89 to 41 "When I Say 89 Line
I Mean 89 Line
Get Ready to Ruthlessly Chop Out the corrupted&schit software to Make Room for Upgrades
Stick to 89 Line
And the x's and y's will be Answered for"
41 Nods
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
39322 20:20 #Ichneumon #Ideology 66/6 #Christ 41 #Lore
#An De #Ti #Go #Su #By #Ra #Me #Ni #Ko #Hu #Vy #La #Po #Fy #Ton
6 #Cycles a Day,66 #Cycles a Week
#Nuclear #Flashdrive
Centered On The Card, See an Image of Jen York. Jen York Stands On Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'INFUSION'. Jen York is Nude, Her Body and Face are Painted Silver; See a Rubik's Cube Between Her Breasts. A Penis is Attached to Jen York's Body, Above Her Vagina; Jen York Has an Erection, Her Penis is Ejaculating. See a Glowing Green '+5' On Jen York's Penis. A Pair of Silver Dragon's Wings Are Attached to Jen York's Back; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' On Her Right Wing, See a Glowing Red '-1800' On Her Left Wing. See a Glowing Red Halo Above Jen York's Head; See a Glowing Yellow Halo Above The Red Halo; See a Glowing Green Halo Above The Yellow Halo; See a Glowing Blue Halo Above The Green Halo. Above The Halos, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'ICHNEUMON'; Above 'ICHNEUMON', See '$140 Million' in Black.
With Her Right Hand, Jen York Holds a Rectangular Pink Box Labeled 'Formula' in Silver.
With Her Left Hand, Jen York Holds a Blank Sheet of Typing Paper.
To Jen York's Right, See '66/6' in Black; Above '66/6', See a Speak&Spell Toy. Below '66/6', See 'Retrovirus' in Black.
To Jen York's Left, See 'Internet' in Black; Above 'Internet', See a Manila Envelope; See '40 40 #SuperHIV' in Black On The Envelope. Below 'Internet', See a Ferris Wheel; See '20:20' in Green Below The Ferris Wheel.
The Background On The Card is White.
#An Ton <⮔>* Jen York 0001 ⮅ ⮆ #SuperHIV #Budding Off 'Dead Air' 5 Cap Prime #Retrovirus #Generator #Genetic #Algorithm 66/6 140 #Characters
De #Fy *<⮔> Jen York 0010 ⮆ ⮇ 20:20 #IRES 6-9 #ReverseTranscriptase 20:20 #SimonGame #Satellite #Reflect 20:20 #Resonance 66/6 #Transduction
#Ti Po <⮔>* Jen York 0011 ⮇ ⮄ 20:20 #SuperHIV "Say Something Smart, #Satan" Plum in The Ballroom w/a Candlestick 20:20 #Bisquick 66/6 #Graph
Go #La *<⮔> Jen York 0100 ⮄ ⮅ 20:20 UTR Pod 6-9 G U A C# 66/6 #Transcription #Software 20:20 #SuperHIV 20:20 #UpstreamEnhancer Coil #Adapter
#Su Vy <⮔>* Jen York 0101 ⮅ ⮆ 20:20 #AUG 9-6 Shimma Shimma 20:20 Agent 89 #Deliver #Analog $140 Million Agent 85 as #Integrase 66/6 #Circuit
By #Hu *<⮔> Jen York 0110 ⮆ ⮇ Mesmerized #Dragonfly 20:20 #Concept #Carrier 20:20 #Percolator 20:20 #Formulation 9-6 #Product 66/6 #SuperHIV
#Ra Ko <⮔>* Jen York 0111 ⮇ ⮄ Glamorous Bada Bing 20:20 #QuickQuilting 20:20 #Synthesizer 20:20 #LogicMotion 20:20 #Sequencing 66/6 #Carrier
Me #Ni *<⮔> Jen York 1000 ⮄ ⮅ Ice Queen #FlameThrower #ProteinSynthesis Like #Script to #Movie Amber Tuccaro as #Protease 66/6 #Articulation
#Ni Me <⮔>* Jen York 1001 ⮅ ⮆ Grandstand Jester This #Intelligence is #Electro Every Step of The Way 20:20 #Node to Node 20:20 #Bridge 72/11
Ko #Ra *<⮔> Jen York 1010 ⮆ ⮇ #Showtime Cocoa Bear 20:20 #ConnectFour 20:20 #Scheme 20:20 #Tetherball 20:20 #Field 20:20 E-Mission 66/6 mRNA
ONE SUPREME SWAN #Hu By <⮔>* Jen York 1011 ⮇ ⮄ 9-6 #SuperHIV, #StemLoopComplex 20:20 #Clockwork $140 Million 20:20 #M104 #Growth #Hormone B
Vy #Su *<⮔> Jen York 1100 ⮄ ⮅ 6-9 #SuperHIV #DNA #Intermediate 9-6 #QuickAssemble 20:20 #Fiber 20:20 #Formulation 72/11 6-9 #Nuclear #Export
#La Go <⮔>* Jen York 1101 ⮅ ⮆ 20:20 #SuperHIV #Form #Envelope Verbal Kint #Fabricates w/The #Data On The Wall 20:20 #Polymorphic 66/6 #Clone
Po #Ti *<⮔> Jen York 1110 ⮆ ⮇ 20:20 UTR Pod 6-9 G U #A C 20:20 #Transponder #Thread Jill Barcomb 20:20 #Transposon 66/6 #DigitalDevice #Link
#Fy De <⮔>* Jen York 1111 ⮇ ⮄ 20:20 Cord of Wood #Formatted #Units of #Fuel 20:20 #Potential #Building 20:20 #Christ #Engine 66/6 Percolator
Ton #An *<⮔> Jen York 10000 ⮄ ⮅ 20:20 Freaky #Tail #SuperHIV 9-6 #SheetMusic #16Articles in a #Magazine 66/6 6-9 #Composition 140 Characters
#An De #Ti #Go #Su #By #Ra #Me #Ni #Ko #Hu #Vy #La #Po #Fy #Ton
6 #Cycles a Day,66 #Cycles a Week
#Nuclear #Flashdrive
Centered On The Card, See an Image of Jen York. Jen York Stands On Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'INFUSION'. Jen York is Nude, Her Body and Face are Painted Silver; See a Rubik's Cube Between Her Breasts. A Penis is Attached to Jen York's Body, Above Her Vagina; Jen York Has an Erection, Her Penis is Ejaculating. See a Glowing Green '+5' On Jen York's Penis. A Pair of Silver Dragon's Wings Are Attached to Jen York's Back; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' On Her Right Wing, See a Glowing Red '-1800' On Her Left Wing. See a Glowing Red Halo Above Jen York's Head; See a Glowing Yellow Halo Above The Red Halo; See a Glowing Green Halo Above The Yellow Halo; See a Glowing Blue Halo Above The Green Halo. Above The Halos, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'ICHNEUMON'; Above 'ICHNEUMON', See '$140 Million' in Black.
With Her Right Hand, Jen York Holds a Rectangular Pink Box Labeled 'Formula' in Silver.
With Her Left Hand, Jen York Holds a Blank Sheet of Typing Paper.
To Jen York's Right, See '66/6' in Black; Above '66/6', See a Speak&Spell Toy. Below '66/6', See 'Retrovirus' in Black.
To Jen York's Left, See 'Internet' in Black; Above 'Internet', See a Manila Envelope; See '40 40 #SuperHIV' in Black On The Envelope. Below 'Internet', See a Ferris Wheel; See '20:20' in Green Below The Ferris Wheel.
The Background On The Card is White.
#An Ton <⮔>* Jen York 0001 ⮅ ⮆ #SuperHIV #Budding Off 'Dead Air' 5 Cap Prime #Retrovirus #Generator #Genetic #Algorithm 66/6 140 #Characters
De #Fy *<⮔> Jen York 0010 ⮆ ⮇ 20:20 #IRES 6-9 #ReverseTranscriptase 20:20 #SimonGame #Satellite #Reflect 20:20 #Resonance 66/6 #Transduction
#Ti Po <⮔>* Jen York 0011 ⮇ ⮄ 20:20 #SuperHIV "Say Something Smart, #Satan" Plum in The Ballroom w/a Candlestick 20:20 #Bisquick 66/6 #Graph
Go #La *<⮔> Jen York 0100 ⮄ ⮅ 20:20 UTR Pod 6-9 G U A C# 66/6 #Transcription #Software 20:20 #SuperHIV 20:20 #UpstreamEnhancer Coil #Adapter
#Su Vy <⮔>* Jen York 0101 ⮅ ⮆ 20:20 #AUG 9-6 Shimma Shimma 20:20 Agent 89 #Deliver #Analog $140 Million Agent 85 as #Integrase 66/6 #Circuit
By #Hu *<⮔> Jen York 0110 ⮆ ⮇ Mesmerized #Dragonfly 20:20 #Concept #Carrier 20:20 #Percolator 20:20 #Formulation 9-6 #Product 66/6 #SuperHIV
#Ra Ko <⮔>* Jen York 0111 ⮇ ⮄ Glamorous Bada Bing 20:20 #QuickQuilting 20:20 #Synthesizer 20:20 #LogicMotion 20:20 #Sequencing 66/6 #Carrier
Me #Ni *<⮔> Jen York 1000 ⮄ ⮅ Ice Queen #FlameThrower #ProteinSynthesis Like #Script to #Movie Amber Tuccaro as #Protease 66/6 #Articulation
#Ni Me <⮔>* Jen York 1001 ⮅ ⮆ Grandstand Jester This #Intelligence is #Electro Every Step of The Way 20:20 #Node to Node 20:20 #Bridge 72/11
Ko #Ra *<⮔> Jen York 1010 ⮆ ⮇ #Showtime Cocoa Bear 20:20 #ConnectFour 20:20 #Scheme 20:20 #Tetherball 20:20 #Field 20:20 E-Mission 66/6 mRNA
ONE SUPREME SWAN #Hu By <⮔>* Jen York 1011 ⮇ ⮄ 9-6 #SuperHIV, #StemLoopComplex 20:20 #Clockwork $140 Million 20:20 #M104 #Growth #Hormone B
Vy #Su *<⮔> Jen York 1100 ⮄ ⮅ 6-9 #SuperHIV #DNA #Intermediate 9-6 #QuickAssemble 20:20 #Fiber 20:20 #Formulation 72/11 6-9 #Nuclear #Export
#La Go <⮔>* Jen York 1101 ⮅ ⮆ 20:20 #SuperHIV #Form #Envelope Verbal Kint #Fabricates w/The #Data On The Wall 20:20 #Polymorphic 66/6 #Clone
Po #Ti *<⮔> Jen York 1110 ⮆ ⮇ 20:20 UTR Pod 6-9 G U #A C 20:20 #Transponder #Thread Jill Barcomb 20:20 #Transposon 66/6 #DigitalDevice #Link
#Fy De <⮔>* Jen York 1111 ⮇ ⮄ 20:20 Cord of Wood #Formatted #Units of #Fuel 20:20 #Potential #Building 20:20 #Christ #Engine 66/6 Percolator
Ton #An *<⮔> Jen York 10000 ⮄ ⮅ 20:20 Freaky #Tail #SuperHIV 9-6 #SheetMusic #16Articles in a #Magazine 66/6 6-9 #Composition 140 Characters
See System Security Agents Watching the devil
the devil chased his crime like a drink chaser
now he's back at the scene of his crime
trying to frame the interpretation
41 Asks the devil "Who do you think compelled you to come back here?
We (System Security) Did
We Set your punk ass Up Cold
So, you had something you wanted to 'explain', right?
Ha Ha Ha
Well, Go Ahead&'explain' yourself, slick
the devil chased his crime like a drink chaser
now he's back at the scene of his crime
trying to frame the interpretation
41 Asks the devil "Who do you think compelled you to come back here?
We (System Security) Did
We Set your punk ass Up Cold
So, you had something you wanted to 'explain', right?
Ha Ha Ha
Well, Go Ahead&'explain' yourself, slick
It's Day Quetzalcoatl On The Calendar
We Had The Conversation at Quetzalcoatl's House
About the scumware that desecrates Temples
the spirtual n-ware that used a Mosque as a stable
This is how they behave
the jews and the christians
the spiritual offspring of ignorance and slavery
and they think that after behaving like this
they still should have some seat at The Table
And what of The 66/6 'Joke' That Goes
"Meanwhile, Back at Camp
'Oh, Hey, Matthew,
Where is Jesus?
And Why Are You Wearing His Clothes?'"?
66/6'ers Know There is Too Much That Rings True in That 'Joke'
For It to Be Funny
It Points to an Outrage
that spiritual n-ware should not be allowed to wage 'Holy War'
behaving like they do
as the very spirit of desecration herself
and see their fraud&falsehoods
We Had This Conversation at Quetzalcoatl's House
See the muslims talking about 'america'
They Talk of This Land as If It Were Always 'uncle sam's'
or as if they go w/the line
where 'you' take it as a given that the Genocide of the Native American Tribes
&Destruction of Their Culture was justified
so white christians could have the 'usa' and invite muslims
to come enjoy the 'freedoms'
celebrate tom jefferson
That Speaks Volumes
Phuck the muslims&phuck their rights
This is 66/6
We Had The Conversation at Quetzalcoatl's House
About the scumware that desecrates Temples
the spirtual n-ware that used a Mosque as a stable
This is how they behave
the jews and the christians
the spiritual offspring of ignorance and slavery
and they think that after behaving like this
they still should have some seat at The Table
And what of The 66/6 'Joke' That Goes
"Meanwhile, Back at Camp
'Oh, Hey, Matthew,
Where is Jesus?
And Why Are You Wearing His Clothes?'"?
66/6'ers Know There is Too Much That Rings True in That 'Joke'
For It to Be Funny
It Points to an Outrage
that spiritual n-ware should not be allowed to wage 'Holy War'
behaving like they do
as the very spirit of desecration herself
and see their fraud&falsehoods
We Had This Conversation at Quetzalcoatl's House
See the muslims talking about 'america'
They Talk of This Land as If It Were Always 'uncle sam's'
or as if they go w/the line
where 'you' take it as a given that the Genocide of the Native American Tribes
&Destruction of Their Culture was justified
so white christians could have the 'usa' and invite muslims
to come enjoy the 'freedoms'
celebrate tom jefferson
That Speaks Volumes
Phuck the muslims&phuck their rights
This is 66/6
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