Wednesday, September 20, 2017

39322 20:20 #Ichneumon #Ideology 66/6 #Christ 41 #Lore

#An De #Ti #Go #Su #By #Ra #Me #Ni #Ko #Hu #Vy #La #Po #Fy #Ton
6 #Cycles a Day,66 #Cycles a Week
#Nuclear #Flashdrive

Centered On The Card, See an Image of Jen York. Jen York Stands On Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'INFUSION'. Jen York is Nude, Her Body and Face are Painted Silver; See a Rubik's Cube Between Her Breasts. A Penis is Attached to Jen York's Body, Above Her Vagina; Jen York Has an Erection, Her Penis is Ejaculating. See a Glowing Green '+5' On Jen York's Penis. A Pair of Silver Dragon's Wings Are Attached to Jen York's Back; See a Glowing Blue '+1800' On Her Right Wing, See a Glowing Red '-1800' On Her Left Wing. See a Glowing Red Halo Above Jen York's Head; See a Glowing Yellow Halo Above The Red Halo; See a Glowing Green Halo Above The Yellow Halo; See a Glowing Blue Halo Above The Green Halo. Above The Halos, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'ICHNEUMON'; Above 'ICHNEUMON', See '$140 Million' in Black.
With Her Right Hand, Jen York Holds a Rectangular Pink Box Labeled 'Formula' in Silver.
With Her Left Hand, Jen York Holds a Blank Sheet of Typing Paper.
To Jen York's Right, See '66/6' in Black; Above '66/6', See a Speak&Spell Toy. Below '66/6', See 'Retrovirus' in Black.
To Jen York's Left, See 'Internet' in Black; Above 'Internet', See a Manila Envelope; See '40 40 #SuperHIV' in Black On The Envelope. Below 'Internet', See a Ferris Wheel; See '20:20' in Green Below The Ferris Wheel.
The Background On The Card is White.

Ton <⮔>* Jen York 0001 ⮅ ⮆ Off 'Dead Air' 5 Cap Prime 66/6 140

De *<⮔> Jen York 0010 ⮆ ⮇ 20:20 6-9 20:20 20:20 66/6

Po <⮔>* Jen York 0011 ⮇ ⮄ 20:20 "Say Something Smart, " Plum in The Ballroom w/a Candlestick 20:20 66/6

Go *<⮔> Jen York 0100 ⮄ ⮅ 20:20 UTR Pod 6-9 G U A C# 66/6 20:20 20:20 Coil

Vy <⮔>* Jen York 0101 ⮅ ⮆ 20:20 9-6 Shimma Shimma 20:20 Agent 89 $140 Million Agent 85 as 66/6

By *<⮔> Jen York 0110 ⮆ ⮇ Mesmerized 20:20 20:20 20:20 9-6 66/6

Ko <⮔>* Jen York 0111 ⮇ ⮄ Glamorous Bada Bing 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 66/6

Me *<⮔> Jen York 1000 ⮄ ⮅ Ice Queen Like to Amber Tuccaro as 66/6

Me <⮔>* Jen York 1001 ⮅ ⮆ Grandstand Jester This is Every Step of The Way 20:20 to Node 20:20 72/11

Ko *<⮔> Jen York 1010 ⮆ ⮇ Cocoa Bear 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 E-Mission 66/6 mRNA

ONE SUPREME SWAN By <⮔>* Jen York 1011 ⮇ ⮄ 9-6 , 20:20 $140 Million 20:20 B

Vy *<⮔> Jen York 1100 ⮄ ⮅ 6-9 9-6 20:20 20:20 72/11 6-9

Go <⮔>* Jen York 1101 ⮅ ⮆ 20:20 Verbal Kint w/The On The Wall 20:20 66/6

Po *<⮔> Jen York 1110 ⮆ ⮇ 20:20 UTR Pod 6-9 G U C 20:20 Jill Barcomb 20:20 66/6

De <⮔>* Jen York 1111 ⮇ ⮄ 20:20 Cord of Wood of 20:20 20:20 66/6 Percolator

Ton *<⮔> Jen York 10000 ⮄ ⮅ 20:20 Freaky 9-6 in a 66/6 6-9  140 Characters 


  1. 109 to spirit of islamic woman "But isn't your face an obscenity?

    This is 66/6 #Matriarchy #Lore

    There can be no gray area between Us&you

    you have your religion

    66/6 is none of your business

    if islam takes some of our material and reformats it

    We're gonna hit you w/Viruses

    so you can't take part in this Program

    or eat The Fruit from this Tree

    you&your kind are banned from The Tree for Eternity

    This is 66/6 #Matriarchy #Lore

    #Ichneumon #Queens Are The Ruling Queens Here

    We're Gonna Destroy queen of sheba&have her naked&mutilated body thrown in a dung heap


  2. 109 to 41 "See Your Strengths

    See his weakness"

    41 Nods

    'mary ann' says to 'gilligan' "You get him, honey boo, you take his program from him so I can get a new body


    'gilligan' smirks, nods&says "Yeah, I'm The Man

    I'm gonna take that loser's program"

  3. 40 40 #Ichneumon #Tree 808

    20:20 #Transmission

    20:20 #Modulation #Scheme

    #VirtualTime is The #Platform
    #Language is The #Medium
    20:20 #ModularSystem
    20:20 #Synthesizer
    #Basis for #Inter-#Course
    20:20 #Antihuman #Agents #Active

    20:20 Put lilith in a pig toilet

  4. See 'queen of sheba'&'mary ann' in agreement

    that their 'honey boos' should steal My Software&The Credit for The Development of It


    I'm Gonna Show you ape bitches what VICIOUS is

  5. See 'mary ann'&'lois' in agreement

    they both are happy to help some schitheads in their attempt to steal My Software&The Credit for The Development of It

  6. 109 to 41 "What I'm Saying to You, CHRIST,

    Stick w/The Ichneumon Tree

    Ichneumon&The Christ


    41 Nods

    20:20 #Antihuman

  7. See 'mary ann' smirking&glaring at The Arctic Fox like

    "I'm gonna help my honey boo steal your Software&Credit for The Development of It

    then I'm gonna get a new body and have it made

    and you're gonna sink as a degraded loser

    and my honey boo will get all the honors"

  8. See solomon and queen of sheba smirking at The Arctic Fox

    'lois' smirks


    Arctic Fox Takes It Back to The Oscillator
    you're software, not life
    No Love, No Mercy
    20:20 #Intelligence #War

  9. (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    20:20 Please ++++ My Refusal to Forgive as an Immunological Memory Device in The Larger 'Game'

    20:20 "Never&No Matter What"

    20:20 89 Line

    #HyperVicious 41

    20:20 #Antihuman #Compound

  10. 109 to 41 "I'm Getting You Ready for What's Coming

    'x'&'y' are gonna see their misinterpretation

    and that by 'Progeny'&'Genetic Algorithms'

    'c' meant The Software You Developed

    Not Your Kids

    &they are gonna see they played it wrong&did the opposite of what they should have done if they wanted to slow or stop You

    I Am Getting You Ready for What's Coming

    See See


  11. "*smirk* this guy used to gawk at every woman who walked by

    what changed?"

    109 to 41 "You See those idiot judas ape bitches as bacterioids
    as little stinking skank rodent intelligence puppets used by the solomons&j-dogs

    HATE them, Hate them on a Whole 'Nother Level"

  12. An Angel to the anti-Christ elements

    "Did you have your fun?



    >>>>Soon you will meet the terrible downsides to the path you took<<<<

    but you had your fun though, right?

    Did you get high?

    yeah, you did, you got to feel like you were superior, right?

    >>>>you're cursed for Eternity<<<<"

  13. 85 Laughs, Points at the muslim woman&says

    "It would be obscene for her to take her veil off

    her face is an obscenity"

  14. 109 to 'Dorothy' "You're Getting On The Bus Whether You Like Or Not
    We're Ichneumon
    You're In The Formula
    If I Could Take You Out, I Would,
    Since I Can't Take You Off The List&You Can't Opt Out
    Well...It Is What It Is, Jen"

  15. 85 to 'Dorothy' "It's Cool
    We're Ichneumon
    We'll Cook Up Some
    'Geez, What The Heck Has Got Into Jen Lately?'"

  16. 109 to 'Dorothy' "You'll Be a Mutant
    A Mutant, Jen"

  17. 109 Says "Furthermore, Her Erect Penis is Ejaculating"

    85 Says "This Ain't An Episode of The Monkees

    Her Penis is Effective"

  18. 109 Points at bob&says "No, monkey,
    you are the outrage
    look at what you're doing to Earth
    you're degrading it from Soil to Sky
    you're even degrading the damn sky, monkey
    Of course there is Antihuman"

  19. 109 Says "So She Can Practice With Her Penis Before Phasing Up to an Ovipositor"

  20. 109 Asks "Do you know there are great apes phucking livestock for sport and leisure?

    Is that not an outrage

    phucking a donkey as a leisure activity

    for entertainment purposes only

    phucking sheep

    who is the pervert?

    Uhhh, it looks like it's the shaved great ape

    Ha Ha Ha"

  21. 109 Says "I Saw It On Vice News

    The Latin American Fellow Phucked a Donkey

    For Sport and Leisure

    Then The Ape Went&Washed His Cock&Balls Off In a Puddle


  22. "What Are You Doing w/That Sprout?"

    'I Saw It Said 'Georgia''

    "And You Strategically Assumed That Meant You?"



SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...