Saturday, July 22, 2017

3B122 De

A Medusa Says to a Soul "My Warning Won't Save You But I'm Gonna Put The Warning On The Thread Anyway" An

A Medusa Says to Soul "This Pan Card That You're Gonna Find Out About Is w/System Security, Involved in Weapons Manufacture and..." De

A Medusa Says to a Soul "...And Is an Ace Card for The About This Ichneumon Thing" Ti

A Medusa Says to a Soul "...41 Opened a for Them&Is Working for Them There Will Be an " Go

A Medusa to a Soul "These Ichneumon Agents Are More Aggressive Than Man Creative Opportunists&Quick On The Draw" Su

A Medusa to a Soul "And They View 41 As Their Card See All The On His Threads Their " By

A Medusa to a Soul "Now, Back to 'My Warning Won't Save You' ...Like w/king so-and-so the fool jumps to Certain Death anyway" Ra

A Medusa to a Soul "Most Cards Don't Do That king so-and-so and his puppets, however, do ...Now There is a Problem, Right?" 010

A Medusa Says to a Soul "Because Now I've Clocked you as a patriarch's puppet and no queen in her own right at all *smile*" Ni

A Medusa Says to a Soul "And What I've Just Done Is Tagged you For Destruction. We Don't Appreciate Those Kind of Moves" Ko

A Medusa Says to a Soul "See, the programming that king so-and-so is a part of can't register The Ichneumon Thing" Hu

A Medusa Says to a Soul "It Can't Register The Ichneumon Thing So it can't see The Danger &neither can you &That's By Design" Vy

A Medusa to a Soul "you're from the same programming that king so-and-so is from and you are his puppet like queen of sheba" La

A Medusa to a Soul "you are a patriarch's puppet pretending to this bad ass female who must be on the way to be a queen" Po

A Medusa to a Soul "you will be Destroyed by 66/6 Like queen of sheba will be Destroyed by 66/6" Fy

A Medusa to a Soul "The Warning Will Help Others &This Shows Why 41 Needs All These Security Features &Why Every jill is suspect Thanks" 16

A Medusa to a Group of Souls "king so-and-so is a chess player this ain't chess and you'll see how Quick We Are to Kill his 'queen'" 17

() Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Please ++++ The 66/6 Thank You for Your Guidance and Protection! 41 66/6

to 41 "Don't Be Like Mr. T Pityin' Fools Ha Ha Ha Just Be Cool And let these fools rush in it's their time to go" 41 Nods


  1. the pimp king is like "Oh, so he #Promotes #Matriarchy, huh?

    So that means I just gotta send one of my hoes

    and we'll own his schit"

  2. the pimp king is like "Oh, He Calls God a Mother, huh?

    So that means I just gotta send one of my hoes

    and he'll worship her as a goddess"

  3. The #Anglerfish Says "Don't Be Like Mr. T

    Don't You Be Pityin' them fools

    We Ain't Got Time for That Schit, Raymond

    Fo' #Reel

    Ha Ha Ha"

  4. #Anglerfish and #Ichneumon

    monkey, you can't see that you're in Danger?

    ...Well, That Makes Sense Tho, Doesn't It, monkey?


  5. the pimp king smirks&scoffs "'#Anglerfish'


    What's a fish got to do w/#Matriarchy and goddesses?"

  6. #Anglerfish Says "&I Was Like

    'I'm Sorry, I Can't Give Mr. T a Job

    No, It's Not Because of His Hair-Do

    It's Because He Be Pityin' fools'"



SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...