Sunday, September 10, 2017


89 to 41 "Don't Let 'x'&'y' recycle again You See the damage done Don't let the fallen angels recycle" 66/6

89 to 41 "Somewhere, Someone gave 'x'&'y' an inch Now a bunch of idiot piece of schit failed beta programs are trying to 'fix'..." An

89 to 41 "...their 'pasts'&come out on top &they are phucking schit up they have become a disease &they remain a disease" De

89 to 41 "It's like letting the judas or paris of troy recycle to phuck things up again" Ti

89 to 41 "I Tell You Stay On 89 Line Stay On 89 Line So 'x'&'y' don't get those inches You Have to Be Robot Ruthless" Go

89 to 41 "If 'jezebel' is able to launch malice on You from 'the future' It's because you didn't destroy that piece of schit" Su

89 to 41 "See What I Am Saying to You Keep Working That Lore The M104 Agents Are Helping Keep You On " By

89 to 41 "89 Line You Have to Protect The Don't let that fallen angel trash live to recycle &infect The Upgrades" Ra

89 to 41 "See those fallen angels working the FEEDBACK LOOPS This Time Take Away their futures So they don't get to play that schit" 010

1 comment:

  1. 41 to 66/6'ers "See The 89 Line
    I Have to Add
    Later, When We're Up Against 'Cheetahs'
    The Cheetah Ain't Like the devil/failed beta"

    41 to 66/6'ers "The devil brings phucking personality disorders and idiocy and addiction and 'I need to hide x from y' to the game"

    41 to 66/6'ers "The Cheetah Brings Speed, Determination and PRECISION to The Game

    Be Ready for The Cheetah

    the devil is a retard"

    41 to 66/6'ers "the devil is a retard
    and the tortoise would turn the Hare into a retard too
    if the Hare lets that happen"

    41 to 66/6'er "See the devil trip over his own tail

    Don't Expect That idiot schit from The Cheetah

    The Cheetah Can Be Precise"


    41 to 66/6'ers "Two Cheetahs Working Together is Double Trouble

    Not Like the fallen angels

    Where they cancel each other out"




SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...