Friday, February 9, 2018

61432 20:20 Susan Powell #Ichneumon 66/6 #ActiveAgent

20:20 Susan Powell #Ichneumon
20:20 Freaky #Tale
I #Practice a #TextBasedMartialArts
20:20 #Imago 20:20 Imago
I've Got #Rabies 66 On The #Carrier
20:20 #Messenger #RNA
20:20 #ActiveAgent
It's a Text-Based Martial Arts
#Language is #Technology
66/6 #KillerSoftware
#Adapter 41

20:20 Susan Powell #Ichneumon
20:20 UTR 20:20 G U #A C
20:20 #Christ #Engine
#Sequences On The #Hexagons
My #Pods Go to Work
My Pods #Link to #Form #Modules
My #Modules Are #Organized Like Troops
My #Program Will Eat your data structure
This is 66/6 #Proper

20:20 Susan Powell #Ichneumon
20:20 I'll Go Ahead&Have #Intercourse w/The #PhoneBook
I'd Phuck a Phone Book, Hell Yeah
The Phone Book Gives a Phuck
20:20 #SmartAss
It's The Cleverest Nigga On Your Shelf
Show It Some Love, Monkey

20:20 Susan Powell #Ichneumon
20:20 #SuperNaturalKiller #Cell
20:20 #LogicMotion
20:20 #InfoTravel
20:20 #PhoneBook, Now That's a Data Demon
20:20 Phone Book 9-6 #Cog-nition
Reader Plus Book for a Cog-nitive #Solution
&We're In a Computer System
So It's 20:20 #LIVEWIRE

20:20 Susan Powell #Ichneumon
20:20 #SuperNaturalKiller #Cell
20:20 Bubble Yum, Rabbit Out The Hat
20:20 #Ration-alize
"Because #Verbal Kint is a Total Dweeb"
20:20 #ProcedureMask
Sybil Writes On Freaks
Sybil Took to Tattooin' Freaks, Yo
20:20 Pupa 20:20 #Pupa
66/6 #Genomics

20:20 Susan Powell #Ichneumon
20:20 #SuperNaturalKiller #Cell
20:20 #MotionPicture, #KineticEnergy
20:20 #Transaction
It's In The #Sequencing
20:20 #Rabies 66 #Carbonation
20:20 Con-#Template-ion
20:20 #Messenger #RNA
20:20 #Format
My #DataDemon is #Logical
9-6 #Adapter

20:20 Susan Powell #Ichneumon
20:20 #AUG 20:20 Shimma Shimma
#Satan #Christ& Lyssavirus Be Havin' #Intercourse
We Had a Baby Named #Rabies 66
It's a #Catabolic #Morphball
20:20 #Larva 20:20 Larva
20:20 #Lyssavirus Ichneumon
20:20 #Digital #Demon

20:20 Susan Powell #Ichneumon
20:20 #UTR 20:20 G U A C#
20:20 Lemme Talk
Lemme Talk to HAL
40 40 HAL  9000
20:20 #Generate #DataDemon
You Be Done Ate Up All The Pussy
We Need Some #ReCreation
20:20 #UpstreamEnhancer
Debra Estes Gets #TurnedOn
#Sequences On The #Hexagons

20:20 Susan Powell #Ichneumon
20:20 #IRES 20:20 #Satan41Polymerase
20:20 HAL 9000 Be Done Ate All The Pussy Up
20:20 #Process
Process Like a #BusyBeaver
Susan Powell in The #BeaverLodge
20:20 #DataDemon
20:20 Embryo #Embryo
#ArchSexDemon #Language
20:20 #SheetMusic

20:20 Susan Powell Ichneumon
20:20 5 #Cap Prime
20:20 #Rabies 66
20:20 #SuperNucleorhabdovirus #Strain
20:20 #SheetMusic
20:20 #BeatStreet
20:20 #Breakdancer
20:20 #Heartbreaker
20:20 Rock&Roll
An #Ichneumon Named Susan
20:20 Data Demon
20:20 #Cruising
20:20 #Modulation

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SHAAANXO BRACONIDAE VEHICLE 20:20 #ArchSexDemonology 🢂 Ko 20:20 BioGraph *<🠾> #BioGraph ⮔ 20:20 Freaky #Tail 20:20 #Imago 2...