Wednesday, April 26, 2017

44312 #AlienDay 66/6

Agent Says to mw social engineering software "See Godzilla Smash your lil' PACE CAR The Sign Says So, It's "

Agent to mw'ers "Phuck your social engineering ware, your controls and your pace cars It's There, Right?" ↟ <0>

Agent to mw'ers "You Wanna Know What I Like? When your punk ass social engineering ware smirks&says 'That's Not Real'" ↠ <1>

Agent to mw'ers "'THEY WON'T CARE ABOUT JEEEESUS IF THEY KNOW 'x'!' Ha Ha Ha" ↡ <2> 20:20 20:20

Agent to mw'ers "You Can't Sound an Alarm About This you need to think about the church >YOU'RE NAILED TO A CROSS<" ↞ <3>

Agent to mw'ers "Wanna know why We're beaming in? your system has cancer&immunodeficiency virus" ↟ <4>

Agent to mw'ers "You don't need a 'cracker jack box decoder ring' to read this We Launched on you" ↠ <5>

Agent to mw'ers "Our did an Move On your system WE'RE KILLING YOU : )" ↡ <6>

Agent to mw'ers "This Isn't a Plea or a Sales Call This is a Like 'Who's on First' WE ARE KILLING YOU" ↞ <7> 41

Agent to mw'ers "See a human on a phone See - See : ) See this See -" ↟ <8> 140

#M104 Agent to mw'ers "#Tele-#Port& #Tele-#Graph
Want an Illustration?
See 'Dead Air'
#Video as #Virion"


Agent to mw'ers "-& - Want an Illustration? See 'Dead Air' as "


  1. See Super Mario Whisper to Luigi

    "I Think There Are Extra-Dimensional Beings Controlling This Game"

    Luigi Replies "OH PUHLEEZE"


    "*smile*, you see
    we want to have a poserville version of #AlienDay
    See our pace car"

    Phuck your pace car

  3. But you've got your smirk game down tho

    right, trash?

    "All we have to do is smirk&say 'We don't believe in Freddy Krueger'"

    SSI Ends 6664



SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...