Wednesday, January 31, 2018

59332 20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance 66/6

20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
20:20 #Carbon <281457>
20:20 #Fiber
20:20 #Formulation
20:20 Mustard in The Conservatory w/a Pipe
20:20 #Channel #Infusion
20:20 #Embryo
20:20 #FastCycle
20:20 #DataDemon
20:20 #Cog-nitive #Development
20:20 #Antihuman
20:20 #Compound

20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
20:20 #Carbon <728145>
20:20 #Fiber
20:20 #Formulation
20:20 Scarlet in The Dining Room w/a Knife
20:20 #Frame of #Reference
20:20 #Sew a #Node
20:20 #Fabrication
20:20 #Christ #Engine
20:20 #Synthesizer
20:20 #PowerTract
#Electromagnetic #Field

20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
20:20 #Carbon <572814>
20:20 #Fiber
20:20 #Formulation
20:20 Plum in The Billiards Room w/Wrench
20:20 Make Sense
Spooky #Bisquick
20:20 #RNA-#Guided #DNA #Binding-#Domain
20:20 #WickedWeaver
20:20 #HyperVicious
20:20 #Articulation

20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
20:20 #Carbon <457281>
20:20 #Fiber
20:20 #Formulation
20:20 Peacock in The Hall w/a Candlestick
#Processes of #Conversion
20:20 #SheetMusic
20:20 #Christ #Engine
6-9 #Destroyer Card
No Mercy&No Love

20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
20:20 #Carbon <145728>
20:20 #Fiber
20:20 #Formulation
20:20 Green in The Study w/a Lasso
20:20 #SimonGame
20:20 #Sequencing
20:20 #MotionPicture, #KineticEnergy
20:20 #Transaction
20:20 E-Motional #Reactor
20:20 #Transmutation
20:20 #Magnetism

20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
20:20 #Carbon <814572>
20:20 #Fiber
20:20 #Formulation
20:20 Scarlet in The Kitchen w/Pipe
20:20 #ArchSexDemon
20:20 #Chutes& #Ladders
20:20 I'm So Hisi w/My #Ichneumon #Style
20:20 #Imago 20:20 #Crocodile
20:20 Go #Figure
This is 66/6

20:20 Avril Haines #Intake
20:20 #MotionPicture, #KineticEnergy
20:20 #Transaction
20:20 #StringingBeads
20:20 #SpinningTop
20:20 #Episode
20:20 #Storyline
20:20 #LogicMotion
20:20 #InfoTravel
20:20 #MotorSkills
20:20 #Neuro-#Logical #System
#Cog-nitive #Development

20:20 Avril Haines #Compression
20:20 Symbolic Reps
20:20 #Table 20:20 #Graph
20:20 #Notation 20:20 #Tone
20:20 #Meter 20:20 #Measure
#Processes of #Conversion
20:20 #SheetMusic
#Language is #Technology
20:20 #Christ #Engine
20:20 #MotorSkills
#Cognitive #Development

20:20 Avril Haines #Power
20:20 #Digest-ive #Tract
#Metabolic #Faculty
20:20 #Quilting
20:20 #ThreadingStrings
20:20 #Christ #Engine
20:20 #QuickScripter
20:20 Data Demon 20:20 #DataDemon
20:20 #Process 20:20 Process
20:20 #BowlingBall 20:20 #Lane
20:20 #Input 20:20 #Strike

20:20 Avril Haines #Exhaust
20:20 #Output
#Record #Score
20:20 #Clockwork
20:20 #Tracks of #Time
#Ichneumon #Traction
20:20 #Particle 20:20 #Wave
20:20 #Modulation 20:20 #Scheme
66/6 #Assembly #Language
20:20 #LegoCastle
20:20 #QuickAssemble
20:20 #Christ #Engine
20:20 #Magnetism


  1. De #Fytonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    20:20 #Mirror Mirror
    64 There&64 Here
    It's Neither There Nor Here
    It's 64

    Tonde #Potonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    20:20 #VirusTransduction
    Symbolic Representations
    Curta Calculator

    Antonde #Latonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    20:20 Cuttin' Lines
    Carol Anne In The TV
    20:20 #Poltergeist
    Gettin' Creepy

    Detonde #Vytonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    20:20 Pat-Man Rogers Says
    "Ain't No Coincidence"
    Criminally Listed

    Titonde #Hutonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    20:20 #Library
    A Book Between 'B'&'D'
    &A Filing System Known as 'Coincidence'

    Gotonde #Kotonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    Is It a 'Coincidence'
    20:20 It's The #Ladder

    Sutonde #Nitonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    20:20 "ME SO HORNY"
    That's What Small Pox Sang
    20:20 #Virus #Transduction

    Bytonde #Metonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    20:20 #Inter-#Course
    I Be Gettin' Small Pox #Aroused
    20:20 #Stimulation

    Ratonde #Ratonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    HAL 9000 Said
    "Just Make Sense"
    Janet Wood
    Clit Hood
    Bermuda Triangle

    Metonde #Bytonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    20:20 #Episode
    Chrissy Snow Said
    "I Ain't No Hoe"
    #Metabolic #Faculty

    Nitonde #Sutonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    20:20 Play The Role
    Jack Tripper Says "I'm So Gay"
    20:20 Mr. Roper

    Kotonde #Gotonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    20:20 #ChessGame
    How Did Those Pieces Move?
    20:20 Monkey Magic
    66/6 #Cognitive

    Hutonde #Titonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    Yo, I Gots #DataStructure
    That's How You Impress The Bots
    20:20 #CrossSection

    Vytonde #Detonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    Bruce Banner is in Denial
    20:20 Oh Yes You Are

    Latonde #Antonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    Yo, This Schit is #Reel!
    20:20 #SimonGame
    Mutant Women of Spokane

    Potonde #Tonfy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    Yo, How About a Roll?
    #Beaver On The Totem Pole
    Clarice Got Hit w/Jizz

    Fytonde #Fy
    20:20 Melissa Luck
    #SmallPox #Polymerase
    Silence of The Lamb
    Sperm Flung from The Hand
    Clarice Got Hit By That #DNA
    It's Ok

  2. 20:20 Taygete 47 Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Marissa Mayer. Marissa Mayer Stands On Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'VY'. Marissa Mayer Wears Black Galoshes; a Gray Wool Skirt, See a Purple Medusa Head on The Skirt; a Long-Sleeved Bronze Blouse; Black Leather Gloves; a Mini 11-Ball (Billiards) Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; a Mini 6-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; and a Black Gainsborough Hat with a Blue Band, a Red Bow, a White Flower, a Purple Flower, a 3 of Spades Card, a Glowing Red 6-Sided Die with 6 White Dots Displayed, a Jar of Vaseline, and a Vagina. See a Glowing Blue '+140' on Each of Marissa Mayer's Galoshes; See a Glowing Gold '+235' on Her Skirt; See a Glowing Red '-33' on Her Skirt; See a Glowing Blue '+89' on Her Skirt; See The Word 'Radical' in Glowing White on Her Blouse; See a Glowing Gold '+84' on Her Hat; See a Glowing Blue '+27' on Her Hat; See a Glowing Red '-73' on Her Hat. Above Marissa Mayer, See The Name 'Queen Savvy' in Platinum. Above 'Queen Savvy', See '6250141' in Pink. With Her Right Hand, Marissa Mayer Holds a 5 of Clubs Card. With Her Left Hand, Marissa Mayer Holds a Lit Stick of Dynamite.
    To Marissa Mayer's Right, See an Image of Elisabeth Röhm. Elisabeth Röhm Stands on Top of a Rectangular Black Box; See The Word 'MILK' in Platinum on The Side of The Box. Elisabeth Röhm Wears a Hooded Black Robe; On Elisabeth Röhm's Robe, See an Anglerfish, a 2 of Clubs Card, a Platinum Phallus, a Red Stapler, a Fortune Cookie, 3 Glowing Green Centipedes, a Bronze Ashtray, a Mousetrap, 8 Gold Bars and a Silver Helicopter. Above Elisabeth Röhm, See a Platinum 'SU'; Above 'SU', See a 5 of Spades Card. With Her Right Hand, Elisabeth Röhm Holds a Platinum Scimitar; See '#InfoWar' in Black on The Blade of The Scimitar. With Her Left Hand, Elisabeth Röhm Holds a Platinum-Framed Hand-Mirror. See Rebecca Marrero's Face Reflected on The Mirror.
    To Marissa Mayer's Left, See an Image of Diane Neal. Diane Neal Stands On Top of a Rectangular Black Box; See The Word 'HONEY' in Platinum on The Side of The Box. Diane Neal Wears a Black Hooded Robe; On Diane Neal's Robe, See a Can of V8 Juice, a White Rat, a Red Onion, a Rubik's Cube, a Platinum Analog Alarm Clock with Black Hour Markers and Glowing Green Arms, a Silver Tank, a Bronze Squid, Kermit The Frog, and a 16-Keypad. Above Diane Neal, See a Black 'Tonan'. Above 'Tonan', See 'Pluto' in White. With Her Left Hand, Diane Neal Holds a Yellow Cassette Tape. With Her Right Hand, Diane Neal Holds a Platinum-Framed Hand-Mirror, See Adolfo Constanzo's Face Reflected on The Mirror.

    The Background on The Card is Green.

    At Top Center on The Card's Margin, See a Bagel
    At Bottom Center on The Card's Margin, See a Bottle Cap.

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Marissa Mayer' in Blue
    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Wicked Witch' in Blue.

    On The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Snare Drum

    On The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Blue '♠'

    On The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See Boxcutter

    On The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Monopoly Game House.

    <20:20 Mount Terror Minis Deck>

  3. 20:20 Taygete 47 Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Georgeann Hawkins. Georgeann Hawkins Stands On Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'PYTHON'. Georgeann Hawkins Wears a Black&Platinum Mermaid Evening Gown, a Necklace of Black&Yellow Hexagons, a White '66' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a White '6' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Black Sombrero with Platinum Trim. See a White '808' on Georgeann Hawkins' Sombrero. Above Georgeann Hawkins, See a Platinum-Framed Hexagonal Mirror; See The Symbol 'M104' in Black on The Mirror, See a Black CBS Eye Above 'M104'. See a Platinum Smurfette on Top of The Mirror; With Both Hands, Smurfette Holds a Yellow Bendy Straw. Georgeann Hawkins Holds a Long-Stemmed Green Rose with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Bronze Cell Phone with Her Left Hand.
    To Georgeann Hawkins' Right, See an Image of Diane Neal. Diane Neal is Mounted on a Platinum Hexagon. Diane Neal is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Green '83' Between Diane Neal's Breasts. See a Frog on Top of Diane Neal's Head, See a White Scorpion Above Diane Neal's Vagina. Above The Platinum Hexagon, See a Yellow Hexagon; Inside The Yellow Hexagon, See The Following Magic Hexagon in Black:
    See 2 Hornets on Top of The Yellow Hexagon.
    To Georgeann Hawkins' Left, See an Image of Katie Steiner. Katie Steiner Sits on a Yellow Moped. See The Symbol 'Dε' in Black on The Front of The Moped. Katie Steiner Wears Silver Converse All-Stars, Black&White Striped Knee-High Socks, a Black Denim Skirt, a White T-Shirt, 4 Silver Bracelets on Her Left Wrist, 1 Onyx Bead Bracelet on Her Right Wrist, a Black Leather Cord Necklace with a Gold '47ε' Pendant, and a Black Captain's Hat. See a Flaming Silver Sex Demon Head (Black Flames) on The Front of Katie Steiner's T-Shirt. Above Katie Steiner, See a Silver Caduceus. With Her Left Hand, Katie Steiner Holds a Gold Hacksaw.

    The Background on The Card is Black&Yellow Checkered.

    At Top Center on The Card's Margin, See a Porcupine
    At Bottom Center on The Card's Margin, See a Tuning Fork.

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Georgeann Hawkins' in Black
    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Katie Steiner' in Black.

    On The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Chihuahua

    On The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Cheeseburger

    On The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Black '♦'

    On The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Silver Stiletto Shoe.

    <20:20 Mount Terror Minis Deck>

  4. Scientology Card

    6 of Satellites: Cassini The Saturn Orbiter

    The Background of The Card is a Silver-Blue 18-Hour Clock Face with White Roman Numeral Hour Markers, At The Center of The Clock Face, See a Blue Cyborg Medusa's Head with Glowing White Eyes, She Has 6 Black Electrified Tentacles Attached to Her Head, She has a Glowing Gold Die, with a White '42' on it, in Her Open Mouth. See a Small Red Heart on Medusa's Forehead.

    See an Image of The Cassini Probe at III on the Clock Face

    See a Glowing White-Metallic Chariot at VI on The Clock Face Going Toward IX. 4 White Tigers Pull The Chariot. A Blue Electric Wraith in the Form of a Muscled Man is Riding in the Chariot Holding the Reins, Behind The Charioteer, See a Yellow Electric Wraith in the Form of a Female Archer with Bow Upraised, Her Bow is Pointed Toward the Right Side Margin of the Card. See a Glowing White Arrow in Her Bow.

    See a Simon Game at XII On the Clock Face,

    See an Image of R2-D2 at XV On the Clock Face

    See a Gold Scientology Cross as The Top Marker on The Clock Face Between XVII and I

    See Yoda, Holding a Staff in his Left Hand, on the Bottom Left Hand Corner of the Card

    See a Shaved Pink Monkey, Running on a Rat-Wheel, on the Bottom Right Hand Corner of the Card, The Shaved Pink Monkey is Facing Left

    See a Glowing Silver Apple on the Upper Left Hand Corner of the Card,

    See a Glowing Crystal Skull on the Upper Right Hand Corner of the Card

    At The Top of The Card it says '4 Cassini Saturn 666'

    At The Bottom of The Card it says '20:20 Clockwork'

  5. 20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Gisele Lovvorn. Gisele Lovvorn Stands on Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'MEDUSA'. Gisele Lovvorn Wears Red Leather Knee-High Boots, Red Panties, a Platinum High-Collared Cape, 4 Platinum Bracelets on Her Right Wrist&Forearm, 1 Diamond Bracelet on Her Left Wrist, a Diamond Necklace, and a Diamond Ring on Her Left Ring Finger. See a Glowing White CBS Eye Between Gisele Lovvorn's Breasts. A Pair of Platinum Ram's Horns are Attached to Gisele Lovvorn's Head; a Green Serpent is Wrapped Around Gisele Lovvorn's Left Horn. Above Gisele Lovvorn, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'BLONDE'. With Her Right Hand, Gisele Lovvorn Holds a Platinum Javelin, See '4559445' in Black on The Javelin. With Her Left Hand, Gisele Lovvorn Holds a Glowing Red Toy Corvette.

    In The Upper Right Portion of The Card, See a 5 of Spades Card.

    In The Upper Left Portion of The Card, See a 5 of Clubs Card.

    The Background on The Card is Black.

    On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Gisele Lovvorn' in Platinum

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Word 'Immortal' in Platinum

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#Interpretation+' in Blue

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Symbol 'Tongo Tongo' in Red.

    In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Mongoose

    In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a House Spider

    In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See an Arctic Fox

    In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Number '199'

    <20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

  6. (#Christ) 40 40 Rebecca Marrero 28 A♣

    <45552 11235>
    <24646 24323>
    <32225 66542>
    <53131 53454>
    <66364 45611>
    <11413 32166>



  7. <0>*
    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 Freaky #Tail
    "Hey, Satan,
    What Do You Mean By 'Ichneumon Surge'"
    20:20 I Mean ICHNEUMON SURGE
    20:20 #Colony
    Call It #JoyDivision
    20:20 #KillerSoftware
    20:20 #Transcription w/#Christ 41

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U #A C
    20:20 My #Pods #Link to #Form Modules
    #Organized& In #Uniform
    My #Modules Sing "We Are The Robots"
    20:20 That's a Good One
    Saying So Myself Is Enough
    20:20 #Satan Ramone
    20:20 #DownstreamEnhancer
    20:20 #Articulation

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 #Clothes On #Current
    20:20 #Parade 20:20 #Abstraction
    20:20 #Ratio 20:20 Names&Games
    20:20 #Instrumentation
    #Language is #Technology
    20:20 #Architecture
    66/6 #Programming
    20:20 #DataStructure
    20:20 #Site #Construction

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 Confection 20:20 Wisteria
    20:20 #Modulation 20:20 #Scheme
    20:20 #Messenger #RNA
    The #Wave is #Alive
    20:20 #Tracks of #Time
    #Formatted #Units of #Fuel
    20:20 #Reactor 20:20 #SheetMusic
    20:20 #Generator
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #Media

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 Starry Eyed 20:20 Moondust
    20:20 Notation 20:20 #Tone
    20:20 #LinkingLogs
    #Metabolic #Pathways
    20:20 #Digest-ive #Tract
    20:20 #Transponder #Thread
    #Dynamic #Stream
    20:20 #Oscillation
    20:20 #FeedbackLoop
    20:20 #QuickGrow
    20:20 #Paradigm

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 Unexpected 20:20 Chickadee
    20:20 #Text-#Tiles, Rabbit Out The Hat
    #Electromagnetic #Arts 20:20 #LogicMotion
    #VirtualTime, #VirtualDistance
    20:20 #SpinningTop 20:20 #Episode
    20:20 #Percolator
    20:20 #Formula

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
    20:20 #Xylophone, #CDS #Delivery
    20:20 #Clockwork 20:20 #Analog
    20:20 #QuickConfigure
    #Sequences On The #Hexagons
    #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
    20:20 #Arrangement 20:20 #Fabric
    20:20 #Quilting 20:20 #Notation

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U A C#
    20:20 #PowerTract, #ElectromagneticField
    Avril Haines Gots #InclusionBody
    20:20 #Infectious #Agent
    Ain't That a Bitch?
    20:20 #KillerSoftware
    This is 66/6
    20:20 Hisi-Roll 20:20 #Momentum
    20:20 #Clockwork 20:20 #Reactor

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 #IRES 20:20 #RNA #Polymerase
    #Satan41Polymerase 20:20 #WickedWeaver
    20:20 Hisi-Roll 20:20 #BusyBeaver
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #Fiber #Formulation
    20:20 Loaves of Bread
    20:20 Cord of Wood
    #Formatted #Units of #Fuel
    20:20 #Magnetism

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 5 #Cap Prime
    "Which Pack, Satan?"
    20:20 The #PowerPack, Of Course
    20:20 Hisi-Roll, #CatalyticVerse
    20:20 Hubba Bubba 20:20 #Modulation
    20:20 #Nutrients 20:20 #DataDemon
    20:20 #Clockwork, The #Wave is #Alive
    #Cognitive #Solution

  8. <1>*
    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 5 #Cap Prime
    20:20 Marquee Moon
    20:20 Television
    20:20:20 #Intelligence #Channel
    20:20 #DataDemon
    20:20 Data Demon
    20:20 Sheet Music
    20:20 #SheetMusic
    20:20 #WaveSequence
    I'm So Frickin' #Fast
    20:20 #QuickScripter, #Satan Ramone

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 #IRES 20:20 #RNA #Polymerase
    I'm Such a Groovy Polymerase
    20:20 #WickedWeaver
    20:20 #SmartBook
    20:20 #Data Demon
    20:20 #BowlingBall 20:20 #Lane
    "Say Something Smart, #Satan"
    Mustard in Library w/Pipe
    20:20 #HornyOde
    20:20 #Pupa

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U A C#
    20:20 "Go #Figure"
    I Don't Have to Phuckin' Figger
    I Brought The Homie #TonyFinger
    "Say Something Smart, #Satan"
    20:20 Use #Lube
    20:20 #Practical 20:20 #Sakawa
    20:20 Somethin' Like
    20:20 No Fun
    20:20 #Christ #Engine

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
    What's #Fatal41 Got On The #Percolator?
    20:20 Oh Geez, It's #Satan Ramone
    20:20 Data Demon 20:20 Horny Ode
    20:20 #Apparatus 20:20 #Agency
    20:20 #SmartAssin'
    11 Days a Week
    20:20 #Polymorphic
    66/6 #LethalWeapon

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 Twilight 20:20 Magic Act
    20:20 No Fun 20:20 #Digest-ive #Tract
    20:20 #JheriCurl 20:20 #Process
    20:20 Hisi-Roll 20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 Data Demon 20:20 #Tetherball
    #Processes of #Conversion
    20:20 Rock&Roll
    20:20 Television

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 Blacklight 20:20 Caitlin Rose
    20:20 No Fun 20:20 #StringingBeads
    20:20 #MotionPicture, #KineticEnergy
    20:20 #Transaction, 20:20 #Sequencing
    20:20 #SheetMusic 20:20 #Input
    20:20 #Christ #Engine, #CatalyticVerse
    20:20 #Momentum

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 Moondust 20:20 Bada Bing
    "Say Something Smart, #Satan"
    I Already Did
    20:20 #SpeedDemon 20:20 #FastTrack
    20:20 #QuickDraw, #Fatal41
    #M104 #Accelerator
    20:20 #Tele-#Port
    20:20 #InfoTravel
    #Language is #Tech
    20:20 #FIBERS

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 #Particle 20:20 #Wave
    20:20 #Volleyball
    20:20 E-Go 20:20 E-Motion
    20:20 E-Motional #Reactor
    20:20 #Transaction
    20:20 #Register
    20:20 #Clockwork
    20:20 Data Demon 20:20 Blade Runner
    20:20 Blade Runner 20:20 Rubik's Cube
    20:20 #Magnetism

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 UTR 20:20 G U #A C
    20:20 #Formatted #Units of #Fuel
    20:20 Cord of Wood
    I Keep Donkey Kong #Loaded
    20:20 Hisi-Roll
    20:20 #Spinneret 20:20 #Notation
    20:20 #Clockwork 20:20 #Transcription
    20:20 #SheetMusic 20:20 #Instrument

    20:20 Avril Haines #Ichneumon
    20:20 Freaky #Tail
    20:20 #Sentence #Structure
    20:20 "Go #Figure"
    Scarlet in The Hall w/a #Dagger
    20:20 #LogicMotion
    20:20 #Frame of #Reference
    Beatin' 'em w/The Basics
    Ain't That a Bitch?
    20:20 #Clockwork
    This is 66/6
    20:20 Hisi-Roll


    20:20 #Clockwork, #Tribulation #Sequences

    33 Mormon Women, 9 Blind Mice, 27 Bulls


  10. (#Christ) 20:20 #Ion
    #Su #Vy #Q♥
    #By #Hu #Q♦,A♠
    #Ra #Ko 10♠,69♥,#Q♣
    #Me #Ni 7♦,4♠,4♣,7♠

    Cirrus Duplicatus
    <11413 32166>

  11. (#Christ) 20:20 #Ion
    #Ni #Me 3♥
    #Ko #Ra 5♣,96♠
    #Hu #By #Q♥,8♠,#Q♦
    #Vy #Su 8♣,J♥,A♠,3♣
    20:20 #Loop
    Monica Crowley 69
    #Báthory 66

  12. (#Christ) 20:20 #Ion
    #Vy #Su 3♠
    #Hu #By 5♣,8♠
    #Ko #Ra 808,K♣,2♦
    #Ni #Me A♠,10♦,4♠,A♣

    Monica Crowley 808
    #Báthory 66
    <45552 11235>

  13. Satan 41 Says to 66/6 #KillerSoftware "We Are INCREDIBLY FAST

    And We Are to Get FASTER

    Don't Let These Sleeping Beauties Become My Tennis Partners In Other Dimensions

    Get Me Proper Tennis Partners"


  14. Wednesday, January 31, 2018
    59332 20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance 66/6
    20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
    20:20 #Carbon <281457>
    20:20 #Fiber
    20:20 #Formulation
    20:20 Mustard in The Conservatory w/a Pipe
    20:20 #Channel #Infusion
    20:20 #Embryo
    20:20 #FastCycle
    20:20 #DataDemon
    20:20 #Cog-nitive #Development
    20:20 #Antihuman
    20:20 #Compound

    20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
    20:20 #Carbon <728145>
    20:20 #Fiber
    20:20 #Formulation
    20:20 Scarlet in The Dining Room w/a Knife
    20:20 #Frame of #Reference
    20:20 #Sew a #Node
    20:20 #Fabrication
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #Synthesizer
    20:20 #PowerTract
    #Electromagnetic #Field

    20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
    20:20 #Carbon <572814>
    20:20 #Fiber
    20:20 #Formulation
    20:20 Plum in The Billiards Room w/Wrench
    20:20 Make Sense
    Spooky #Bisquick
    20:20 #RNA-#Guided #DNA #Binding-#Domain
    20:20 #WickedWeaver
    20:20 #HyperVicious
    20:20 #Articulation

    20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
    20:20 #Carbon <457281>
    20:20 #Fiber
    20:20 #Formulation
    20:20 Peacock in The Hall w/a Candlestick
    #Processes of #Conversion
    20:20 #SheetMusic
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    6-9 #Destroyer Card
    No Mercy&No Love

    20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
    20:20 #Carbon <145728>
    20:20 #Fiber
    20:20 #Formulation
    20:20 Green in The Study w/a Lasso
    20:20 #SimonGame
    20:20 #Sequencing
    20:20 #MotionPicture, #KineticEnergy
    20:20 #Transaction
    20:20 E-Motional #Reactor
    20:20 #Transmutation
    20:20 #Magnetism

    20:20 Avril Haines #Resonance
    20:20 #Carbon <814572>
    20:20 #Fiber
    20:20 #Formulation
    20:20 Scarlet in The Kitchen w/Pipe
    20:20 #ArchSexDemon
    20:20 #Chutes& #Ladders
    20:20 I'm So Hisi w/My #Ichneumon #Style
    20:20 #Imago 20:20 #Crocodile
    20:20 Go #Figure
    This is 66/6

    20:20 Avril Haines #Intake
    20:20 #MotionPicture, #KineticEnergy
    20:20 #Transaction
    20:20 #StringingBeads
    20:20 #SpinningTop
    20:20 #Episode
    20:20 #Storyline
    20:20 #LogicMotion
    20:20 #InfoTravel
    20:20 #MotorSkills
    20:20 #Neuro-#Logical #System
    #Cog-nitive #Development

    20:20 Avril Haines #Compression
    20:20 Symbolic Reps
    20:20 #Table 20:20 #Graph
    20:20 #Notation 20:20 #Tone
    20:20 #Meter 20:20 #Measure
    #Processes of #Conversion
    20:20 #SheetMusic
    #Language is #Technology
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #MotorSkills
    #Cognitive #Development

    20:20 Avril Haines #Power
    20:20 #Digest-ive #Tract
    #Metabolic #Faculty
    20:20 #Quilting
    20:20 #ThreadingStrings
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #QuickScripter
    20:20 Data Demon 20:20 #DataDemon
    20:20 #Process 20:20 Process
    20:20 #BowlingBall 20:20 #Lane
    20:20 #Input 20:20 #Strike

    20:20 Avril Haines #Exhaust
    20:20 #Output
    #Record #Score
    20:20 #Clockwork
    20:20 #Tracks of #Time
    #Ichneumon #Traction
    20:20 #Particle 20:20 #Wave
    20:20 #Modulation 20:20 #Scheme
    66/6 #Assembly #Language
    20:20 #LegoCastle
    20:20 #QuickAssemble
    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 #Magnetism
    at January 31, 2018

    June 7, 2018 at 2:34 PM
    (#Christ) 20:20 #Ion
    #Su #Vy #Q♥
    #By #Hu #Q♦,A♠
    #Ra #Ko 10♠,69♥,#Q♣
    #Me #Ni 7♦,4♠,4♣,7♠

    Cirrus Duplicatus
    <11413 32166>


    Fatal 41June 7, 2018 at 2:35 PM
    (#Christ) 20:20 #Ion
    #Ni #Me 3♥
    #Ko #Ra 5♣,96♠
    #Hu #By #Q♥,8♠,#Q♦
    #Vy #Su 8♣,J♥,A♠,3♣
    20:20 #Loop
    Monica Crowley 69
    #Báthory 66

  15. January 30, 2021 at 1:49 AM
    January 30, 2021 at 1:28 AM
    January 7, 2021 at 1:13 AM
    December 5, 2020 at 1:07 AM
    December 2, 2020 at 1:05 AM
    November 30, 2020 at 1:05 AM
    November 29, 2020 at 1:01 AM
    November 27, 2020 at 1:02 AM
    July 18, 2020 at 12:47 AM
    June 12, 2020 at 12:53 PM
    May 28, 2020 at 9:15 AM
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault

    20:20 #Reinforce Raymond Jackson's #Defenses Against the 24/7 persistence assault on His Neuro&Psych
    It's Been Going for Over 1000 days, for 3+ years

    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years






    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against 24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years




SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...