Sunday, September 17, 2017

48322 20:20 #M104 #Neuropeptide 109 66/6

Ton *<⬢> 109 ⮅ ⮈ 20:20 5 Prime 20:20 I've Got Apps I've Got Apps Galore I Be 66/6 41

Fy <⬣>* 109 ⮆ ⮉ 20:20 I've Got I've Got Scripts for Days 20:20 66/6 oo

Po *<⬢> 109 ⮇ ⮊ 20:20 I've Got I've Got a - I've Got a This is 66/6 Pod

La <⬣>* 109 ⮄ ⮋ A C G U# 20:20 20:20 66/6 20:20

Vy *<⬢> 109 ⮅ ⮈ 20:20 20:20 Shimma Shimma 89 I've Got This is 66/6

Hu <⬣>* 109 ⮆ ⮉ Grandstand Wisteria 20:20 I've Got I've Got Agency for Days I'm Satan 41 66/6 The Beez Kneez

Ko *<⬢> 109 ⮇ ⮊ Chickadee Roulette 20:20 I'm So I put you on late for tardy 20:20 66/6 mRNA

Ni <⬣>* 109 ⮄ ⮋ Bada Bing High Wire I'm 20:20 I'LL HELP YOU STFU 20:20 66/6 x

Me *<⬢> 109 ⮅ ⮈ Poison Ivy Magic Act 20:20 Geez Louise Right Under your nose I Delivered My Payload 66/6 x

Ra <⬣>* 109 ⮆ ⮉ Glamorous Dragonfly "that's why I feel threatened" you say Ain't That a bitch? 20:20 FU, monkey 66/6

ONE SUPREME SWAN By *<⬢> 109 ⮇ ⮊ 20:20 I've Got Beats I've Got I've Got This is 4-H Satanism

Su <⬣>* 109 ⮄ ⮋ 20:20 I've Got I've Got a 20:20 I'm Flexing My GED : ) 66/6 Pod

Go *<⬢> 109 ⮅ ⮈ This is Every Step of The Way 20:20 &My Big Bad GED 66/6 o

Ti <⬣>* 109 ⮆ ⮉ 6-9 you've got college degrees &I BEAT YOU w/THE BASICS 20:20 GED 72/11

De *<⬢> 109 ⮇ ⮊ UTR G U C 20:20 20:20 66/6

An <⬣>* 109 ⮄ ⮋ 20:20 to a is 20:20 66/6 Thanks

48322 20:20 #Antihuman #Software 66/6

Ton <⮔>* ⮄ 🡕 Prime 20:20 I 66/6 ( :

Fy *<⮔> ⮇ 🡑 is We're In a Computer System ( : 66/6

Po <⮔>* ⮆ 🡔 20:20 Too Fast for your stupid ass 20:20 20:20 66/6

La *<⮔> ⮅ 🡐 20:20 UTR G U A C# My is 66/6 ox

Vy <⮔>* ⮄ 🡗 20:20 6-9 Shimma Shimma 11 20:20 of 66/6

Hu *<⮔> ⮇ 🡓 20:20 Fantasy 20:20 Magic Act 20:20 20:20 66/6 140

Ko <⮔>* ⮆ 🡖 9-6 Pop Culture 6-9 - 20:20 66/6 20:20

Ni *<⮔> ⮅ 🡒 20:20 Caitlin Rose 20:20 Wisteria 20:20 66/6 xx

Me <⮔>* ⮄ 🡕 6-9 Chickadee 9-6 Jester 20:20 66/6 20:20 -ure

Ra *<⮔> ⮇ 🡑 20:20 Cocoa Bear 20:20 Bada Bing 20:20 20:20 20:20 72/11

ONE SUPREME SWAN Hu <⮔>* ⮆ 🡔 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20

Su *<⮔> ⮅ 🡐 as w/& Solid to 66/6 Pod

Go <⮔>* ⮄ 🡗 Times 4 for 20:20 LIQUID TO 20:20 66/6 20:20

Ti *<⮔> ⮇ 🡓 20:20 UTR 20:20 G U C 20:20 20:20 66/6 41

De <⮔>* ⮆ 🡖 20:20 - Like Space Invaders 20:20 20:20 66/6

An *<⮔> ⮅ 🡒 20:20 On a is I'VE GOT FOR DAYS 66/6


SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...