20:20 Ann Coulter #Polymerase <216> 20:20 #MotorSkills 20:20 #Node to Node 20:20 #Bridge 20:20 #TrafficLights 20:20 #StreetSigns 20:20 #Neuro-#Logical #System 20:20 #Cog-nition 20:20 #Application 20:20 #Synthesis 20:20 66/6 #Virus #Artist Scarlet in The Conservatory w/a Dagger ox
20:20 Ann Coulter #Polymerase <352> 20:20 #BowlingBall 20:20 #Lane 20:20 #Particle 20:20 #Wave 20:20 #Modulation 20:20 #Scheme 20:20 #Christ #Engine Aces Up My Sleeves 20:20 #Processes of #Conversion #ProteinSynthesis Like #Script to #Movie 66/6 #Virus #Artist 20:20 #Articulation
20:20 Ann Coulter #Polymerase <561> 20:20 #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles 20:20 #Arrangement 20:20 Rubik's Cube 20:20 #Permutation 20:20 #Process 20:20 #Routine 20:20 #SimonGame 20:20 #Sequencing 20:20 #ActionTransfer 20:20 #Carbon #Graph-ic 20:20 Symbolic Reps 72/11 20:20 #Transaction
20:20 Ann Coulter #Polymerase <144> 20:20 #SpinningTop 20:20 #Episode 20:20 Archi-#Text-ure 20:20 #DataStructure 20:20 Chutes&Ladders 20:20 #Tele-#Port 20:20 Mirror #Mirror #Metabolic #Faculty 20:20 "I #Relate" This #Tweet Asks "Am I #Cog-nitive?" 20:20 Apparently So 66/6 #Scroll
20:20 Ann Coulter #Polymerase <633> 20:20 #MotionPicture, #KineticEnergy 20:20 #Transaction Sybil Writes On Leaves Sybil Tattoos Fiends 20:20 #Streaming #Gene-ies "Sybil Tattooed a Cute Little Monkey On My Back" 20:20 Geez Louise Then I Don't Want Sybil Tattooing Me 66/6 PUHLEEZE