Thursday, August 3, 2017


A MW Mod to 41 "You Know What's Going On We Expect At Least a Bare Minimum From You When It Comes to Not Letting The Dome Die" 66/6 An

41 Says to a Soul "Among Other Happenings there's an element having an e-motional meltdown &it's phucking ridiculous but Serious" De

41 Says to a Soul "Think of a Well, There are E-Motional Reactors and an element is having an e-motional " Ti

41 to a Soul "...You Can The of It &That Would Be Part of Why You're Here &I'll Map Other Stuff 'x' is 'ridiculous'" Go

41 to a Soul "Yeah, someone gave a hyper-narcissistic deluded drug-addict e-motionally retarded devil too much rope to run w/" Su

41 to a Soul " has 'ed a bunch of batches of schitheads&there is a trauma&terror in the lines about that" By

41 to a Soul "A bunch of souls got ripped off by 'The Great Deception'/'Great Fraud' and The Cut is DEEP for many of them &more trauma" Ra

41 to a Soul "There's 'Many' 'THEY LIED!?!' Scenarios &bambi is crying 'WE TRUSTED YOU!'" 010

41 to a Soul "There Are Addict Elements in Body That Have Been High as Phuck&they're gonna epic crash Think of 'The Great Depression'" Ni

41 to a Soul "And Like w/The Crash w/'The Great Depression' See motherphuckers hurling themselves out of windows 'THEY LIED?!?'" Ko

41 to a Soul "There is a Dangerous Combo of Imbalances On The Horizon &'x'&'y' won't be able to balance their accounts" Hu

41 to a Soul "And I'm Working Some Traffic Signaler&Circulatory System Hacks So MW Doesn't Have a Stroke" Vy

41 to a Soul "Like That" 66/6 La

41 to a Soul "Yeah, malware is trying to set off a major malfunction" Po

41 to a Soul " Part of The See an alien devil caught in the language like in quicksand &trying to hack its way out" 15

41 to Soul "See the alien devil trying to hack&piece together to >>>><<<< its way out of the quicksand/" 16

41 to Soul "This Can Be/Is Confusing&Traumatic For The /Reality We're In As this alien devil is just hurling 'whatever the phuck'" 17

41 to Soul "The 'alien devil' model I just drew up reps a virus that's caught&is about to be chopped &'the vampire is going out ugly'" 18

41 to Soul "I Can Paint a 'hacker' model toon of it they don't have combo to safe if they can't guess combo in 15 min. they'll die..." 19

41 to Soul "...So, in desperation, their worse qualities coming out, they're dialing in every combo they can think of and..." 20

41 to Soul "...this frantic dialing&hacking is phucking w/the reader board ads in Times Square See incoherence in ads&traffic signals" 21

41 to Soul "So,it's like, even though it's 'Attempt Blocked' there is this 'Secondary Wave' of Issues That Have to Be Addressed Quick..." 22

41 to Soul "...Quick Like, Yesterday, See How I'm Working What I Call For Like, Yesterday" 23

41 to Soul "Overall, 'This' is a Good Sign As The Systems You're In Are Awake, Giving a Phuck&Have Workers Rushing to The Problems" 24

1 comment:

  1. (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    Thank You for Your Guidance&Protection!




SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...