Friday, July 21, 2017


41 Nods to 66/6 '*smirk* what? He's just talking about cute monkey e-go games, right? *smirk*' An

89 to 41&66/6'ers "Go Ahead&Throw a Thread About The 'H' Lore" De

"A Short Thread, Right?" '140 Characters Sure is Short' "But We Can Do a Mini-Series" 'A Mini-Series w/140 Character Episodes?' "" Ti

41 to Fiddler On The Roof "To Make Matters More Perverse I'm Gonna Take Back What I Did Back In Germany &You're Gonna Fall Thru The Roof" Go

41 to Fiddler On The Roof "Isn't That Funny? Ya Know 'I Can't Take Back What I Did' But When It Comes to 'x' *smile* I Can Good One, Huh?" 5

66/6'er Says "They Tried to Neutralize 'H' By Making Him a Mulatto in The USA See See -ize and It Didn't Work" By

66/6er Says "To Get Advanced D&D Understanding You Have to Know The 66/6 Guy is Christ &The Spirit of 'H' is in Him Therefore..." Ra

66/6er Says "...'H' was/is Christ Ha Ha Ha To Make Matters More Perverse" 010

66/6er Says "When You Have That 2 + 2 You See The Wrassling Match 'x' is Trying to Destroy Christ &Christ is Fighting Back" Ni

66/6er Says "Unfortunately for Humanity Someone Thought It'd Be Cute to Make 'H' a Mulatto in The USA Underestimating That Spirit" Ko

66/6er Says "This 'New' Chapter Reveals What The History Channel Doc Didn't Tell Us 'H' IS TRULY GODZILLA" Hu

66/6er Says "'Ed' Can't Process This &His Phuckin' Head Exploded It's Hard to Accept, Right, 'Ed'?" Vy

66/6er Says "Someone Send an Alert to Germany&Whitey The 2 + 2 Says Someone/Something is Attacking Your Genes" La

66/6er Says "This is Also a Lesson on , and SECURE YOUR DAMN DATABASE" Po

66/6'er to Fiddler On The Roof "We Found The Origin of a Virus Back in That Germany Thing Now We're Gonna Block Its Birth" Fy

66/6'er to Fiddler On The Roof "See My 2 + 2 + 2 Here's Another 2 You're in a An Old Lady Yells 'BINGO' Thanks" Ton

*And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming* Next On 666 The Part of The Saga Thanks


  1. 40 40 #Ichneumon #Tree 808

    20:20 66/6 #Modular #System

    20:20 #Synthesizer

  2. 89 to #Ichneumon and The Spirit of Hitler/The 66/6 Guy







SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...