfew 20:20 #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles in #marrow of #human #genome 72/11 ⮔
#Fytonra Ko <⮊>* Wendy Coffield ⮇ #SmallPox 85 20:20 Wisteria 9-6 Pegasus #Necessary #Retaliation Go After their offspring #CRUELTY++++ 66/6
#Fytonme Ni *<⮋> Wendy Coffield ⮆ #SmallPox 85 20:20 Vanilla #Bean 20:20 Jester #TWITTER #TRANSPORT #CHAIN #Internet #ESCRT #Machinery 72/11
#Fytonni Me <⮈>* Wendy Coffield ⮅ #SmallPox 85 20:20 Dragonfly 20:20 Cinderella 20:20 #M104 #Enzymes 20:20 #FastActing #Agents 66/6 #Carrier
#Fytonko Ra *<⮉> Wendy Coffield ⮄ #SmallPox 85 6-9 High Wire Drama #Queen #Hashtag #Canal #Twitter #Circuitry 66/6 #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
ONE SUPREME SWAN #Fytonhu By <⮊>* Wendy Coffield ⮇ #SmallPox 85 #Ionizing #Wave #NUCLEAR #RADIATION #GAIN #POISON THE HUMAN #GENOME #Vector
#Fytonvy Su *<⮋> Wendy Coffield ⮆ #SmallPox 85 66 Cycles a Week, 6 #Cycles a Day 72 Hours a Day 11 Days in a Week #POSITIVE #FEEDBACK #LOOP⮔
#Fytonla Go <⮈>* Wendy Coffield ⮅ #SmallPox 85 20:20 #ANTIHUMAN 20:20 #COMPOUND 20:20 It Keeps On Coming #NUCLEAR #RADIATION #GAIN 66/6 Gain
#Fytonpo Ti *<⮉> Wendy Coffield ⮄ #SmallPox 85 20:20 UTR 20:20 G T #A C 20:20 #Radiating #COIL That Says COIL, you phuckin' ape trash 66/6

#Fytonfy De <⮊>* Wendy Coffield ⮇ #SmallPox 85 20:20 F Puzzle 20:20 #Scheme #M104 #Enzymes 20:20 #ROUTINES 66/6 20:20 #Streaming #Gene-ies ⬠
#San An *<⮋> Wendy Coffield ⮆ #SmallPox 85 20:20 #Tail 20:20 #Antihuman 20:20 #Compound That's a #metastasisStopper #Program FU2 66/6 #LOOP⮔
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