Sunday, September 3, 2017

53322 20:20 #SuperHIV 66/6 Lauren Giddings #Aggression

An *<⭕> 🠡 0001 Lauren Giddings 20:20 5 Prime 20:20 & The 20:20 66/6 41

De <⭕>* 🠢 0010 Lauren Giddings 9-6 Prepped The A-Hole 72/11 What's On Second

Ti *<⭕> 🠣 0011 Lauren Giddings How To Experience The Frickin' Beez Kneez Right Before You Get Off Pull Out The 72/11

Go <⭕>* 🠠 0100 Lauren Giddings 20:20 UTR G U A C# 6-9 More Fun to Come Up The 66/6

Su *<⭕> 🠡 0101 Lauren Giddings Shimma Shimma Melissa Luck Debra Estes as in The House 72/11

By <⭕>* 🠢 0110 Lauren Giddings Dragonfly Mango Tango Combine w/The Bird Loosen Up The A-Hole Before Inserting Butt Plug 66/6

Ra *<⭕> 🠣 0111 Lauren Giddings Sensuous Cinderella 20:20 Alison Parker as 66/6

Me <⭕>* 🠠 1000 Lauren Giddings Roulette Caitlin Rose 20:20 I-Don't-Know Third Base 72/11 20:20

Ni *<⭕> 🠡 1001 Lauren Giddings Homecoming Pop Culture Lubing Up The Whole Hand Gettin' Off On Super Mario He Is a Man 66/6

Ko <⭕>* 🠢 1010 Lauren Giddings Ice Queen Glamorous 20:20 &Start Working In Your Hand 66/6 Pod

ONE SUPREME SWAN By *<⭕> 🠣 1011 Lauren Giddings "What's The Subject Matter?" It Ain't Second Base Because is in Center

Vy <⭕>* 🠠 1100 Lauren Giddings Dean's Wife Walked In When He Had His Lower Arm Up Bill's Ass 20:20 Grounds for Divorce 66/6 xo

La *<⭕> 🠡 1101 Lauren Giddings Amber Tuccaro Included "DEAN, GO WASH YOUR ARM!" 66/6

Po <⭕>* 🠢 1110 Lauren Giddings UTR G T C 20:20 Romance Novel 20:20 66/6

Fy *<⭕> 🠣 1111 Lauren Giddings 20:20 Romantic Language Dean Be Kissin' Ass 66/6 41

Ton <⭕>* 🠠 10000 Lauren Giddings 20:20 Freaky Today is The Catcher to a 66/6


  1. 40 40 Lauren Giddings 808

    20:20 You've Got #Mail

    From #Satan 41


    "What's The #Subject Matter?"

    It's Themed

  2. (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    20:20 Please ++++ My #Connectivity

    20:20 #Christ #Engine

    Talking to Peruvian Mummies
    SSI Ends 6664

  3. See Dean's Wife Scowling at Peruvian Mummy
    Finally, She Sets Down Her Fork
    &Asks Dean
    "Do You Have to Bring That Thing to The Dinner Table?"

  4. <1>*
    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 5 #Cap Prime
    20:20 No Fun, No Fun to Be Around
    20:20 #HyperVicious, I Put The Tears On the clowns
    I Put The Satan in The Stooges
    20:20 No Fun
    #Tribulation #Sequence
    20:20 Hisi-Roll, Arctic Fox Lore
    20:20 #Amplifier
    No Fun to Be Around

    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 #IRES 20:20 #ReverseTranscriptase
    20:20 No Fun #Engine
    20:20 Avril Haines
    No Fun to Be Around
    20:20 #StringingBeads
    20:20 #Channel #Infusion
    #Ichneumon #Embryo
    20:20 #SeedsOfHate
    20:20 No Fun
    20:20 Bump&Jump
    The New York Dolls Is Some Skanks

    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 #UTR 20:20 G U A C#
    20:20 No Fun #Engine
    20:20 #DataDemon
    20:20 #Clockwork
    #Exercise #Algorithm
    20:20 No Fun
    #Satan 41
    20:20 #Momentum
    Smoking Barrels On My Guns
    20:20 Bump&Jump
    #Blondie Can't Rap
    20:20 #ConceptCarrier
    66/6 #Percolator
    20:20 #Modulation

    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
    20:20 No Fun, No Fun On #Loop
    Sounds Like Some #Satan
    20:20 Avril Haines #Deliver #Analog
    Can't Help But to #Assemble for The Mighty 66/6
    20:20 #M104 #Ichneumon 109 as #Integrase
    20:20 #Retrovirus #Generator, 20:20 NO FUN

    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 Cinderella Cupcake
    20:20 No Fun 20:20 #Polymorph
    20:20 Lauren Giddings as #Protease
    20:20 #Poltergeist, Blast From The Past
    20:20 #FeedbackLoop
    20:20 #GrabAss
    20:20 #TonyFinger
    Sure Enough, That Lil' Nigga Made It In
    20:20 #Lubrication 20:20 No Fun

    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 Drama Queen 20:20 Sensuous
    20:20 No Fun 20:20 #TransportChain
    20:20 #Fundamentals
    20:20 #SimonGame 20:20 No Fun
    20:20 #Sequencing 20:20 #LogicMotion
    #KineticEnergy 20:20 No Fun
    No Fun #Engine
    20:20 #DataDemon
    20:20 #LiveWire
    This is 66/6
    20:20 #Satan 41

    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 Wisteria 20:20 Prom Night
    20:20 No Fun, Carrie Shut The Prom Down
    20:20 No Fun, I Put The Tears On the clowns
    20:20 #SheetMusic 20:20 No Fun
    #Power of The #Signal
    I'm #Satan 41
    20:20 #Streaming #Gene-ies
    20:20 #Synthesizer
    20:20 Communicable No Fun

    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 #Clothes On #Current 20:20 No Fun
    20:20 #Parade 20:20 No Fun
    Your Hoe Ass Smiling Mother 20:20 No Fun
    20:20 Satan Americana Goes Ahead&Calls Hisself
    20:20 Satan Ramone
    I Put The #Satan In The #Stooges
    20:20 No Fun
    This is The New #Style
    20:20 #mRNA

    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U #A C
    20:20 #Clockwork
    66 #Cycles a Week, 6 Cycles a Day
    72 Measures, 11 Days
    SSI Ends 6664
    20:20 #Stamped #Satan Card
    20:20 #VirusArtist
    20:20 No Fun
    #Metabolic #Faculty
    E-Motional #Reactor
    20:20 No Fun, Alice&The Hatter
    20:20 #Tablet

    20:20 #SuperHIV
    20:20 Freaky #Tale
    No Fun to Be Around
    20:20 No Fun #Engine
    See My #Fiber #Formulation
    20:20 #Carbon #Graph-ic
    20:20 #Rendition
    I Don't Care for #Television
    20:20 No Fun, I Prefer #JoyDivision
    20:20 "How's That Work?"



SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...