Monday, September 25, 2017


89 to Spirit of Red Nun "The 'saints', 'disciples' and 'pauls' and 'I NEED TO PROTECT MY MINISTRY' are gonna learn not to play the game they tried to play

be it on Christ 41, 'Joan' Christ or 'Pee Wee' Christ

A Christ as a Program is a Program Issued and Stamped by High Admin/God

You Will See who the anti-Christ elements and the what and why to them"


  1. 89 to Spirit of Red Nun "Even If it is 'Pee Wee' Christ

    the 'disciples' and 'saints' put together wouldn't be able to subjugate the Card

    and 'Pee Wee' Christ would destroy them"

  2. 89 to Spirit of Red Nun "In This Case, The Christ Card is a System Security Card, an AntiVirus Agent, a Destroyer

    What Do You Think This All Adds Up To?

    You See It Just Fine


    Christ 41 is Satan Christ

    and 'x' and 'y' have been set up

    they grabbed The Wrong Damn Serpent This Time"

  3. 89 to Spirit of Red Nun "The fallen angels are in a process of degeneration

    You're seeing them as they crash

    they're far from being in their prime"

  4. 41 to a Soul "'Because'

    Imagine if You Were in Some Country Ruled by Some Dictator

    and The Dictator's Agents Say That Saying Anything Bad About 'Pyong Jun Wim' is a Sin

    And Furthermore, Thinking Bad Thoughts About 'Pyong Jun Wim' is a Sin

    and Not Paying Taxes is Also a Sin

    And You Need to Beg The Agents, 'Pyong Jun Wim' and God

    to Forgive Your Sins

    But The Dictator's Agents Don't Believe in God, And If They Do, They Believe in an Apathetic God

    So They Talk All This Schit About Pardoning You for Your Sins

    Sins Like, Eating Lettuce On Thursdays

    Ha Ha Ha

    Is There a Familiar Ring to This Song?

    That Would Be 'Because' There Are Similar fallen angel schitheads w/their fallen angel schithead patterns imposing their bullschit religions on people for social control&their pervert games"

  5. 41 to a Soul "Yeah, Like

    the fallen angels will put false referees out on the field

    and the scoreboard won't register the false ref's calls

    but there are paid actors in the stands who point at the false ref and say 'That's The Real Ref, the others are false' and between the false refs and the actors, a portion of the crowd is fooled or confused, and the fallen angels hope that if they can fool enough of the crowd into thinking and screaming 'The Score is 28 to 14', That The Scoreboard will fall into a state of confusion and eventually reflect what the crowd is screaming&register the false ref's calls

    But The Scoreboard knows the crowd is, for most part, a bunch of dumb monkeys, so it doesn't change the score to suit the crowd

    and wile e. coyote and the fallen angels are like

    'Drats, foiled again' and they go back to acme to buy some more bullschit black magic

    sorta like that"

  6. 41 to a Soul "It's Red Nun, Because It's a Satan Nun

    Part of an Antihuman Engine


    ...What is it with some of you and the 'sex thing'?

    it points to a dis-order

    'I know but, what about Sex?'

    Like, Really? I'm Talking About an Antihuman Program Issued By System Security

    I'm Talking About The Hell You Heard About

    And 'What About Sex?'?"

  7. 41 Marks Clipboard and Calls The Trackers

    We're In a Simulation Here, There's an Interactive Media Angle

    'What about Sex?'

  8. "Yeah, Dean, We've Got a Bunch of Sex-Obsessed Jinn, Perverts Who Associate Sex w/Rewards&Status,

    They're Fucking Up Our Civilization

    I Think They Must Be The Fallen Angels or Something"

  9. 41 to a Soul "For One Thing

    'Intercourse in What Format?

    In Monkey Phucking Format?

    Or Are We Gonna Exchange Files&Data Fluid Over The Phone as We Talk About Knitting?'

    See Ichneumon

    'Intercourse in What Format?

    Are You Gonna Give Me an Instrument and Sheet Music So I Can Give Birth to a Song?

    No? Oh, You Mean Monkey Fucking


  10. 41 to a Soul "How Much is Intercourse in Monkey Fucking Format Worth Down In The 'Red Light Zone'

    50 Bucks?"

  11. 41 to a Soul "And 'x' isn't Talking About Some Kind of Spiritual Exercise Kama Sutra Schit

    Just Monkey Fucking"

  12. 41 to a Soul "The Kind of Sex That The Idolaters Enjoy, Right?

    Sex with a Prostitute"

  13. 41 to a Soul "Sitting Next to 'Intercourse in What Format?'

    It Makes Me Wanna Get Philosophical&Ask

    Is Sex w/a Prostitute Intercourse

    Or a Transaction?

    It's Not Intercourse Like Having a Conversation with Your Best Friend

    It's More of a Transaction

    Like a Cab Ride"

  14. A 66/6'er to a soul "you're doomed

    you're in a computer system

    you don't get it?



    See Investigators Looking into The 2 + 2 of The DISASTER


    you're in a computer system

    you can kiss your ass goodbye"

  15. A 66/6'er to a soul "you're in a computer system&it's among other systems and there is competition there too

    See a calculator

    your calculator decided in advance

    that it would say the answer is 10 no matter what (prejudice)

    and 8 + 8 came up


    whoever gave you that cheat, fucked you over

    that was a malicious move as well

    as its not a good cheat

    See the last post and this one

    yeah, that's what'll happen

    you're like 'Anti-High Definition'&'Anti-Accuracy'

    you're doomed"

  16. A 66/6'er to a soul "you can see what you are now, right?


    you are part of fermented data

    that became a disease

    you are malware, bud"

  17. 41 to Trackers "See See

    'we need to protect&promote our values

    with a propaganda campaign'

    Find those rodent motherfuckers"

  18. 41 to 'the devil' "Is it 'hard' to see who got a Promotion and who got fired for corruption and schitty performance?

    In a Way It Is, Right?

    trump lives in a fancy house

    and the african lives in a 'shanty'


    and you idiot fallen angel types can't see what's being done to you

    you're not being honored, fool

    you're being put on display as you crash

    you're in a process of degeneration"

  19. 41 to an Islamic Spirit "'And they learned what harmed them
    not what profited them'"

  20. 41 to an Islamic Spirit "'x' can't see what's evil and what's good

    w/o God's Guidance

    'x' didn't believe that

    'x' crashes like icarus"

  21. 41 to an Islamic Spirit "See an idolater nailed to a cross

    God Told Me

    'Don't Get Nailed to a Cross'"

  22. 41 to an Islamic Spirit "See a racist nailed to a cross

    But in this world

    it's not easy to avoid getting nailed to a cross

    it can seem impossible

    See a soul nailed to a cross called 'family'

    and once again

    by an idol betrayed"

  23. 41 to an Islamic Spirit "See a Dude Nailed to a Cross

    I Ask 'What Happened?'

    He Said 'I Had an Opinion'

    Ha Ha Ha"

  24. 41 to an Islamic Spirit "Yeah, another one nailed to a cross called 'sexism'

    another nailed to a cross called 'tribe'

    See a devil stapling niggas to crosses and tossing them in the ocean"

  25. 41 to an Islamic Spirit "Because I'm an AntiVirus Agent

    God Teaches Me How to Avoid Getting Caught Up in Bad Digest-ive Processes

    See Digest-ive Tract Here&Digest-ive Tract There

    From Stomach to Newspaper to the Simulation that 'the people' are in

    And Parasites&Viruses&Bacteria On All Those Tracts

    'Don't Get Digested' as in 'Don't Get Eaten Alive'

    That Ain't Easy in This World

    See people shaving and perfuming to make themselves more appealing

    but to be somehow consumed

    'Stay Off The Stage and Out of The Spotlight'

    See a crook insert himself in the media, starting a digest-ive process, see the crook in prison later, his face on the magazine put a file w/his name on it on an investigator's desk and the investigator then had something to GO on/got a hard-on for the guy"

  26. 41 to an Islamic Spirit "See a jezebel w/her long hair caught in the gears, her head is about to get smashed

    'Jezebel, The Instruction Was Given for The Sake of Practicality

    What the fuck did you think?'

    'I thought God just likes ordering people to do silly things
    to show He has the power'

    'Jezebel, you are a fucking fool'"

  27. 41 to an Islamic Spirit "As If The Tiger Just Goes Around w/Big Teeth

    Because He's Silly

    Or As If The Cheetah is Just Fast

    For The Sake of 'Cute'"

  28. 41 to an Islamic Spirit "And I Said 'God is Apparent'

    and the monkeys laughed their asses off

    And I Said to The Angel

    'I Had Hoped

    That Being a Satan Card

    I Wouldn't Have to Deal w/That Kinda Schit'"



SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...