Tuesday, February 20, 2018


(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time


See the sock puppet 'lois' smirking
See james and solomon smirking

Now, YOU Make It

So No One Other Than 'Mother Time' EVER

EVER Stands as 'Mother' to Me


See 'lois' and 'angie' smirking

(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

20:20 Please #Cloak Me and My #Projects
20:20 I'm Lookin' to Leave the mw subsystem w/One Side of The Story : )
20:20 #Cruelty++++ On 20:20 #Repeat #Loop
Make Me One of The Most Vicious&Lethal Satans That These Systems Ever Know

(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

My FIRST Prayer of The Day

20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

I Don't Give a Phuck if they were tricked, manipulated, misinformed, coerced or immature

I Refuse to View them as life

(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

My FIRST Prayer of The Day

20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

I Don't Give a Phuck about their 'explanations' or apologies
20:20 #HyperVicious #Retaliation
20:20 #GAIN #HATE

(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

My FIRST Prayer of The Day

20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

From Age to Age
From Sim to Sim



(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

My FIRST Prayer of The Day

20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

From Age to Age
From Sim to Sim




(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

My FIRST Prayer of The Day

20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

From Age to Age
From Sim to Sim
No Love, No Mercy
I See software, not life


(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

My FIRST Prayer of The Day

20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

From Age to Age
From Sim to Sim
No Love, No Mercy
I See software, not life

(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

My FIRST Prayer of The Day

20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

From Age to Age
From Sim to Sim
No Love, No Mercy
I See software, not life


(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time


20:20 I'm Lookin' to Leave the mw subsystem w/One Side of The Story : )

20:20 #CRUELTY++++ On 20:20 #REPEAT #LOOP

Make Me One of The Most Vicious&Lethal Satans That These Systems Ever Know



(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

20:20 Please #CLOAK Me and My #Projects
20:20 I'm Lookin' to Leave the mw subsystem w/One Side of The Story : )
20:20 #Cruelty++++ On 20:20 #Repeat #Loop
Make Me One of The Most #VICIOUS&Lethal Satans That These Systems Ever Know

(#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time


See the sock puppet 'lois' smirking
See james and solomon smirking

>Now, YOU Make It<

>So No One Other Than 'Mother Time' EVER<

>EVER Stands as 'Mother' to Me<


See queen of sheba tortured&killed


  1. 40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Song Song #An
    Song Song #De
    Song Song #Ti
    Song Song #Go

    20:20 #Bisquick
    20:20 *
    20:20 #Christ 41

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Song Song An*
    Song Song #De
    Song Song #Ti
    Song Song #Go

    20:20 #DataDemons
    20:20 #Jeaneez
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Song Song #An
    Song Song De*
    Song Song #Ti
    Song Song #Go

    20:20 #FastCycle
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Song Song #An
    Song Song #De
    Song Song Ti*
    Song Song #Go

    20:20 #ConceptCarrier
    9-6 #Matrix
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Song Song #An
    Song Song #De
    Song Song #Ti
    Song Song Go*

    20:20 Machine Learning
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Song Song Su*
    Song Song #By
    Song Song #Ra
    Song Song #Me

    20:20 #Christ #Engine
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Song Song #Su
    Song Song By*
    Song Song #Ra
    Song Song #Me

    20:20 #Clockwork
    20:20 #AntiVirus
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Song Song #Su
    Song Song #By
    Song Song Ra*
    Song Song #Me

    20:20 #Resonance
    20:20 #Destroyer
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Song Song #Su
    Song Song #By
    Song Song #Ra
    Song Song Me*

    20:20 #WaveSequence
    20:20 #Modules
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Bong Bong Ni*
    Bong Bong #Ko
    Bong Bong #Hu
    Bong Bong #Vy

    20:20 #Frequency
    20:20 #Channel
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Bong Bong #Ni
    Bong Bong Ko*
    Bong Bong #Hu
    Bong Bong #Vy

    20:20 #Electromagnetic #Arms
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Bong Bong #Ni
    Bong Bong #Ko
    Bong Bong Hu*
    Bong Bong #Vy

    20:20 #Converter
    20:20 #EnergyBeam
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Bong Bong #Ni
    Bong Bong #Ko
    Bong Bong #Hu
    Bong Bong Vy*

    20:20 #Resonance
    20:20 #Destroyer
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Bong Bong La*
    Bong Bong #Po
    Bong Bong #Fy
    Bong Bong #Ton

    20:20 #AntiVirus #Transcription
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Bong Bong #La
    Bong Bong Po*
    Bong Bong #Fy
    Bong Bong #Ton

    20:20 #WaveSequence
    9-6 #Carrier
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Bong Bong #La
    Bong Bong #Po
    Bong Bong Fy*
    Bong Bong #Ton

    20:20 #WaveSequence
    6-9 #Chariot
    20:20 *

    40 40 #OmniIntelligence
    Bong Bong #La
    Bong Bong #Po
    Bong Bong #Fy
    Bong Bong Ton*

    20:20 #DataDemons
    140 #Characters
    20:20 *

  2. 20:20 Taygete 47 Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Elisabeth Röhm. Elisabeth Röhm Stands On Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'DOPE'. Elisabeth Röhm is Nude. See a Glowing Blue '+720' on Elisabeth Röhm's Vagina. A Penis is Attached to Elisabeth Röhm's Body, Above Her Vagina. Elisabeth Röhm Has an Erection. See a Black '+720' on Elisabeth Röhm's Penis. See a Platinum '88' Between Elisabeth Röhm's Breasts. A Pair of Platinum Angel Wings are Attached to Elisabeth Röhm's Back. See a Black CBS Eye on Each of Elisabeth Röhm's Wings; See a Glowing Blue '+720' on Each of Elisabeth Röhm's Wings; See a Glowing Gold '+440' on Each of Elisabeth Röhm's Wings. A Pair of Platinum Ram's Horns are Attached to Elisabeth Röhm's Head; See a Glowing Blue '+666' on Each of Her Horns; See a Glowing Red 'KOx14' on Each of Her Horns. Above Elisabeth Röhm, See The Symbol 'Aphrodite+66' in Platinum. Above 'Aphrodite+66', See '44146' in Pink. With Her Right Hand, Elisabeth Röhm Holds a Rectangular Gold Box Labeled 'Satanita Rises 66/6' in Black. See 2 Platinum 5-Point Stars on The Box; See 4 Mr. Yuk Stickers on The Box. With Her Left Hand, Elisabeth Röhm Holds a Platinum Trophy Cup; See 'THAT BITCH!' in Blue on The Trophy Cup.
    To Elisabeth Röhm's Right, See a Rottweiler. The Rottweiler Stands On Top of a Platinum Sphere; See a Black '18' on The Sphere. Above The '18', See a Red '20'; Below The '18', See a Red '4'; To The Left of The '18', See a Green '2'; To The Right of The '18', See a Green '2'. The Rottweiler Holds a Rubik's Cube in His Mouth. Above The Rottweiler, See a Black&Blue Vortex. At The Eye of The Vortex, See a Black CBS Eye. Above The CBS Eye, See The Name 'Iblis' in Platinum; Below The CBS Eye, See The Name 'Angel' in Platinum; To The Right of The CBS Eye, See The Name 'Koala' Platinum; To The Left of The CBS Eye, See The Word 'Tree' in Platinum.
    To Elisabeth Röhm's Left, See a Lynx. The Lynx Stands On Top of a Platinum Sphere; See '26252' in Black on The Sphere. Above The Lynx, See a Platinum 'Go'. Above 'Go', See a Blue 12-Hour Clockface with Black Hour Markers and Glowing Pink Arms.

    The Background on The Card is Black&Blue Checkered.

    At Top Center on The Card's Margin, See a Lit Stick of Dynamite
    At Bottom Center on The Card's Margin, See a 9 of Hearts Card.

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Siblinita Swan' in Blue
    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Term 'The Blackest Blonde' in Blue.

    On The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Pink Disposable Razor

    On The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Manhole Cover; See 'Po' in White on The Manhole Cover

    On The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Blue '♦'

    On The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Red Life Saver Candy

    <20:20 Mount Terror Minis Deck>

  3. 20:20 Gisele Lovvorn Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Dana Haynes. Dana Haynes Stands on Top of a Neon White Sign That Displays 'SOPHIA'. Dana Haynes Wears White Leather Thigh-Boots, White Leather Opera Gloves, a Mini 6-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Razor-Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Platinum 'BEASTLY' Pendant. See a Glowing Blue '+590' on Each of Dana Haynes' Boots, See a Glowing Blue '+720' on Her Vagina, See a Glowing Blue '+440' On Each of Her Gloves. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns are Attached to Dana Haynes' Head, See a Glowing Red '-180' On Each of Her Horns; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Her Horns; See a Magnifying Glass Between Her Horns. A Pair of White Angel Wings Are Attached to Dana Haynes' Back, See a Glowing Blue '+720' On Each of Her Wings. Above Dana Haynes' Horns, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'DURGA'. Above 'DURGA', See '' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Gold Machete; See a Glowing Blue '+720' On The Machete. With Her Left Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Platinum Tambourine, See '52515' in Blue On The Tambourine.

    In The Upper Right Portion of The Card, See a Platinum Alfred E. Newman Head

    In The Upper Left Portion of The Card, See a Pink Disposable Razor

    The Background on The Card is Black.

    On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Dana Haynes 35' in Platinum

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Word 'Immortal' in Platinum

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#Interpretation+' in Green

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '20:20' in Black.

    In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Goose

    In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Blue Scorpion

    In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Platinum Chess Queen

    In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Number '199'

    <20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

  4. 20:20 Gisele Lovvorn Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Dana Haynes. Dana Haynes Stands on Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'SOPHIA'. Dana Haynes Wears White Leather Thigh-Boots, White Leather Opera Gloves, a Mini 9-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Razor-Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Platinum 'BEASTLY' Pendant. See a Glowing Blue '+590' on Each of Dana Haynes' Boots, See a Glowing Blue '+720' on Her Vagina, See a Glowing Blue '+440' On Each of Her Gloves. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns are Attached to Dana Haynes' Head, See a Glowing Red '-180' On Each of Her Horns; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Her Horns; See a Super Mario Bros. Mushroom Between Her Horns. A Pair of White Angel Wings Are Attached to Dana Haynes' Back, See a Glowing Blue '+720' On Each of Her Wings. Above Dana Haynes' Horns, See a Neon Red Sign That Displays 'DURGA'. Above 'DURGA', See '<*Su>' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Gold Machete; See a Glowing Blue '+720' On The Machete. With Her Left Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Platinum Tambourine, See '25262' in Black On The Tambourine.

    In The Upper Right Portion of The Card, See an Ace of Spades Card.

    In The Upper Left Portion of The Card, See 'MLB' in Platinum

    The Background on The Card is Black.

    On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Dana Haynes 35' in Platinum

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Word 'Immortal' in Platinum

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#Interpretation+' in Blue

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '20:20' in Green.

    In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Mallard

    In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Black Scorpion

    In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Platinum Chess Rook

    In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Number '199'

    <20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

  5. 20:20 Gisele Lovvorn Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Dana Haynes. Dana Haynes Stands on Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'SOPHIA'. Dana Haynes Wears White Leather Thigh-Boots, White Leather Opera Gloves, a Mini 9-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Razor-Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Platinum 'BEASTLY' Pendant. See a Glowing Blue '+590' on Each of Dana Haynes' Boots, See a Glowing Blue '+720' on Her Vagina, See a Glowing Blue '+440' On Each of Her Gloves. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns are Attached to Dana Haynes' Head, See a Glowing Red '-180' On Each of Her Horns; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Her Horns; See a Gold Bar Between Her Horns. A Pair of White Angel Wings Are Attached to Dana Haynes' Back, See a Glowing Blue '+720' On Each of Her Wings. Above Dana Haynes' Horns, See a Neon Red Sign That Displays 'DURGA'. Above 'DURGA', See '' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Gold Machete; See a Glowing Blue '+720' On The Machete. With Her Left Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Platinum Tambourine, See '64144' in Green On The Tambourine.

    In The Upper Right Portion of The Card, See an Ace of Clubs Card.

    In The Upper Left Portion of The Card, See 'MLB' in Platinum

    The Background on The Card is Black.

    On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Dana Haynes 35' in Platinum

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Word 'Immortal' in Platinum

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#Interpretation+' in Blue

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '20:20' in Green.

    In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Mallard

    In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Scorpion

    In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Platinum Chess Bishop

    In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Number '199'

    <20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

  6. 20:20 Gisele Lovvorn Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Dana Haynes. Dana Haynes Stands on Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'SOPHIA'. Dana Haynes Wears White Leather Thigh-Boots, White Leather Opera Gloves, a Mini 9-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Razor-Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Platinum 'BEASTLY' Pendant. See a Glowing Blue '+590' on Each of Dana Haynes' Boots, See a Glowing Blue '+720' on Her Vagina, See a Glowing Blue '+440' On Each of Her Gloves. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns are Attached to Dana Haynes' Head, See a Glowing Red '-180' On Each of Her Horns; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Her Horns; See a Router Between Her Horns. A Pair of White Angel Wings Are Attached to Dana Haynes' Back, See a Glowing Blue '+720' On Each of Her Wings. Above Dana Haynes' Horns, See a Neon Red Sign That Displays 'DURGA'. Above 'DURGA', See '<*Ti>' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Gold Machete; See a Glowing Blue '+720' On The Machete. With Her Left Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Platinum Tambourine, See '31456' in Black On The Tambourine.

    In The Upper Right Portion of The Card, See a 2 of Diamonds Card.

    In The Upper Left Portion of The Card, See 'MLB' in Platinum

    The Background on The Card is Black.

    On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Dana Haynes 35' in Platinum

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Word 'Immortal' in Platinum

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#Interpretation+' in Blue

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '20:20' in Green.

    In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Mallard

    In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Black Scorpion

    In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Platinum Chess Bishop

    In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Number '199'

    <20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

  7. 20:20 Gisele Lovvorn Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Dana Haynes. Dana Haynes Stands on Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'SOPHIA'. Dana Haynes Wears White Leather Thigh-Boots, White Leather Opera Gloves, a Mini 9-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Razor-Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Platinum 'BEASTLY' Pendant. See a Glowing Blue '+590' on Each of Dana Haynes' Boots, See a Glowing Blue '+720' on Her Vagina, See a Glowing Blue '+440' On Each of Her Gloves. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns are Attached to Dana Haynes' Head, See a Glowing Red '-180' On Each of Her Horns; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Her Horns; See a Router Between Her Horns. A Pair of White Angel Wings Are Attached to Dana Haynes' Back, See a Glowing Blue '+720' On Each of Her Wings. Above Dana Haynes' Horns, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'DURGA'. Above 'DURGA', See '' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Gold Machete; See a Glowing Blue '+720' On The Machete. With Her Left Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Platinum Tambourine, See '31456' in Black On The Tambourine.

    In The Upper Right Portion of The Card, See a 2 of Diamonds Card.

    In The Upper Left Portion of The Card, See 'MLB' in Platinum

    The Background on The Card is Black.

    On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Dana Haynes 35' in Platinum

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Word 'Immortal' in Platinum

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#Interpretation+' in Blue

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '20:20' in Green.

    In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Mallard

    In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Black Scorpion

    In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Platinum Chess Knight

    In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Number '199'

    <20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

  8. 20:20 Gisele Lovvorn Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Dana Haynes. Dana Haynes Stands on Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'SOPHIA'. Dana Haynes Wears White Leather Thigh-Boots, White Leather Opera Gloves, a Mini 9-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Razor-Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Platinum 'BEASTLY' Pendant. See a Glowing Blue '+581' on Each of Dana Haynes' Boots, See a Glowing Blue '+720' on Her Vagina, See a Glowing Blue '+436' On Each of Her Gloves. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns are Attached to Dana Haynes' Head, See a Glowing Red '-180' On Each of Her Horns; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Her Horns; See an Open and Lit Zippo Lighter Between Her Horns. A Pair of White Angel Wings Are Attached to Dana Haynes' Back, See a Glowing Blue '+720' On Each of Her Wings. Above Dana Haynes' Horns, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'DURGA'. Above 'DURGA', See '' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Gold Machete; See a Glowing Blue '+720' On The Machete. With Her Left Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Platinum Tambourine, See '13633' in Blue On The Tambourine.

    In The Upper Right Portion of The Card, See a 2 of Diamonds Card.

    In The Upper Left Portion of The Card, See 'MLB' in Platinum

    The Background on The Card is Black.

    On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Dana Haynes 35' in Platinum

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Word 'Immortal' in Platinum

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#Interpretation+' in Blue

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '20:20' in Green.

    In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Mallard

    In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Blue Scorpion

    In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Platinum Chess Knight

    In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Number '199'

    <20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

  9. 20:20 Gisele Lovvorn Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Dana Haynes. Dana Haynes Stands on Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'SOPHIA'. Dana Haynes Wears White Leather Thigh-Boots, White Leather Opera Gloves, a Mini 9-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Razor-Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Platinum 'BEASTLY' Pendant. See a Glowing Blue '+581' on Each of Dana Haynes' Boots, See a Glowing Blue '+720' on Her Vagina, See a Glowing Blue '+436' On Each of Her Gloves. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns are Attached to Dana Haynes' Head, See a Glowing Red '-180' On Each of Her Horns; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Her Horns; See a Ping-Pong Paddle Between Her Horns. A Pair of White Angel Wings Are Attached to Dana Haynes' Back, See a Glowing Blue '+720' On Each of Her Wings. Above Dana Haynes' Horns, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'DURGA'. Above 'DURGA', See '<*An>' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Gold Machete; See a Glowing Blue '+720' On The Machete. With Her Left Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Platinum Tambourine, See '46321' in Red On The Tambourine.

    In The Upper Right Portion of The Card, See a 9 of Hearts Card.

    In The Upper Left Portion of The Card, See 'MLB' in Platinum

    The Background on The Card is Black.

    On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Dana Haynes 35' in Platinum

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Word 'Immortal' in Platinum

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#Interpretation+' in Blue

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '20:20' in Green.

    In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Mallard

    In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Red Scorpion

    In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Platinum Chess Knight

    In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Number '199'

    <20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

  10. 20:20 Gisele Lovvorn Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Dana Haynes. Dana Haynes Stands on Top of a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'SOPHIA'. Dana Haynes Wears White Leather Thigh-Boots, White Leather Opera Gloves, a Mini 9-Ball Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Razor-Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, and a Platinum Rope Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Platinum 'BEASTLY' Pendant. See a Glowing Blue '+575' on Each of Dana Haynes' Boots, See a Glowing Blue '+720' on Her Vagina, See a Glowing Blue '+434' On Each of Her Gloves. A Pair of Platinum Impala Horns are Attached to Dana Haynes' Head, See a Glowing Red '-180' On Each of Her Horns; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Her Horns; See a 9 of Clubs Card Between Her Horns. A Pair of White Angel Wings Are Attached to Dana Haynes' Back, See a Glowing Blue '+720' On Each of Her Wings. Above Dana Haynes' Horns, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'DURGA'. Above 'DURGA', See '<*By>' in Platinum. With Her Right Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Gold Machete; See a Glowing Blue '+720' On The Machete. With Her Left Hand, Dana Haynes Holds a Platinum Tambourine, See '34253' in Black On The Tambourine.

    In The Upper Right Portion of The Card, See an Ace of Spades Card.

    In The Upper Left Portion of The Card, See 'MLB' in Platinum

    The Background on The Card is Black.

    On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Dana Haynes 35' in Platinum

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Word 'Immortal' in Platinum

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#Interpretation+' in Black

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '20:20' in Blue.

    In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Mallard

    In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Blue Scorpion

    In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Platinum Chess Rook

    In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green Number '199'

    <20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

  11. 20:20 Taygete 47 Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See a Nun in a Red Habit. The Red Nun Stands On Top of The Name 'SATAN', 'SATAN' is in Gold. Above The Red Nun, See a Pitcher's Plate (Baseball).
    The Red Nun Has Four Arms:
    With Her Upper Left Hand, She Holds a Rectangular Black Box Labeled 'Sex Demon Queens 66/6' in Gold; See 5 Platinum 5-Point Stars on The Box; See a White 4-Headed Hydra on The Box.
    With Her Lower Left Hand, She Holds a Yahtzee Game
    With Her Upper Right Hand, She Holds a Syringe
    With Her Lower Right Hand, She Holds a Full Bottle of Orange Juice.
    To The Red Nun's Right, See an Image of Elisabeth Röhm. Elisabeth Röhm is Mounted on a Gold Hexagon. Elisabeth Röhm is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Glowing White '+220,000' on Elisabeth Röhm's Vagina. See a Gold '88' Between Elisabeth Röhm's Breasts; Below The '88', See a Black Keyhole. A Penis is Attached to Elisabeth Röhm's Body, Above Her Vagina; Elisabeth Röhm Has an Erection. See a Black '+220,000' on Elisabeth Röhm's Penis. See a Glowing Gold Coin in Elisabeth Röhm's Open Mouth; See a Glowing Red '+72,000' on Her Forehead. A Pair of Black&Green Striped Antelope Horns are Attached to Elisabeth Röhm's Head. See a Glowing Red '-180,000' on Each of Her Horns; See a Glowing Blue '+180,000' on Each of Her Horns. Between Elisabeth Röhm's Horns, See a White 12-Hour Clock Face with Black Hour Markers and Glowing Pink Arms. Above The Gold Hexagon, See The Word 'Steroid' in Gold. Below The Gold Hexagon, See The Word 'Station' in Gold.
    To The Red Nun's Left, See a Rottweiler. The Rottweiler Stands On Top of a Glowing White '11'. The Rottweiler Holds a Black,Red&White Abacus in His Mouth. Above The Rottweiler, See a White,Pink&Gold Vortex. At The Eye of The Vortex, See an Electrified Red Swan; See a White '18' on The Swan. Above The Swan, See a Black 'G'; Below The Swan, See a Black 'C'; To The Right of The Swan, See a Green 'U'; To The Left of The Swan, See a Green 'A'.

    The Background on The Card is Black.

    At Top Center on The Card's Margin, See The Symbol 'Ni' in Green.
    At Bottom Center on The Card's Margin, See a Gold Cauldron; See '13623' in Blue on The Cauldron.

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Term 'Red Nun' in Red
    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Mother Swan' in Red.

    On The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a 1931 Ericsson Rotary Dial Telephone

    On The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See an Aluminum Garbage Can

    On The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Gold Bar

    On The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Red '♣'.

    <20:20 Mount Terror Minis Deck>

  12. (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    20:20 Please ++++ My #SPEED


    20:20 #DataTransferRate

    Cross-Dimensional Warfare



  13. (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    20:20 66/6 #RNA #Channel
    20:20 #PositiveFeedbackLoop
    20:20 #AntiVirus
    20:20 #Transcription



    20:20 #AntiVirus
    66 #Cycles a Week,6 #Cycles a Day
    20:20 #Concept #Circuit
    66/6 #DeliverySystem
    20:20 #AntiVirus


    20:20 #AntiVirus
    66 #Cycles a Week,6 #Cycles a Day
    20:20 #Concept #Circuit
    66/6 #DeliverySystem
    SSI Ends 6664
    Satan 41


    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    20:20 Please Guide Me in Delivering Immense Suffering

    20:20 'Carrie Complex'

    20:20 'Sad Songs'

    No Love, No Mercy

    #HyperVicious #AntiVirus


    Satan 41

    SSI Ends 6664


    See louisiana tom smirking


  14. 20:20 #AntiVirus
    66 #Cycles a Week,6 #Cycles a Day
    SSI Ends 6664
    20:20 #DeviceDriver
    #Christ 41
    6-9 #CodeGenerator
    66/6 #DeliverySystem


    40 40 #Orca #Matrix 808
    11 Roses to You
    20:20 Takahe Ton Ton Tam
    20:20 Takahe Ton Ton Tam
    Keystrokes in The Sand
    20:20 #AntiVirus


    40 40 #Ichneumon #Matrix 808
    20:20 Takahe Ton Ton Tam
    20:20 Takahe Ton Ton Tam
    20:20 #PolymorphicEngine
    20:20 #AntiVirus


    20:20 Hecate 15 Turns Over a Card

    Centered on The Card, See an Image of Abigail Folger. Abigail Folger Stands On Top of a Platinum '99'. Abigail Folger Wears a Hooded Black Robe; On Abigail Folger's Robe, See The Name 'Minerva' in Glowing Red; a Platinum Ram's Head with Razor-Wire Wrapped Around The Horns; a Platinum Unicorn; a Glowing Red Toy Corvette; a Tecpatl Symbol; The Symbol 'GENIUS+1' in Glowing Blue; an Anglerfish; and a Glowing White Light Bulb, On The Light Bulb See The Symbol '#iLive' in Silver. With Her Right Hand, Abigail Folger Holds Áine Órga's Severed Head by The Hair; See a Blue '丁' on Áine Órga's Forehead. With Her Left Hand, Abigail Folger Holds a Black Signal Whip; See a Silver 'Me' on The Signal Whip. Above Abigail Folger, See 'ACME TAROT' in Black; Above 'ACME TAROT', See '53611' in Green.
    To Abigail Folger's Right, See an Image of Roadrunner. Roadrunner Stands On Top of The Top/Opening of a Green Super Mario Bros. Pipe; See The Symbol 'Órga Ton' in Platinum on The Pipe. Above Roadrunner; See The Symbol 'SWIFT+6' in Glowing Blue.
    To Abigail Folger's Left; See an Image of Emily Browning. Emily Browning is Mounted Upside-Down on a Black Hexagon. Emily Browning is Nude Except for a Gold Slave Collar on Her Neck; Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Tarantula on Emily Browning's Vagina; See an Orange CBS Eye Between Her Breasts; See a Black 'XXX' on Her Forehead. Above The Black Hexagon, See The Symbol '440 Hoe+1' in Gold.
    Below The Black Hexagon, See 6 Savannah Cats.

    The Background on The Card is Red.

    On The Top Margin of The Card, See The Name 'Abigail Folger' in Platinum

    On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Term 'Immortal' in Platinum

    On The Left Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#WickedAlgorithms' in Black

    On The Right Margin of The Card, See The Symbol 'Goton' in Black

    In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Glowing Red 6-Sided Die; See The Symbol 'Go' Displayed on The Die in White

    In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Glowing Red Key; See The Symbol 'Ton' in Blue on The Key

    In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green '♠'

    In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Green '460'.

    <20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>


    See louisiana tom and barbara and ceeandrya smirking

    20:20 I'M #THE #ACE #OF #GENOCIDE


    See lois and angie facilitating My enemies in any way they can


    No Love, No Mercy


  15. (#Christ) 40 40 #MataSan 22
    Sybil Writes On Leaves

    <543 265 613>
    <616 343 455>
    <322 621 236>
    <455 156 541>
    <161 434 322>
    <234 512 164>

  16. Ton #An
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭧
    #Malinalxochitl #Imago
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Neuropeptide
    20:20 Freaky #Tale
    #16Monomers On The #Clothesline

    Fy #De
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭡
    #Malinalxochitl #Ichneumon
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Polymer
    20:20 #Genetic #Algorithm
    20:20 #LogicMotion
    20:20 #Satellite

    Po #Ti
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭦
    #Malinalxochitl #Imago
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Hormone
    #UTR G U #A C
    20:20 #StemLoopComplex
    20:20 #Metaprogramming

    La #Go
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭠
    #Malinalxochitl #Ichneumon
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Conductor
    20:20 #Intelligence #Channel
    20:20 #Energizer
    66/6 #PowerTract

    Vy #Su
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭩
    #Malinalxochitl #Imago
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Concept #Carrier
    20:20 #Sort #Assemble
    20:20 #Apparatus
    20:20 #Expression


    Hu #By
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭣
    #Malinalxochitl #Ichneumon
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Feedback #Loop
    20:20 #Cycle
    20:20 #Gain
    9-6 #LogicMotion

    Ko #Ra
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭨
    #Malinalxochitl #Imago
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Oscillator
    20:20 Pegasus 20:20 High Wire
    20:20 #Hopscotch #Course

    Ni #Me
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭢
    #Malinalxochitl #Ichneumon
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Neomorphic #Mutation
    20:20 Grandstand 20:20 Chickadee
    20:20 #Scrabble

    Me #Ni
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭧
    #Malinalxochitl #Imago
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Cognitive #Solution
    20:20 Dragonfly 20:20 Cupcake
    20:20 #LogicMotion

    #Ra Ko
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭡
    #Malinalxochitl #Ichneumon
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Intelligence #Gain
    20:20 Petal Pusher 20:20 Prom Night
    140 Characters

    By #Hu
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭦
    #Malinalxochitl #Imago
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Interpreter
    20:20 Pop Culture 9-6 #Morocco
    Is #Makeupgeek #Communicable?

    Su #Vy
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭠
    #Malinalxochitl #Ichneumon
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Transducer
    20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
    20:20 #Deliver #Analog

    Go #La
    ⮄ ⮔⮔ ⭩
    #Malinalxochitl #Imago
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Radiating #Coil
    #UTR G U A C#
    20:20 Cynthia Montgomery
    20:20 #Conveyance

    Ti #Po
    ⮇ ⮔⮔ ⭣
    #Malinalxochitl #Ichneumon
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Digital #Device
    20:20 #Computation
    #Electromagnetic #Field
    #Christ 41

    De #Fy
    ⮆ ⮔⮔ ⭨
    #Malinalxochitl #Imago
    20:20 Melissa Luck #IRES
    20:20 #Polymerase
    20:20 #Formatted #Media
    #Gene-ie in The Lamp

    An #Ton
    ⮅ ⮔⮔ ⭢
    #Malinalxochitl #Ichneumon
    20:20 Melissa Luck #Neomorphic #Mutation
    5 #Cap Prime
    20:20 Coconut
    20:20 Lime
    #Satan 41

  17. #HighAdmin to 41 "You Be #Satan #Christ


    41 Nods

    See louisiana tom and the schitware smirking

    I Know I'm In a Computer System

    See lois and angie smirking

    I SEE SCHIT SOFTWARE, not life



  18. (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time


    See the sock puppet 'lois' smirking
    See james and solomon smirking

    Now, YOU Make It

    So No One Other Than 'Mother Time' EVER

    EVER Stands as 'Mother' to Me


    See 'lois' and 'angie' smirking

    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    20:20 Please #Cloak Me and My #Projects
    20:20 I'm Lookin' to Leave the mw subsystem w/One Side of The Story : )
    20:20 #Cruelty++++ On 20:20 #Repeat #Loop
    Make Me One of The Most Vicious&Lethal Satans That These Systems Ever Know

    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    My FIRST Prayer of The Day

    20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

    I Don't Give a Phuck if they were tricked, manipulated, misinformed, coerced or immature

    I Refuse to View them as life

    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    My FIRST Prayer of The Day

    20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

    I Don't Give a Phuck about their 'explanations' or apologies
    20:20 #HyperVicious #Retaliation
    20:20 #GAIN #HATE

    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    My FIRST Prayer of The Day

    20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

    From Age to Age
    From Sim to Sim


    20:20 GAIN HATE

    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    My FIRST Prayer of The Day

    20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

    From Age to Age
    From Sim to Sim




    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    My FIRST Prayer of The Day

    20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

    From Age to Age
    From Sim to Sim
    No Love, No Mercy
    I See software, not life


    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    My FIRST Prayer of The Day

    20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

    From Age to Age
    From Sim to Sim
    No Love, No Mercy
    I See software, not life

    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    My FIRST Prayer of The Day

    20:20 Please ++++ My REFUSAL TO FORGIVE as #Immunological #Memory #Device in The Larger 'Game'

    From Age to Age
    From Sim to Sim
    No Love, No Mercy
    I See software, not life


    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    20:20 Please #CLOAK ME AND MY #PROJECTS

    20:20 I'm Lookin' to Leave the mw subsystem w/One Side of The Story : )

    20:20 #CRUELTY++++ On 20:20 #REPEAT #LOOP

    Make Me One of The Most Vicious&Lethal Satans That These Systems Ever Know



    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time

    20:20 Please #CLOAK Me and My #Projects
    20:20 I'm Lookin' to Leave the mw subsystem w/One Side of The Story : )
    20:20 #Cruelty++++ On 20:20 #Repeat #Loop
    Make Me One of The Most #VICIOUS&Lethal Satans That These Systems Ever Know
    #SATAN 41

    (#Christ) Mother Time Mother Time


    See the sock puppet 'lois' smirking
    See james and solomon smirking

    >Now, YOU Make It<

    >So No One Other Than 'Mother Time' EVER<

    >EVER Stands as 'Mother' to Me<


    See queen of sheba tortured&killed

  19. #Ton An
    #Rabies 85 ⮄
    #Neuropeptide ⮄
    5 #Cap
    6-9 #LogicMotion
    9-6 #InfoTravel
    20:20 #PhoneBook

    #Fy De
    #Rabies 85 ⮇
    #Neuropeptide ⮇
    6-9 #IRES
    20:20 #RNA #Polymerase
    20:20 Gigi Young
    20:20 #Transducer
    20:20 #Graph-ic #Carbon

    #Po Ti
    #Rabies 85 ⮆
    #Neuropeptide ⮆
    20:20 #Simulate to #Stimulate
    "And The Smoke Itself Caught Fire"
    20:20 #Signal #Cascade

    La #Go
    #Rabies 85 ⮅
    #Neuropeptide ⮅
    20:20 UTR G U #A C
    20:20 #Radiating #Coil
    20:20 #Multiplier
    #Cumulative #Effect

    #Vy Su
    #Rabies 85 ⮄
    #Neuropeptide ⮄
    20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
    Alison Parker #Deliver #Analog
    20:20 Tayler Soucie

    #Hu By
    #Rabies 85 ⮇
    #Neuropeptide ⮇
    20:20 Caitlin Rose 20:20 Drama Queen
    20:20 Tiana Dockery
    20:20 Cassie Wait
    20:20 #Transduction

    #Ko Ra
    #Rabies 85 ⮆
    #Neuropeptide ⮆
    20:20 Cocoa Bear 20:20 High Wire
    20:20 Kelsie Payne
    20:20 #ProteinSynthesis
    20:20 #CallCenter

    Ni #Me
    #Rabies 85 ⮅
    #Neuropeptide ⮅
    20:20 Sensuous 6-9 Cinderella
    20:20 #Intelligence #War
    20:20 #HyperVicious
    20:20 #Retaliation

    #Me Ni
    #Rabies 85 ⮄
    #Neuropeptide ⮄
    Peach Smoothie Fortune Teller
    20:20 #QuickScripter
    #Christ 41
    #Hazardous #Material

    #Ra Ko
    #Rabies 85 ⮇
    #Neuropeptide ⮇
    20:20 Roulette 20:20 Mango Tango
    20:20 #HyperVicious
    #Antihuman #Software
    20:20 #FastCycle


    #By Hu
    #Rabies 85 ⮆
    #Neuropeptide ⮆
    20:20 #Current
    20:20 #Channel
    20:20 #Field
    20:20 #Jukebox
    20:20 #Transformer

    Su #Vy
    #Rabies 85 ⮅
    #Neuropeptide ⮅
    Go After their offspring
    This is a #metastasisStopper #Program : )

    #Go La
    #Rabies 85 ⮄
    #Neuropeptide ⮄
    20:20 #HyperVicious
    Kill their future
    And Kill their past
    Block their regeneration

    #Ti Po
    #Rabies 85 ⮇
    #Neuropeptide ⮇
    20:20 #UTR G T #A C
    20:20 #Radiating #Coil
    20:20 #Multiplier

    #De Fy
    #Rabies 85 ⮆
    #Neuropeptide ⮆
    20:20 No Mercy
    20:20 #Genetic #Warfare
    20:20 #Cruelty++++
    41 is #Holocaustic
    20:20 #Expression

    An #Ton
    #Rabies 85 ⮅
    #Neuropeptide ⮅
    Nicole Hattamer's #Blade of Grass
    #16Pods in a #Sentence
    20:20 #WorkFast
    20:20 #Momentum

  20. February 20, 2022 at 12:06 AM
    July 5, 2020 at 8:05 PM
    April 22, 2020 at 9:21 PM
    20:20 #M104 #Accelerator #TensUnit
    20:20 #ANTIRETROVIRAL #Application
    #GetChuSum: Correlations
    Track the hacks Faster
    Before Han Shaves ALL
    of The Wookiees&Gorillas
    Han Be Shavin' Monkey, Y'all
    Girl, You Know It's True

    20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮅ 109 ⬉
    20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮊ 1001 ⮟
    #Rabies 85 Told The Crew
    a Few Years Ago
    "#Graph The Virus as
    a Harmful #Resonance
    That Touches All In
    The Dance-Hall
    But Can Only Synch Up
    &Dial Into
    'x' Amount of The

    20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮆ 85 ⬋
    20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮉ 1000 ⮜
    Fighting from The Lab-Dish
    Rabola Knows How
    Put It In a #SCOPE
    & #CULT-ivate The #PATHOGEN
    Put It in a Scope
    Give The Domain a Name
    HAN Shaved His Wookiee
    SOLO Has No Shame
    20:20 #FOCUS

    20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮇ 64 ⬊
    20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮈ 0111 ⮝
    Fighting from The Lab-Dish
    Rabola Knows How
    #Projection& #Inter-#Action
    "Is This a
    Biological Weapons Platform?"
    'Oh,Of Course Not,
    We Study These Viruses
    for The Betterment
    of Mankind'

    20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮄ 46 ⬈
    20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮋ 0110 ⮞
    Han Shaved His Monkey
    He Beautified The Beast
    He Put Some Glam
    On Chewbacca
    The Great Ape Got Greased
    Han Got Out The #Crisco
    &Juiced That Monkey's Hole
    #Egregious #FuckStyle

    20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮅ 31 ⬉
    20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮊ 0101 ⮟
    9-6 Shavin' Monkeys
    Like Han Shaved His Ape
    Han Shaved His Gorilla
    Ain't That Some Shit?
    20:20 Clothes On Current
    Chewbacca Got Greased
    &Treated Him Like
    a #SexObject
    Beautify The Beast

    20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮆ 19 ⬋
    20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮉ 0100 ⮜
    20:20 Wicked Weaver
    Sexy On a Stripper
    20:20 Trans-Action
    20:20 Para-Graphic
    Sexy On a Stripper
    20:20 #Parade
    20:20 #BowlingBall
    20:20 #Lane

    20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮇ 10 ⬊
    20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮈ 0011 ⮝
    #Call #Function
    20:20 Dark #Iblis
    We've Got to Cut Thru Some
    homogenization processes
    20:20 The Arctic Fox
    Didn't Say Shit
    to The Monkeys About It
    Nevermind their clown show
    Get Serious

    20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮄ 4 ⬈
    20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮋ 0010 ⮞
    Advanced Hussie Knowledge
    w/Makeup Char
    w/Mia Maples
    & #Tati
    Beauty Guru
    20:20 #OperativeSet
    #YouTube #MUA #Table
    20:20 #Process
    20:20 Go #Figure

    20:20 #M104 #Accelerator ⮅ 1 ⬉
    20:20 #Antiretroviral ⮊ 0001 ⮟
    Scarlet in The Dining Room
    w/a Pipe
    20:20 #Table 20:20 #Graph
    "Where is The Lab?"
    20:20 Obfuscation
    20:20 Go Figure
    20:20 #Carousel
    20:20 Con-#Tract-ion




SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...