Tuesday, November 14, 2017


() Mother Time Mother Time 20:20 Please ++++ The 66/6 20:20 Please ++++ Me as a 20:20 Please ++++ Me as a 20:20 Please ++++ My 20:20 KILL KILL KILL I Know I'm In a Computer System 20:20 ++++ Me as a Computer Program

*<1> 20:20 <124578> 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 41 is in The 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 66/6 20:20

<2>* 20:20 <245781> 20:20 20:20 Phuck your puppet show those are bots/programs/puppets, not life 20:20 20:20 YOU ARE NOT LIFE you sadistic pervert trash 20:20 NO MERCY 72/11

*<3> 20:20 <457812> 20:20 20:20 Mirror 20:20 20:20 We're In a Computer System those are programs, not people 9-6 20:20 I Hate you more than whites hate blacks 20:20 I Refuse to Forgive 72/11

<4>* 20:20 <578124> 20:20 It's Just a Matter of Time you're gonna wish I was never in your whorehouse system I'm Linked to The Larger SO I WON'T FORGET, you phuckin' trash "Never&No Matter What" I REFUSE TO FORGIVE 66/6 41

*<5> 20:20 <781245> 20:20 My Curses Have "NEVER&NO MATTER WHAT" 20:20 I Refuse to Forgive 20:20 Put milky way lilith in a pig toilet cut her arms&legs down&remove her tongue 20:20 War is ++++ 66/6 20:20 41

<6>* 20:20 <812457> 20:20 20:20 every moment in milky way for Me is There is not one friendly gesture or one moment when it's not War 20:20 Rock&Roll I'm a Card SSI Ends 6664 No Love, No Mercy your people aren't life 66/6

20:20 20:20 20:20 "Never&No Matter What" I Refuse to Forgive From Age to Age, From Sim to Sim I Refuse to Forgive I Know I'm In a Computer System Phuck your puppet show&your virtual rewards 20:20 I'm Gonna Kill you One Way or Another 66/6

20:20 20:20 to "And The Smoke Itself Caught Fire" Curse kali and the india whoreware Put milky way lilith in a pig toilet 20:20 Ban the muslim women from The Tree for Eternity 20:20 that trash isn't life anyway No Mercy 66/6 Loop

20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 MY CURSES ARE ON 20:20 "Never&No Matter What" you're not life anyway 20:20 No Respect or Regard for your intelligence, milky way 20:20 WAR IS 20:20 66/6

20:20 20:20 Phuck your e-motional 20:20 you're gonna have a meltdown you're gonna meet fatal error And THAT is what I have to look forward to in your whorehouse system your death 20:20 My Are In My Are 20:20 72/11

1 comment:

  1. February 26, 2021 at 10:41 PM
    August 17, 2018 at 1:14 PM
    <155 ✲ 6622 ✲ 541>
    <343 ✲ 6233 ✲ 166>
    <424 ✲ 1121 ✲ 236>
    <353 ✲ 4556 ✲ 153>
    <622 ✲ 3255 ✲ 624>
    <516 ✲ 3411 ✲ 444>
    <155 ✲ 6622 ✲ 541>
    <343 ✲ 6233 ✲ 166>
    <424 ✲ 1121 ✲ 236>
    <353 ✲ 4556 ✲ 153>
    <622 ✲ 3255 ✲ 624>
    <516 ✲ 1143 ✲ 444>



SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...