Tuesday, September 5, 2017


"You tried to put an object-oriented knowledge base program up against a ?" '*smirk What? I Just See a Coon' An

"Then The Has You Fighting Blind&They Have Top-Shelf Diagnostics" 'OH PUHLEEZE, he ain't no agent he's a coon' De

"THIS IS A PHUCKING !" 'Ain't no abstraction about it it's just a dumb coon we're whitey class superior to coons' Ti

"You're headed for disaster" 'Ain't no damn way it's just a dumb coon w/no college degree what could he possibly do to us?' Go

40 40 Agent 89 20:20 66/6 20:20


  1. "1st,I Don't Believe We're In a Computer System
    I Believe That The Universe Randomly Fell Into an Organized Complex of Systematic Processes"

    "2nd,I'm Not Convinced That What This Guy Has
    Counts as #Software
    To Me
    It Just Looks Like Organized Nonsense In Uniform Patterns"

    "3rd,You Need to Check Your Computer
    It Keeps Saying That I'm Trying to Enter an Absurdity
    Clearly,The Computer is in Error
    Because I'm Bob"

    "4th,There is No Way That a Virus Like Rabies
    Can Be Converted Into Other Languages
    I Mean,It's a Virus
    Viruses Don't Tend to Be Innovative"

    "5th,I Admit That If You Look at Us as Being Part of a Greater Metabolism
    There's Likely to Be #AntihumanAgents
    However, Humans are Special"

    "6th,You Can Call Me An 'Outside-The-Box-Thinker'
    But I Happen to Think 'Gilligan's Island'
    Is The Most Realistic Show In The History of TV"

    I Come Into a Simulation Like This
    To Escape from The Seriousness of My RL Existence
    So,Take What I Say w/a Grain of Salt"

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uG9PGqaWeo



SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...