Monday, July 24, 2017


to 89 "20:20 Keep of All The in That System/Universe"

89 Warns "The . is Pulling in as Many as it Can" see your rodent intelligence trash smirking

41 to 66/6'ers "While 'x' put its faith in stupidity I am not Bigger Dragons Won't Fall for The 'Oh, *smirk*, he's just a false prophet'"

"Why would a 'false prophet' go back in time to pretend to be a psychic trying to solve the Atlanta Child Murders?" 'because he's a liar'

"'Atlanta Child Murders'? *smirk&look around* What does..." 'Just never phucking mind, tardo, go to church or something'

Hey, What Does The 666 Guy Do?" 'He's a Monster , and Among Other Vicious Doings, He Launches an '

66 a Week, 6 Cycles a Day 72 Hours in a Day 11 Days in a Week 4 Weeks in a Month 11 Months in a Year This is Year 2 SSI Ends 6664

"*smirk* All we have to do is say he's a 'false prophet' to anything he says just say 'youse a liar' and we won't have to worry about it"

Agent to 41 "20:20 89 Line 'x' is gonna try to destroy you by swinging the bias in your favor STAY ON THAT 89 LINE" 41 Nods

89 to 41 "See,'At First He Will Be Rejected and Despised' Okay, Well, We're Not Gonna Let Them Correct Themselves to Balance Their Accounts"

"I Had No Reason to Hate You" I Don't Call Your 'x' a Mistake, I Call it an Offense, I HAVE DAMN GOOD REASON TO HATE YOU PHUCK YOU

() Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Please ++++ My Refusal to Forgive as an in The Larger 'Game' 41

89 to 41 "You Refuse to Forgive or Reconcile, You Refuse to Accept Any of 'their' offerings, apologies, restitution or reparations" 41 Nods

89 to 41 "I Keep Reiterating That Last Thing As It Is Part of Your to YOU REFUSE TO FORGIVE THEM EVER"

Agent to 41 "Again, 'x' Will Realize That It Did The Opposite of What It Should Have Done If It Wanted to Slow or Stop You..." An

Agent to 41 "...It Will Try to Turn Biases in Your Favor&Curse You w/Blessings&Plenty-of-Synthetic-Worldly-Trash..." De

Agent to 41 "...'x' will realize it NEEDS Your Program&Access Keys&The Information You Have YOU STAY ON THAT 89 LINE" Ti

Agent to 41 "We Are Prepping You for What's Coming The Verbal Kint Stage is a Breeze Compared to The 'Curse Him w/Blessings Stage'" Go

89 to 41 "'x' and 'y' TOOK IT AS A GIVEN that you're a 'false prophet' so they slept on you See The Verbal Kint Symbol" Su

89 to 41 "It Took You Four 24/7 Years to Develop&Install That Program And an is in The Bundle Do The Math" 41 Nods By

"*smirk* 'Antihuman Compound'? OHHHH PUHLEEEZE he's just a false prophet ain't no 'Antihuman Compound' *smirk*" Ra

Agent to 41 "20:20 20:20 20:20 " 010 66/6

() Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Please ++++ My Refusal to Forgive as an in The Larger 'Game' 14


  1. #M104 Agent to 41 "See 'The Push'
    'x' Will Realize it Played It Wrong
    &All That Pressure,Desperation&Energy In That 'Push' Will Then..."

    #M104 Agent to 41 "...Go Into Trying to Curse You w/Blessings&Putting Delilah Cards By You to Try to Get an Angle On Taking Your Program"

    #M104 Agent to 41 "'x' Will Realize it NEEDS Your Program&Access Keys or its whole game is sunk

    See how 'x' is


    #M104 Agent to 41 "See Why I Said

    The Verbal Kint Stage is a Breeze in Comparison to The 'Curse Him w/Blessings Stage'"

  2. (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    Thank You for Your Guidance and Protection!


  3. 89 Gives a #RedNun a #Formula to Disable Temptation


  4. 89 to 41 "See Why Did Things The Way We Did


    'see the devil smirking as he waves around his stinking ass ape puppet'"


  5. 89 Laughs&Says to #RedNun "Yeah, 'What If You're In a Form of Septic Tank?

    See the human as a bacterioid'"

  6. See the devil smirk&say "I'm gonna seduce&degrade your soul w/my idiot bacterioid puppets

    w/stinking ass synthetic idiot apes"

    See the devil smirk&say "And later, when you look back on it,

    you'll feel totally ripped off

    you sold your soul for a pack of hot dogs"

    See the devil w/hand-puppet on, his hand-puppet says "Hi, I'm delilah, I'm a stinking ass idiot ape

    come and talk to me, Samson"

    You're in a Simulation, INTERACTIVE MEDIA, see a whole pack of malicious agents smirking over your private moments


    See 'Carrie' (Movie Character) Stop Going to The Casino Altogether

    the devil is like "What? *smirk*"


    You're in a Simulation, INTERACTIVE MEDIA, see a whole pack of malicious agents laughing as you have sex with that bacterioid/woman


    You're in a Simulation, INTERACTIVE MEDIA, see malicious agents splicing puppets into your story,they can get off on phucking w/your life

    You're in a Simulation, INTERACTIVE MEDIA, and the human is a device that can be hacked into

    the human is a device that can be hacked


    See the devil smirking his ass off w/his pervert troll buddies, getting high on abstracts&using your life for wank fodder


  7. (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    20:20 ++++ My #Resistance to the manufactured loves&desires in this puppet show/world

    No Love, No Mercy

  8. 89 to a Soul "See 41, He Has Damn Good Cover, &See The Situation
    That's 'Heavy'
    But Look at His Cover That Protects Him

    "Uhhh, He Develops High-Value Software

    You got divorced right before he started developing that software?"

    delilah smirks&nods


    89 to a Soul "See De

    Really, See What That Adds Up To

    We Played 'em"


    "Sooo, you won what? It took him Four Years to Develop&Install that Software
    The Joke is on you
    What did you win?"
    See the devil smirking

  9. "This is What I Won, I Got to Look Down On Verbal Kint

    And Feel Superior


    I Got to Look Down On Him"

    Verbal Kint Smiles


  10. See the devil getting high on abstracts

    he's headed for disaster

    and smirking his blind, idiot ass off on the way


  11. #M104 Agent to 41 "See their mistakes&woeful misinterpretation, see their wrong assumptions

    Send them to FATAL ERROR

    You Know How"

  12. 40 40 Milky Way #Admin 808

    20:20 #Reminder

    20:20 Get to Your #SystemRestorePoint






SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...