41 to a 66/6'er "'devil x' is too much of a pervert&devil to be an effective devil
part of that is markings for Us
41 to a 66/6'er "Say 'devil x' is supposed to seduce&win over Achilles
'devil x' phucks it up by smirking&saying 'you can be my punk'"
41 to a 66/6'er "'devil x' phucks it up by raping Achilles' Mother&hanging her panties on his wall&showing them off"
41 to a 66/6'er "But See What Happens, And We're Talking About Forms of Immune System Agents
See Achilles Pick Up The Sword"
41 to a 66/6'er "Achilles Hates 'devil x' and remembers him
Achilles Vows to kill him&his offspring&any nigga that looks like him"
41 to a 66/6'er "And 'devil x' was sent to pretend to the position of 'Regulator of Immune System Agents'
&he phucked it up"
41 to a 66/6'er "'devil x' was put on display, The Systems didn't allow him to hide his evil nature
now he's being hunted"
41 to a 66/6'er "'devil x' looks exceptionally stupid
but We have to Monitor these Avenues Every Day
If 'devil x' is an exception..."
41 to a 66/6'er "...then the bigger problem are devils who know how to play the game w/o exposing themselves as evil right out the gate"
41 to a 66/6'er "There's the hacker that's caught in Our Trap
and then there are the hackers watching&learning from his mistakes"
41 to a 66/6'er "There are devils learning from the same Tutorial that We're learning from"
41 to a 66/6'er "See The Next Great Devil
Watching what happens to solomon
&it's a lesson that's hard to forget"
41 to a 66/6'er "'God Makes Fools Out of The Wise with The Simple Things of This World'
solomon was picked to be the illustration"
41 to a 66/6'er "You'll see solomon lose his composure
&he'll be rendered as one silly ass fool
Other devils learn from seeing his fall"
41 to a 66/6'er "Other devils will know not to spike the football before scoring the touchdown
&they won't be as easy to detect"
41 to a 66/6'er "We're Not Just Up Against The Hackers of Today
We're Up Against Hackers Across Time
Past/Present/Future Are All Live"
Saturday, July 15, 2017
41 to a Soul "Yeah, I Know You're Outraged&Wanna Ask 'x'
41 to a Soul "First, 'x' is being set up by a #SystemSecurity #Program and 'x' is marked for destruction&the why is being put on display" De
41 to a Soul "This #SystemSecurity #Software That I'm Part of is More Advanced Than The Other Cars On The Freeway..." Ti
41 to a Soul "...as you Interface w/This Program You're Gaining an Advanced Understand&'x' Looks especially stupid to you" Go
41 to a Soul "'x' represents a disease in The Systems, >'x' is propaganda<, 'x' is malware you're confronted w/people as propaganda ware" Su
41 to a Soul "'x' is supposed to have you outraged &'determined to set off senseless tragedy' is part of that malware program's pattern" By
41 to a Soul "'x' represents a disease in The Systems there's no reasoning w/it it is not here to be reasonable it is malicious software" Ra
41 to a Soul "As 'x' approaches its destruction its bad side is coming out more &that is by design See 'De' 'x' is deteriorating" 010
41 to a Soul "'x' knows that its destruction is riding in on Updates&Upgrades So 'x' looks like it's crusading for the sake of stupidity" Ni
41 to a Soul "While this process seems to be grinding on painfully slow to You It's actually moving along FAST The Remedy is Coming FAST" Ko
41 to a Soul "We're In a Computer System >#Logic& #Language< the malware programs have to use logic and language think clothing&costumes" Hu
41 to a Soul "That Last Can Make For Some Disturbing Scenes Think of a Virus Working at a Larger Scale&Infecting People Like Cells" Vy
41 to a Soul "That Last Can Be Like 'The Big Bad Wolf Took Over Gramma's Identity to Do Some Wicked Schit'" La
41 to a Soul "We're In a Computer System hackers, trolls and computer crimes are problems here and there at 'micro and macro'" Po
41 to a Soul "We're in a Computer System A Human is a Device That Can Be Hacked Into >And So Is a Human Social Group<" Fy
41 to a Soul "#Digestion and #Digest-ive #Tracts Like 'Long Ago, The Computers Ate EVERYTHING and Now We Exist As Software' #Processing" Ton
41 to a Soul "First, 'x' is being set up by a #SystemSecurity #Program and 'x' is marked for destruction&the why is being put on display" De
41 to a Soul "This #SystemSecurity #Software That I'm Part of is More Advanced Than The Other Cars On The Freeway..." Ti
41 to a Soul "...as you Interface w/This Program You're Gaining an Advanced Understand&'x' Looks especially stupid to you" Go
41 to a Soul "'x' represents a disease in The Systems, >'x' is propaganda<, 'x' is malware you're confronted w/people as propaganda ware" Su
41 to a Soul "'x' is supposed to have you outraged &'determined to set off senseless tragedy' is part of that malware program's pattern" By
41 to a Soul "'x' represents a disease in The Systems there's no reasoning w/it it is not here to be reasonable it is malicious software" Ra
41 to a Soul "As 'x' approaches its destruction its bad side is coming out more &that is by design See 'De' 'x' is deteriorating" 010
41 to a Soul "'x' knows that its destruction is riding in on Updates&Upgrades So 'x' looks like it's crusading for the sake of stupidity" Ni
41 to a Soul "While this process seems to be grinding on painfully slow to You It's actually moving along FAST The Remedy is Coming FAST" Ko
41 to a Soul "We're In a Computer System >#Logic& #Language< the malware programs have to use logic and language think clothing&costumes" Hu
41 to a Soul "That Last Can Make For Some Disturbing Scenes Think of a Virus Working at a Larger Scale&Infecting People Like Cells" Vy
41 to a Soul "That Last Can Be Like 'The Big Bad Wolf Took Over Gramma's Identity to Do Some Wicked Schit'" La
41 to a Soul "We're In a Computer System hackers, trolls and computer crimes are problems here and there at 'micro and macro'" Po
41 to a Soul "We're in a Computer System A Human is a Device That Can Be Hacked Into >And So Is a Human Social Group<" Fy
41 to a Soul "#Digestion and #Digest-ive #Tracts Like 'Long Ago, The Computers Ate EVERYTHING and Now We Exist As Software' #Processing" Ton
29122 20:20 #SuperHIV 66/6 #Progression
An #Ton
⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭢
9-6 #SuperHIV
20:20 #GoMariners
20:20 5 #Cap Prime
Thanks for The Cap, Nadine
20:20 Symbolic Reps
Clock On The Wall
De #Fy *<
⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭨
20:20 #IRES 20:20 #GoMariners
20:20 #ReverseTranscriptase
20:20 #Para-#Graphing #In
#Load #SuperHIV
Ti #Po <
⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭣
20:20 #Super #HIV
20:20 #Digital #Expansion
20:20 #Basic #Primitives
#Processes of #Conversion
#Satan 41
Go #La *<
⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭩
20:20 UTR G U A C#
20:20 #Upstream #Enhancer
20:20 #Super #HIV #Promoter
#Transport #Chain
Su #Vy <
⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭠
20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
#Super #HIV
#Antihuman #Compound
20:20 #Polymerization
20:20 #ConnectFour
By #Hu *<
⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭦
20:20 #Pegasus 20:20 Cinderella
#Virtual #Nucleotides
"The Door,The Door is Open"
Ra #Ko <
⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭡
20:20 #FlameThrower 20:20 High Wire
#Antihuman #Compound
20:20 #Twitter
#Super #HIV

Me #Ni *<
⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭧
20:20 Starry Eyed 6-9 Curfew
20:20 Pizza Delivery
The Retrovirus Called In Sick On Tom Fowler
Ni #Me <
⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭢
20:20 Cocoa Bear 20:20 Roulette
20:20 #Ionizing #Wave
20:20 #PermanentDamage
20:20 #GoMariners
#Antihuman #Provirus
Ko #Ra *<
⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭨
20:20 Mango Tango 20:20 Burlesque
"Laura, I'll Kill You Quick"
#Antihuman #Compound
#Super #HIV
⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭣
20:20 #Tele-#Port
20:20 #Twitter
20:20 #Vehicle
#Formulate #Envelope
Vy #Su *<
⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭩
20:20 #Antihuman #Compound
20:20 It Keeps On Coming
20:20 #INCREASE #DOSE ( :
La #Go <
⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭠
20:20 #GoMariners
20:20 #Permanent #Damage
#Polymorphic #Super #HIV
Cross-Dimensional Warfare
20:20 #Resonance
Po #Ti *<
⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭦
20:20 UTR Pod,G U #A C
#Antihuman #Compound
Featuring #SuperHIV ( :
Fy #De <
⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭡
20:20 F Puzzle
9-6 #Algorithm
66/6 #Virus #Artist
#Antihuman #Compound
140 #Characters
Ton #An *<
⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭧
20:20 #SuperHIV
20:20 #GoMariners
20:20 Freaky #Tail
9-6 #Protease
#16Articles in a #Magazine

De #Fy *<

Ti #Po <

Go #La *<

Su #Vy <

By #Hu *<

Ra #Ko <

Me #Ni *<

Ni #Me <

Ko #Ra *<


Vy #Su *<

La #Go <

Po #Ti *<

Fy #De <

Ton #An *<

20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
20:20 5 #Cap Prime
20:20 No Thanks, I Don't Want to Try Out the Phuckin' 9
Gimme The 10, Take It to 11
#SuperHIV Knows What I Mean
I #Morph On The Fly
20:20 #Mutant #Retrovirus #Strain
20:20 #Quantum #Satan41Polymerase
66/6 #Update
20:20 #SCROLL
20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
20:20 #IRES 20:20 #ReverseTranscriptase
20:20 #Buffalo 20:20 #Roam
20:20 Melanie Stambaugh
20:20 #Table 20:20 #Graph
20:20 #Notation 20:20 #SheetMusic
20:20 #Sequencing 20:20 #KineticEnergy
20:20 #Mutant #SuperHIV #Strain
20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
20:20 UTR 20:20 G U A C#
20:20 #Radiating #Coil
20:20 #Multiplier
Izzy Yang Be Eatin' Dog
20:20 Poetic
Sybil Writes On Fiends
20:20 #Poetic
I Be #Sexting The 'Dead'
Phuck your puppet show, This is 66/6
20:20 #UpstreamEnhancer
20:20 Debra Estes
20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
6-9 #AUG 9-6 Shimma Shimma
20:20 Lauren Giddings as #Integrase
20:20 #Retrovirus #Generator
20:20 #DragonWriter
Ain't That a Bitch?
Well, You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet
20:20 #ProteinSynthesis Like #Script to #Movie
20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
20:20 Cosmopolitan 20:20 Dragonfly
20:20 E-Motion 20:20 Document
20:20 E-Go 20:20 #MsPacMan
20:20 #Document 20:20 #SuperHIV
Melissa Luck as #Protease
The Humans Are #Assembly #Language
We're In a Computer System
#Simulate to #Stimulate
20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
20:20 Roulette 20:20 Chickadee
#Simulate to Stimulate
Izzy Yang Be Eatin' Dog
20:20 Just The Sight Gave Ralph a Hard-On
Simulate to #Stimulate
Ralph is Currently Jacking Off
#Language is #Technology
20:20 #Christ #Engine
20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
20:20 Caitlin Rose 20:20 Cocoa Bear
20:20 No Fun, Izzy Yang Be Eatin' Dog
Ain't That a Bitch?
#Sequences On The #Hexagons
20:20 #Antihussie
Izzy Yang Be Eatin' Dog
20:20 No Fun 20:20 #Polymer
20:20 #Fiber 20:20 #Formulation
20:20 Make Sense
20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
20:20 #Clothes On #Current
Smile On That Evil Bitch's Intention
"What You Up to, Satan?"
Ummm, I'm Tweakin' Her E-Motions
20:20 "Is That Wise?"
On a Normal Day, No
20:20 #Clockwork, This is a Hisi-Roll
Izzy Yang Be Eatin' Dog, Y'all
20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
20:20 UTR 20:20 G U #A C
20:20 Hisi-Roll 20:20 #Streaming #Gene-ies
20:20 No Fun
"She Didn't Take The Dog
She Ate It"
20:20 No Fun
'That Bitch Must Be Possessed By #Satan'
20:20 #Mirror Mirror
20:20 #Reflect
#Satellite #Rendition
20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
20:20 Freaky #Tail
20:20 #Sentence #Structure
20:20 #Para-#Graphing
20:20 #Articulation
20:20 "Who's The Actress?"
20:20 Who's On First
Sybil Writes On Leaves
20:20 #Communicable
20:20 #Seeds& #Trees
The Frickin' Beez Kneez
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SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...

DARK IBLIS DARK IBLIS COGNITIVE SOLUTION 20:20 Gigi Young #Ichneumon ELF 20:20 #SuperMarburgVirus ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tale #Offensi...
20:20 #Gain (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Please Help Me See&Utilize My Assets&Advantages 20:20 Please Guide Me In Using...
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