Wednesday, July 26, 2017

41222 De

89 to a Group Souls "Okay, Look, There is an Important Lesson That You'll See Come Up Again&Again &Not Just w/41 ..." An

"...It Can Be The Case, That 'x' Has Vast Knowledge But 'y' Who Has Less Knowledge Can Hit The Nail on The Head Quicker" De

"Just Because The Guy Has a Degree in Culinary Arts Does NOT Mean He Will Walk Into The Kitchen&Be The Best Line Cook" Ti

"It Can Be The Case, That 'The Stupid Guy' Can Pick What Ranks Higher in Relevance for The Moment&Matter at Hand Than 'The Smart Guy'" Go

"Part of The Reason You See This 'Phenomenon' You're in a Computer You're In a Genius System 'x' is Rendered Stupid or Smart" Su

"You're in a Computer System You Can't Take It as a Given That The 'Village Idiot' Won't Do Something Brilliant" By

"Be Wary of 'Stupid' It's a Virtual 'Stupid' And It Could Be Getting Smarter as You Gawk At It" Ra

"There's a malware card that some wrote off as 'Stupid' &He's Pretty 'Stupid' BUT He Knows How to Find&Run For 1st Base Quicker Than..." 010

"...Most of the Cards who are calling him 'Stupid' &that makes him smarter than them when it comes to the matter at hand" Ni

"*smile* See a Bowling Ball 'Stupid' in 'Most' Situations It Rolls w/Genius in The Bowling Alley Try Bowling w/a Football" Ko

"See a Chess Champion Who Can't Play a Lick of Tetherball When It Comes to Tetherball He's Slow&'Stupid'" Hu

"RELATIVE TO WHAT? The Matter at Hand? Or Something Other Than That? RELATIVE TO WHAT? A Swirl of Abstracts Dancing in Your Mind?" Vy

"See Some Smart Ass Kickin' 'Facts'&'Knowledge' w/o 'Relative to What?' &Then He's a Stupid Ass A Swirl of Abstracts Dancing in Your Mind" D

"See Smart Ass He Can Tell You About Thousands of Ducks But He Can Rarely Line Up 10 That Meet The Moment Right So He's Also a Stupid Ass" E

"Now, Let's Get Serious There Are Viruses Up&Down The Scale So, 'Cletus' Might Be 'Stupid' Until a Virus Gives Him a Formula" Fy

"Then You're Like 'Cletus Has Little Education How The Heck Could He Figure Out How to...' Because a Virus Gave Him The Answers" Ton

"Like w/Raymo Here Gave Him The Answers &In a Way That's Like Tailor-Made for His Particular Thinking Cap" Tonan

"Like 'Well, First We Saw Stupid And The Last Thing We Saw After That Was The Anglerfish' Be Wary When Calling Things 'Stupid'" Tonde

"See an Ace Songwriter You Were Exposed to All The Same Words&Concepts But You Didn't Have That Knack for Putting 'em In Sequence" Tonti

"See an Ace Songwriter You Wrote a Song Too That Would Have Been a Hit in 1976 But It Doesn't Meet The Moment It Sucks in 2017" Tongo

"Like The Guy Who Seems to Be an Idiot in Every Dept. Except Getting Women to Give Him Pussy See You Envying That Guy Fiercely,Right?" Tonsu

() Mother Time Mother Time Thank You for Your Guidance&Protection! 66/6 41

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