Saturday, August 26, 2017

11322 20:20 #SuperHIV 66/6 Lisa Yates #Aggression

An <⭕>* ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭢ Lisa Lorraine Yates 5 Prime 20:20 & Grim Reaper in their 66/6

Fy *<⭕> ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭨ Lisa Lorraine Yates 20:20 20:20 - 20:20 66/6 20:20

Ti <⭕>* ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭣ Lisa Lorraine Yates 20:20 Kill the zellmer genome 20:20 Water Walker 20:20 No Mercy 66/6

La *<⭕> ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭩ Lisa Lorraine Yates UTR G U A C# 20:20 20:20 66/6

Su <⭕>* ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭠ Lisa Lorraine Yates 20:20 20:20 Shimma Shimma 'Dead Air' Melissa Luck as 66/6 41

Hu *<⭕> ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭦ Lisa Lorraine Yates Mango Tango Starry Eyed 20:20 - "The Door, The Door is Open" I Refuse to forgive 66/6

Ra <⭕>* ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭡ Lisa Lorraine Yates Drama Queen Dragonfly hannah on stumps in a pig toilet 66/6 140 Characters

Ni *<⭕> ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭧ Lisa Lorraine Yates Pop Culture Cinderella 66/6 your hackers ain't schit 41

Ni <⭕>* ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭢ Lisa Lorraine Yates Burlesque Bada Bing Alison Parker as I Refuse to forgive 66/6

Ra *<⭕> ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭨ Lisa Lorraine Yates 20:20 Mirror 20:20 20:20 & 66/6 20:20

ONE SUPREME SWAN Hu <⭕>* ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭣ Lisa Lorraine Yates 20:20 Jeans The Great Communicator Proper B

Su *<⭕> ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭩ Lisa Lorraine Yates 20:20 The Great Communicator Proper 20:20 66/6 41

La <⭕>* ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭠ Lisa Lorraine Yates 66/6 20:20 is 140 Characters

Ti *<⭕> ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭦ Lisa Lorraine Yates UTR G U C 20:20 20:20 Mirror 72/11

Fy <⭕>* ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭡ Lisa Lorraine Yates 20:20 20:20 66/6 is 20:20

An *<⭕> ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭧ Lisa Lorraine Yates 20:20 On The is 66/6


  1. See Jerry Lundegaard Say "Hey, You Better Just Stay Away From Scotty, Now"
    'you better be'
    "you better not be retaliating against my family"

  2. #Ton An
    🠠 10000
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 Freaky #Tail
    20:20 #Intelligence #Gain
    20:20 #KillerSoftware
    20:20 #M104 #Accelerator

    #Fy De
    🠣 1111
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    66/6 #Genetic #Algorithms
    20:20 #QuickGrow
    20:20 #Grow #HyperVicious
    20:20 #SpinningTop

    #Po Ti
    🠢 1110
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 #Fortify Tommy II
    20:20 War is #War
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U #A C
    #Radiating #Coil
    140 #Characters

    #La Go
    🠡 1101
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 #Fortify Tommy II
    20:20 #War is War
    #HyperVicious #Retaliation
    20:20 No Mercy
    140 #Characters

    #Vy Su
    🠠 1100
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 #Fortify Tommy II
    20:20 #FeedbackLoop
    20:20 #Clockwork
    9-6 Hisi-Roll
    Destroy lois king's soul


    #Hu By
    🠣 1011
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 Climbing Up Rapunzel's Hair
    #HyperVicious #Retaliation
    20:20 #Fortify Tommy II ⮔

    #Ko Ra
    🠢 1010
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 Poison Ivy 20:20 Homecoming
    20:20 #LogicMotion
    20:20 #ConnectFour
    20:20 #QuickDraw
    #Christ 41

    #Ni Me
    🠡 1001
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 Mesmerized 20:20 Magic Act
    20:20 #Circuit
    20:20 #Relay
    20:20 #Transducer
    #Language #Mechanics

    #Me Ni
    🠠 1000
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 Drama Queen 20:20 Sensuous
    #Electromagnetic #Field
    20:20 #Radiation
    20:20 #LogicMotion

    #Ra Ko
    🠣 0111
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 Cinderella 20:20 Mango Tango
    Destroy lois king's soul
    20:20 #HyperVicious
    20:20 #Transduction

    #By Hu
    🠢 0110
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 Peach Smoothie 20:20 Cupcake
    #HyperVicious #Retaliation
    Gonna Wipe that smile off your face

    #Su Vy
    🠡 0101
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
    20:20 #Deliver #Analog
    #FastActing #Tablet
    20:20 #Implementation

    #Go La
    🠠 0100
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U A C#
    20:20 #Polymerization
    20:20 #ThreadingStrings
    20:20 #Fabrication

    #Ti Po
    🠣 0011
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 #HyperVicious
    20:20 #Cloak& #Dagger
    20:20 #Intelligence #Channel
    20:20 #RADIOACTIVE
    #Satan 41

    #De Fy
    🠢 0010
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 #IRES
    20:20 #Polymerase
    20:20 #Scheme
    20:20 #Routine
    20:20 #LogicMotion
    20:20 #StringingBeads

    #An Ton
    🠡 0001
    #M104 #Ichneumon
    20:20 5 #Cap Prime
    20:20 #Penetration
    20:20 #Paradigm
    20:20 #Sentence #Structure
    20:20 #Expression

  3. 40 40 Gallium
    20:20 Chyna
    20:20 Joanie Laurer 55
    20:20 #LivingLanguage
    20:20 66/6 #Genome
    20:20 #Clockwork
    20:20 #Transcription #Wiz

  4. (#Christ) 40 40 #MilkyWay #Medusa 808

    20:20 #Morale #Boosts

    20:20 #Resistant #Cell #Lore

    20:20 #Anticancer

    20:20 Arctic Fox Lore


  5. #RedNun 808

    <01514 An✱By 6265C>
    <64331 De✱Su 44336>
    <06263 Ti✱Go 15120>
    <23446 Ti✱Go 33442>
    <45122 Su✱De 21514>
    <32655 By✱An 56263>


  6. 20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Stephanie Vigil. Stephanie Vigil Stands on Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'MANIFEST'. Stephanie Vigil Wears Black Mary Jane Platform Pumps; Red&White Striped Thigh-High Socks; a Red Crop Top T-Shirt, See 'Merchant' in White on The Front of The T-Shirt; 4 Diamond-Studded Platinum Bangle Bracelets on Her Right Wrist; a Red,Blue&White Bead Cuff Bracelet on Her Left Wrist; a Black '45' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a White '44' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Red Mesh Cap, See The Word 'Wicked' in Bronze on The Front of Stephanie Vigil's Mesh Cap. See a Glowing Gold '+180,000' on Stephanie Vigil's Vagina. A Penis is Attached to Stephanie Vigil's Body, Above Her Vagina; Stephanie Vigil Has an Erection. See a Glowing Blue '+180,000' on Stephanie Vigil's Penis; See a Glowing Gold 'KO' on Stephanie Vigil's Penis. See a Red 'α' on Stephanie Vigil's Left Shoe. Above Stephanie Vigil, See The Symbol 'Morale+108' in Glowing Blue. Above 'Morale+108', See a C-3PO Head; See '53345' in Black on C-3PO's Forehead. With Her Right Hand, Stephanie Vigil Holds a Glowing Red Scimitar; See '9/360' in White on The Scimitar. With Her Left Hand, She Holds a Green Double-Ended Dildo; See 'Mary' in White on The Dildo.

    In The Upper Left Portion of The Card, See a Black 4-Wheeler ATV; See a Glowing Blue '+720,000' on The ATV

    In The Upper Right Portion of The Card, See 'Mary 22' in Black.

    The Background on The Card is Platinum

    On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Stephanie Vigil' in Red

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Term 'Mother Witch' in Black

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Symbol 'Goton' in Black

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Term 'Collector Card' in Red

    In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Glowing Gold Tennis Shoe

    In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Microscope

    In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See an Image of Chanin Starbuck in a Polaroid Picture Frame

    In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Red Number '31'

    <20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

    >#An Go #De Ti #Ti De #Go An<

  7. <55526 An❋By 6623C>
    <44403 Su❋De 44360>
    <35491 Go❋Ti 36344>
    <74103 Go❋Ti 65150>
    <16232 Su❋De 24511>
    <04103 By❋An 65150>



  8. Shirley Sherrill 76

    <22551 ✲ 66541>
    <66462 ✲ 34303>
    <56053 ✲ 51641>
    <42412 ✲ 54153>
    <23624 ✲ 55226>
    <11236 ✲ 44434>



  9. #蜈
    #An De #Ti #Go #Su #By #Ra #Me #Ni #Ko #Hu #Vy #La #Po #Fy #Ton
    6 #Cycles a Day,66 #Cycles a Week

    Centered On The Card, See an Image of Diane Neal. Diane Neal Stands On Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'RESONANCE'. Diane Neal is Nude. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Diane Neal's Vagina. A Penis is Attached to Diane Neal's Body, Above Her Vagina. Diane Neal Has an Erection. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Diane Neal's Penis. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns Are Attached to Diane Neal's Head, See a Glowing Blue '+180,000' On Each of Her Horns, See a Glowing Red '-180,000' On Each of Her Horns. A Pair of Platinum Angel Wings Are Attached to Diane Neal's Back. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Each of Her Wings. Above Diane Neal's Horns, See 'Ichneumon Queen' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Diane Neal Holds a Simon Game. With Her Left Hand, Diane Neal Holds a Ouija Board.

    The Background On The Card is Black

    <622 ✲ 5523 ✲ 624>
    <424 ✲ 1121 ✲ 236>
    <24465 An✺By 46265>
    <15244 De✺Su 12453>
    <882A6 Ti✺Go 60000>
    <53312 Go✺Ti 31512>
    <62533 Su✺De 65324>
    <31626 By✺An 23141>
    <46151 00✺00 54636>
    <52225 An♦By 66540>
    <424 ✲ 1121 ✲ 236>
    <155 ✲ 6622 ✲ 541>


    CAP>An De Ti Go Su By Ra Me Ni Ko Hu Vy La Po Fy Ton>>TAIL

  10. #蜈
    #An #De Ti #Go #Su #By #Ra #Me #Ni #Ko #Hu #Vy #La #Po #Fy #Ton
    6 #Cycles a Day,66 #Cycles a Week

    Centered On The Card, See an Image of Diane Neal. Diane Neal Stands On Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'RESONANCE'. Diane Neal is Nude. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Diane Neal's Vagina. A Penis is Attached to Diane Neal's Body, Above Her Vagina. Diane Neal Has an Erection. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Diane Neal's Penis. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns Are Attached to Diane Neal's Head, See a Glowing Blue '+180,000' On Each of Her Horns, See a Glowing Red '-180,000' On Each of Her Horns. A Pair of Platinum Angel Wings Are Attached to Diane Neal's Back. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Each of Her Wings. Above Diane Neal's Horns, See 'Ichneumon Queen' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Diane Neal Holds a Simon Game. With Her Left Hand, Diane Neal Holds a Ouija Board.

    The Background On The Card is Black

    <622 ✲ 5523 ✲ 624>
    <424 ✲ 1121 ✲ 236>
    <24465 An✺By 46265>
    <15244 De✺Su 12453>
    <882A6 Ti✺Go 60000>
    <53312 Go✺Ti 31512>
    <62533 Su✺De 65324>
    <31626 By✺An 23141>
    <46151 00✺00 54636>
    <52225 An♦By 66540>
    <424 ✲ 1121 ✲ 236>
    <155 ✲ 6622 ✲ 541>


    'Night Visions' S01E02 'Dead Air'

    20:20 Reverse Transcription Wiz

    CAP>21 9-6 Lust An De Ti Go Su By Ra Me Ni Ko Hu Vy La Po Fy Ton 9-6 Lust 11>>TAIL

  11. #蜈
    #An De #Ti #Go #Su #By #Ra #Me #Ni #Ko #Hu #Vy #La #Po #Fy #Ton
    6 #Cycles a Day,66 #Cycles a Week

    Centered On The Card, See an Image of Diane Neal. Diane Neal Stands On Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'RETROVIRUS'. Diane Neal is Nude. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Diane Neal's Vagina. A Penis is Attached to Diane Neal's Body, Above Her Vagina. Diane Neal Has an Erection. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Diane Neal's Penis. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns Are Attached to Diane Neal's Head, See a Glowing Blue '+180,000' On Each of Her Horns, See a Glowing Red '-180,000' On Each of Her Horns. A Pair of Platinum Angel Wings Are Attached to Diane Neal's Back. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Each of Her Wings. Above Diane Neal's Horns, See 'Ichneumon Queen' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Diane Neal Holds a Simon Game. With Her Left Hand, Diane Neal Holds a Composition Book.

    The Background On The Card is Black

    <622 ✲ 5523 ✲ 624>
    <424 ✲ 1121 ✲ 236>
    <24465 An✺By 46265>
    <15244 De✺Su 12453>
    <882A6 Ti✺Go 60000>
    <53312 Go✺Ti 31512>
    <62533 Su✺De 65324>
    <31626 By✺An 23141>
    <46151 00✺00 54636>
    <52225 An♦By 66540>
    <424 ✲ 1121 ✲ 236>
    <155 ✲ 6622 ✲ 541>


    'Night Visions' S01E02 'Dead Air'

    20:20 Reverse Transcription Wiz

    CAP>21 9-6 Slut An De Ti Go Su By Ra Me Ni Ko Hu Vy La Po Fy Ton 9-6 Slut 11>>TAIL

  12. #蜈
    #An #De #Ti #Go Su #By #Ra #Me #Ni #Ko #Hu #Vy #La #Po #Fy #Ton
    6 #Cycles a Day,66 #Cycles a Week

    Centered On The Card, See an Image of Diane Neal. Diane Neal Stands On Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'RETROVIRUS'. Diane Neal is Nude. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Diane Neal's Vagina. A Penis is Attached to Diane Neal's Body, Above Her Vagina. Diane Neal Has an Erection. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Diane Neal's Penis. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns Are Attached to Diane Neal's Head, See a Glowing Blue '+180,000' On Each of Her Horns, See a Glowing Red '-180,000' On Each of Her Horns. A Pair of Platinum Angel Wings Are Attached to Diane Neal's Back. See a Glowing Blue '+960,000' On Each of Her Wings. Above Diane Neal's Horns, See 'Ichneumon Queen' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Diane Neal Holds a Simon Game. With Her Left Hand, Diane Neal Holds a Platinum Double-Headed Dildo.

    The Background On The Card is Black

    <622 ✲ 5523 ✲ 624>
    <424 ✲ 1121 ✲ 236>
    <24465 An✺By 46265>
    <15244 De✺Su 12453>
    <882A6 Ti✺Go 60000>
    <53312 Go✺Ti 31512>
    <62533 Su✺De 65324>
    <31626 By✺An 23141>
    <46151 00✺00 54636>
    <52225 An♦By 66540>
    <424 ✲ 1121 ✲ 236>
    <155 ✲ 6622 ✲ 541>


    'Night Visions' S01E02 'Dead Air'

    20:20 Reverse Transcription Wiz

    20:20 Who's The Sex Demon?

    CAP>21 6-9 Lust An De Ti Go Su By Ra Me Ni Ko Hu Vy La Po Fy Ton 9-6 Slut 11>>TAIL

  13. See Oscar The Grouch Leap From Can&Sidewalk Slam That Nigga, Pee-Wee Herman
    Oscar Bunches Up Pee-Wee&Shoves That Nigga In Recycling Bin

  14. 40 40 Gallium

    11 Roses to You


    #Intergalactic #Neural #Network

    #Gain #Poontang

  15. #Ton An
    #Rabies 85 ⮄
    #Neuropeptide ⮄
    5 #Cap
    #Sakawa Learns Rachel Dolezal

    Fy #De
    #Rabies 85 ⮇
    #Neuropeptide ⮇
    #RNA #Polymerase
    20:20 Goin' #Nuclear on your punk ass operating system
    #Software #Wars

    Po #Ti
    #Rabies 85 ⮆
    #Neuropeptide ⮆
    My #Software is #Aggressive
    #M104 #Ichneumon Inside
    20:20 #Percolator
    20:20 #Formulation

    #La Go
    #Rabies 85 ⮅
    #Neuropeptide ⮅
    UTR G U #A C
    #Cumulative #Effect
    20:20 Born to Kill
    #Genetic #Algorithm

    Vy #Su
    #Rabies 85 ⮄
    #Neuropeptide ⮄
    20:20 #AUG 6-9 Shimma Shimma
    Melissa Luck #Deliver #Analog
    #FastActing #Tablet
    140 #Characters

    Hu #By
    #Rabies 85 ⮇
    #Neuropeptide ⮇
    Chickadee Bitten
    #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles in the marrow of your operating system : )

    Ko #Ra
    #Rabies 85 ⮆
    #Neuropeptide ⮆
    Dragonfly Bada Bing
    Clausewitz On My Mind
    Phuck your pirate operating system
    Rachel Dolezal

    #Ni Me
    #Rabies 85 ⮅
    #Neuropeptide ⮅
    #Pegasus Roulette
    Phuck your operating system
    I'll Take your Fuel&Gas Up My Tanks
    This is 66/6

    Me #Ni
    #Rabies 85 ⮄
    #Neuropeptide ⮄
    Curfew Vanilla Bean
    Satan Americana
    I #Exploit your #codefarm

    Ra #Ko
    #Rabies 85 ⮇
    #Neuropeptide ⮇
    Glamorous Wisteria
    I Hang Out w/#Virus #Intelligence
    I Use your #Equipment Against you
    This is 66/6


    By #Hu
    #Rabies 85 ⮆
    #Neuropeptide ⮆
    I Know I'm In a Computer System
    I See Software, not life

    #Su Vy
    #Rabies 85 ⮅
    #Neuropeptide ⮅
    I Do The Shep Proudfoot
    &Kick your operating system in the ass
    That's #Proper #Punctuation

    Go #La
    #Rabies 85 ⮄
    #Neuropeptide ⮄
    See What Those #Offensive #Lines Are Riding On
    That's #Hazardous #Material
    20:20 #RabiesWriter

    Ti #Po
    #Rabies 85 ⮇
    #Neuropeptide ⮇
    6-9 UTR G T #A C
    20:20 #Radiating #Coil
    20:20 #Multiplier

    De #Fy
    #Rabies 85 ⮆
    #Neuropeptide ⮆
    #SuperNucleorhabdovirus in your #Processing PLANT
    6-9 #Infectious #Cycle
    I Don't Know "Can't"

    #An Ton
    #Rabies 85 ⮅
    #Neuropeptide ⮅
    Nicole Hattamer's #Blade of Grass
    I'm #Ichneumon-Minded
    20:20 #Christ 41

  16. September 6, 2019 at 1:26 PM
    BabsBeauty #Cognitive #Crystal
    20:20 Recycle 20:20 #Recycle
    20:20 #Process 20:20 Process
    20:20 Currency 20:20 #Currency
    20:20 Currency
    Super Virus Currency
    Ichneumon Currency
    #Christ as #SuperTransformer
    #Mode of #Ration-alization
    20:20 Con-Version

    BabsBeauty #Cognitive #Crystal
    20:20 Currency 20:20 #Currency
    20:20 Recycle 20:20 #Recycle
    20:20 #Process 20:20 Process
    20:20 #Format 20:20 #Fashion
    20:20 #Fabric
    20:20 #Text-#Tiles
    20:20 Currency Con-Version
    #Christ as #SuperTransformer
    20:20 Adapter

    BabsBeauty #Cognitive #Crystal
    20:20 #Process 20:20 Process
    20:20 Currency 20:20 #Currency
    20:20 Recycle 20:20 #Recycle
    20:20 ALPHA SCRIBE
    punk, you're a sub-scriber
    and take your lil' monkey
    cheerleaders w/you
    I'm 20:20 Satan #CHRIST

    BabsBeauty #Cognitive #Crystal
    20:20 Recycle 20:20 #Recycle
    20:20 #Process 20:20 Process
    20:20 Currency 20:20 #Currency
    Your Monkey Can't
    Imagine Right
    So Your Monkey
    It Took to Imagining Wrong
    Iblis Laughed at Your Monkey
    I Put The Incident
    In a Song

    BabsBeauty #Cognitive #Crystal
    20:20 #Currency 20:20 Currency
    20:20 Recycle 20:20 #Recycle
    20:20 #Process 20:20 Process
    20:20 Wicked Weaver
    I Put your weirdos in The Mire
    The Arctic Fox Says to wile e.
    "bitch, you're a sub-scriber"
    20:20 u mad bro?

    BabsBeauty #Cognitive #Crystal
    20:20 Process 20:20 #Process
    20:20 #Currency 20:20 Currency
    20:20 Recycle 20:20 #Recycle
    20:20 I've Got #Pods
    I've Got Pods Galore
    I've Got Pods In #Traffic
    Like You Got Chevy&Ford
    I Do Not SPEAK Japanese
    Ain't No SUZUKI



SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...